it's hard.. but pick yourself up - heres a lil cheery post..


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Right first of, I have a beautiful girlfriend, and i nearly lost her due to being insecure and jealous due to her having so many male friends..... I'm only 20 and shes 18, and very much into her fashion and going out.... I feel constantly hindered by my hairloss and struggle to get out of it. I'll cope, as long as it doesnt get so bad... lol.


While at college when i was 18 i fancied the hell outa this one girl in particular, got talking to her, unfortunetly ended up in the friendzone... tried to make a move, it failed, boho heartbreak. I had a full head of nice long hair at this point.....

fast forward couple of years... we all on facebook together still...

let's see.... status update... *lisa is now in relatinship*

me: OOooh this guy must be cool.... lol... *looks at picture* OH thats odd. he is bald, and not even exactly good looking. he is no vin diesel body type either... I don't know him though i'm judging merely on what i can see. He must be a very interestin guy.

7 months later. They're still together.

oh, they're both 20..

heres some pics.

this is lisa. stunning is she not? this was part of a photoshoot she was involved in.
*removed for privacy of couple*

lisa and boyfriend:
*removed for privacy of couple*

*removed for privacy of couple*

i donno what i did wrong! maybe the not dating friends excuse was legit and she was never as shallow as i thought! despite the fact i thought i looked good back then... lol so yeah guys.... ive read through here with people moaning and crying about that its more or less fact bald young guys are doomed...

well heres you're fuckin proof.... and yoou may say, oh they aren't actually together.... well they are... and they seem happy... im happy for her and him :)

if i knew my girlfriend would react positively if i shaved my head, I would definitly do it, i just havnt had the courage to talk to her about my situation at the moment..... although she pointed out i have a wee bald spot... that was quite humiliating.. i brushed it off... meh its just thin hair.. etc. :/ but yeah... shaving the head and forgetting about it definitly helped this guy out. i would have LOVED to date this girl and that during one of the happiest years of my life with no hairloss in mind.

I'll delete these pics soon for their privacy.


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SO DO I.. how did he attract her in the first place.... she have x-ray eyes!?

but another reason then to stay off the propecia and shave your head? lol

not saying that should be case for everyone... treat while you can if you want... i am not comfortable with the thought of a shaved head. nor will be for a long time.


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i can already see the posts by UM, hair transplant an Dudeamon ..."he is only nw4...." .."he most be a son of a billionaire" .."rock band member..."....what else? did i miss anything?.. oh yeah.. "they were already friends BEFORE he got bald".... :gay:


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He's not that bald (prob NW2.5), but you're right, he's pretty ugly. Kinda weirds me out that he's four years younger than me.


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FSHGLD said:
He's not that bald (prob NW2.5)
Lol... thank you!


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ok, perhaps not, but in other pics he has it shaved right down...

lets see from what i can tell... nope, no money, not a rockstar, infact most pictures show him out in clubs havin fun with a drink in his hand... to me shes a beautiful girl... he is very average. and no... 7 months ago, he had same hair.... shaved off. thats when they got together.

norwood 2.5/3 even still... surely she knows he is going bald? yet she got with him. I think its interesting because they're both young, not all young attractive girls are all about the looks then.


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FSHGLD said:
He's not that bald (prob NW2.5), but you're right, he's pretty ugly. Kinda weirds me out that he's four years younger than me.

Norwood 2.5 my ***, he is an advanced Norwood 3.


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im from UK finfighter... but they are irish. she was over as a foreign student staying in halls. Northern ireland is part of UK.. republic is not.

close enough though :p


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I could post a very similar story about a lass I know.

Shes smart, ambitious, very fit and cute, shes got rich parents but shes very down to earth and earns her own money doing multiple jobs.. shes a solid 8/10 for me. Her last boyfriend was about 7 years older and worked as a cook in a crappy bar, earning buttons, yet even though he was NW5 easily at the age of 25 they went out for almost a year.

I've posted this elsewhere on the success stories page but I've noticed my whole life very hot women are just as happy to go with mr ugly as they are a Brad Pitt lookalike, as its these women that are the genuinely confident of the gender. Any other lass who is slightly less sure of her own attractiveness is just as worried about what her friends will think of their new guy as much as they are worried about it themselves.... which ultimately means that even if a lass doesnt care about baldness, they wont consider you an option because their friends might not like you.

Confident and self assured women are very very rare. Good looking ones that is.


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*removed for privacy of couple*

hairloss really did nothing to him..

ithink the problem is us loosing our hair.... the overall confidence aura dies.. and it's like you have something to hide, girls hate that. she probably rubs his head and stuff, and he doesnt care at all i bet.

dont even know him but i respect him so much cuz of how hard i got hit psychologically by hairloss yet, i like to think im better lookin than him... but somehow he got the girl i couldnt get... even when i had hair and didnt worry about hairloss.... respect.

in saying that though im perfectly happy with my current girlfriend, i beleive shes prettier..... maybe rose tinted glasses i dono..


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f*** the thread just keep the girl pics coming!!! :woot:

Seriously though this guy got lucky, reminds me of a couple at a place I used to work. The girl was a absolute stunner but very quiet/shy and the guy was a ugly basterd they had been studying together and started going out. It did wonders for the guys popularity and confidence he became well known as her boyfreind.
Anyway after about a year and a half they split up. It was'nt long before she was inundated with guys making a move on her and soon enough she was going out with some Jock type. Whilst he tryed his luck with similar hot girls but got nowhere the last time I saw him he was with some complete dog.

The point is anything wether its hairloss, being overweight, short ect somewhere out there will be hot girl who is willing to overlook this. However the chances of finding her are slim.

Baldness is'nt the end but in most cases it will limit your options.


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I feel so powerful... pics for rogaine anyone? haha.... just joking. aye well everytime i'm down about hairloss i think about these two... LOL


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Im still waiting for the post excusing this .... cmon UM and HP where the hell are you guys? and Dudeamon... there has to be some explanation behind this one!! im just dieing to know what it is:)


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Ori, sorry but if you think that guys is bald, you are on crack. Want a pic of a bald guy?

That's a bald guy.


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Yeah you see Irish girls like masculine men, and by that I'm not just talking about a hard body, but guys who have plenty of craic and who know how to assert themselves in social situations...

In terms of girls, my most liveliest nights have always been out with my irish cousins who are of similar age to me, they've all just got so much chat and zero fear of rejection, it's hilarious and there's always so much good banter.

uncomfortable man

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Ori83 said:
Im still waiting for the post excusing this .... cmon UM and HP where the hell are you guys? and Dudeamon... there has to be some explanation behind this one!! im just dieing to know what it is:)

He's not bald. That being said, he is NW3, advanced. That being said, he got lucky. Exception to the rule.... end of story.


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uncomfortable man said:
He's not bald. That being said, he is NW3, advanced. That being said, he got lucky. Exception to the rule.... end of story.

Not even close. Man what I would give to have his hair.