Ivan Rakitic Hair, Amazing Haircut For Receding Hairlines


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Just seen Eriksen's hair on TV again and his hair looks amazing, I'm not sure whether he's using fibres in combination with a transplant or what, but pictures don't really do him justice, his hair looks much better than it was from pictures but when you see him on TV his hair looks phenomenal, doesn't even look like the same guy as a few years ago when he was balding. I find this to be the case with a lot of footballers (e.g. Rakitic).


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He had a hair transplant.

Major frontal growth and expanded his hairline a bit.

Firstly, apologies for making a lot of threads lately, I don't return to uni until the 13th and have been obsessing over hair due to boredom. But anyway I noticed that Rakitic has gone from looking like a NW3 to NW1.5 (give or take) just by changing up his hairstyle, so I felt the need to share this.





He doesn't seem to have had a hair transplant and I don't think he would be using fibers since that would be a foolish thing to do since he'll be playing in the wind/rain a lot. From the second pic it looks like somewhat of a comb over, but if you watch Barcelona play this season you'll see what I mean and how his hair manages to stay in place. I'm not all up to scratch on knowing all about different haircuts and whatnot, but he seems to have the corners blend the top and the sides together extremely well.

Does anyone have an idea what number guard it would be on the sides and what to ask the hairdresser for a similar haircut?

Also kinda off topic, but I find it very strange how pretty much all celebrities with receding hairlines never have the miniaturizing baby hairs along the hairline, it's always slick bald in the corners with a thick hairline.


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He had a hair transplant.

Major frontal growth and expanded his hairline a bit.

Source of this? the first pics were from last season and the other pictures are from this season. It would take 3 months at the very least to recover to the point where a transplant is noticeable, and he has barely been off TV for a month with the Euros in the summer, he also hasn't been sidelines with any injuries and such, so I'm pretty much certain that's not a transplant.


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lo... what transplant?
elaborate comb-over is all


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He's brave to try that hairstyle without a hair transplant.. do you think?

You're the expert though.


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Male pattern baldness or extreme maturing hairline? To me it is the first option.


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i do believe rakitic had minor hair transplant done, like 2-2.5k grafts. he wouldnt be able to style his hair upwards like that being nw3.5. he defo had his temples filled and brought down, not drastically tho, mb wanted to save new grafts for later years.

i wonder tho if he's on finasteride. idk if pro sports players can afford bein on finasteride as it plays with hormones and can affects sports perfomance.