A) I ain't bald.
B) Combination therapy became widespread after 1997.
C) There were three major drug categories in the late 90's. There are five major categories now.
D) People would die of AIDS in the early 90's, because the drugs available back then would lead to drug-resistant strains becoming dominant and proliferating as quick as f#ck.
E) Under current treatment (HAART) seropositive individuals can live up to their eighties. On the contrary, minoxidil and finasteride's effect gradually fades away with the years. In conclusion, there is no f-ing comparison to draw here. Period.
Man up and accept your being wrong.
So you go from 3 drugs to 5? And people still die of aids today, that’s where you’re really fucked. I never said Aids btw, I said Hiv.
And once again, Magic Johnson got hit with HIV in mid 90’s and still healthy. I’d say whatever we have now isn’t too far off from what he had, just more accessible/cheaper. You balding guy you.