It's Official: Cure Exists


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Up to 30 biopsies are expected for 10000 hair germs must be taken,

it is real?


They asked investors to run an in vivo trial but got FUCK ALL for money. Absolutely crazy that this still hasnt ever started clinical trials.

Instead, it's possible to create artificial vaginas for a select few women but the millions of men that suffer from baldness? FUCK YOU.


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Source: swissTwerkels

"Let me sum up the basics cause I don't want to translate it word for word. They were asking investors for money for a in vivo trial in men with male pattern baldness, they got ****all, nothing. So for that reason there won't be a study in the foreseeable future. However they will set up a newsletter system to keep people informed since people were stalking Lauster lol."

Sehr geehrte Teilnehmer,

sehr geehrte Interessierte unserer geplanten Haarstudie,

heute möchte ich mich für Ihre Geduld und das anhaltende Interesse bedanken und mich entschuldigen, dass lange Zeit keine Benachrichtigungen zur geplanten Studie zum Haarklonen verschickt wurden.

Trotz des positiven Verlaufs der kontinuierlich weitergeführten Forschungsarbeiten zur Technologie des HaarKlonens, konnten auch nach großen Anstrengungen bei den Verhandlungen mit potentiellen Investoren der Studie und bei den regulatorischen Voraussetzungen immer noch kein endgültiger Durchbruch erzielt werden.

Dies bedeutet, dass ein Termin für den Start der Studie in diesem Jahr leider immer unwahrscheinlicher wird, aber dennoch noch nicht ganz ausgeschlossen ist.

Um die Forschungsinhalte und die organisatorischen Hintergründe zukünftig transparenter zu gestalten, wird in demnächst eine spezielle Internetseite mit der Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung zu einem Newsletter gestartet. Ich werde Ihnen dazu eine entsprechende Mitteilung verschicken.

Ich freue mich auf eine doch hoffentlich baldige Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Gerd Lindner


Dr. Gerd Lindner

Organ Models

Department of Biotechnology

Technische Universität Berlin

Gustav-Meyer-Alle 25,

13355 Berlin


Tel.: +[COLOR=#00AFFD !important]
+49(0)30-314-27910[COLOR=#EC008C !important][/COLOR]

Fax: ++49(0)30-314-27914




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The big problem with their current approach is that it requires big amounts of manual work as far as I know, making it completely unsuitable for mass applications. Probably the reason why investors didn't want to give money, cause - as things are right now - the process doesn't scale and thus not much money is to be made.

This is also why I wouldn't call it a cure: It can't be offered to the market as a whole, let alone to significant numbers of people.

@Lennox: Dude, sign up for the RepliCel Phase 2b trials and report back to us! They are being conducted in Berlin!


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The big problem with their current approach is that it requires big amounts manual work as far as I know, making it completely unsuitable for mass applications. Probably the reason why investors didn't want to give money, cause - as things are right now - the process doesn't scale and thus not much money is to be had.

This is also why I wouldn't call it a cure: It can't be offered to the market as a whole.

@Lennox: Dude, sign up for the RepliCel Phase 2b trials and report back to us! They are being conducted in Berlin!

So what? It's a final permanent solution. That's all that matters.


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Berlin, as I said. You can apply as a participant on RepliCel's website, but only if you are a resident of any place nearby. As such, I think they limit applications to German citizens, maybe Polish could apply too (as Poland is rather close to Berlin).


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Indeed. It's like our current mediocre solutions, the guys that really want it are going to get it done.

The others are just going to b**ch and moan about how expensive it is and how they wanted to buy themselves the new PS4 and a plasma screen instead.

I just bought myself a condo, am currently doing renovations, paying off the mortgage and buying furniture. I *still* have cash leftover for an hair transplant. I'm a a fucken moron and I'm managing. There's no reason why anyone else can't do it.


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Reason I want them to hurry up with a cure: I don't want to spend all the money on hairsystems or wigs, because then I can't afford getting a cure anymore.


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The big problem with their current approach is that it requires big amounts of manual work as far as I know, making it completely unsuitable for mass applications. Probably the reason why investors didn't want to give money, cause - as things are right now - the process doesn't scale and thus not much money is to be made.

This is also why I wouldn't call it a cure: It can't be offered to the market as a whole, let alone to significant numbers of people.

@Lennox: Dude, sign up for the RepliCel Phase 2b trials and report back to us! They are being conducted in Berlin!

I will do it tomorrow ;)


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The big problem with their current approach is that it requires big amounts of manual work as far as I know, making it completely unsuitable for mass applications. Probably the reason why investors didn't want to give money, cause - as things are right now - the process doesn't scale and thus not much money is to be made.

This is also why I wouldn't call it a cure: It can't be offered to the market as a whole, let alone to significant numbers of people.

@Lennox: Dude, sign up for the RepliCel Phase 2b trials and report back to us! They are being conducted in Berlin!

Very sharp comment. That is extremely important. This is their patent btw;

However what's even more important; They don't have a cure. Investors want proof of any kind. Not a goddamn hypothesis. They are not stupid. Furthermore even assuming they would have a cure with valid proof, it would still take at least 7-8 years to reach to market. Ironically your best bet is to go and replicate these patents lol. Someone with lab experience could pull it off pretty easy and you could immediately look with in vivo observation if it has any merit. So who is going to call Dr. Nigam? LOL.

But guys don't be delusional and argue that a valid proven cure won't get funding if it's feasible. It will. Problem is they have 0 proof as it stands.


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If this was a cure, then it would get funding. i hope everyone knows how many people would profit from a cure. It's pretty basic, if it's legit then it would be extremely sought after, but obviously that is not the it is not a cure, or even close


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Not quite true. The money you pay for a share in the stock exchange doesn't go to the company, it goes to the former share holder who sells it. The whole process is just you and him exchange the right to enjoy the dividend from the profit of the company.

If we have enough people, we can dilute the risk. 1 buck for a cure, that would be a fair enough deal.

So very true, every penny counts. But without a broad enough awareness, how many pennies do you think would the companies get?
How many bald people in the world even heard about replicel, histogen, Lauster, etc? I bet even the members of forums are not all aware of their existence. Then, how many people have ever come up with the idea of donating the company that might help them? Even if they have, do they have a reliable way to do that? So face it dude, if the hair loss people ever wanna be a significant power to actually speed up the course of treatment development, we must unite our force first.

- - - Updated - - -

Thankfully it seems someone posted a link to this thread successfully...

I agree with you in regards to buying shares. But ultimately if you believe that company holds the cure you will be richer in the long run and will be able to afford the treatment more readily.
I also agree we need to raise awareness but organisations such as Cancer Research use that money (some of it) to hire scientists. If we set up a fund we would need to start finding a cure from stratch. Much better to raise awareness of the companies and urge people to donate to the ones they think hold the key to success. I personally do not know who will win the race but if you really want the cure to come I say take the risk and put your hands in your pockets. That way you can say you tried.

- - - Updated - - -

Up to 30 biopsies are expected for 10000 hair germs must be taken,

it is real?

More real than your stupid snake oil solutions for hair loss my trolling friend.


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Indeed. It's like our current mediocre solutions, the guys that really want it are going to get it done.

The others are just going to b**ch and moan about how expensive it is and how they wanted to buy themselves the new PS4 and a plasma screen instead.

Amen to that. I would shell out all of the money in the world to get my hair back except today's options are so mediocre and limited (and could do more harm than good with an hair transplant). If this proposed cure that Hellouser speaks of were ever available, I would do it in a heartbeat.


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Posted the thread on BTT last night. Got "moderated". Didn't show up in the forum till now. How long do they take to "censor" a thread?:sad:

Is this your thread?

I saw that it was posted with a topic title that included 'hairlosstalk' in it as well as had a link to THIS thread in the body copy. Looks like Winston went to town and restricted it as usual, lol.


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I saw that too I was like wtf
why would they do that. all it does is restrict traffic in the site meaning less cash moniez