johnny depp pic


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In-valid said:

balding obviously, but doesn't that look like hair plugs or some hair grafting in the front there?

Johnny is 41 years old man.



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I've never quite understood the point of these threads....Is there a point?
Please let me know what it is.


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yup, there is a point. basically...... my thinking process is this, these super famous rich people are GOING BALD.... not doing a very good job of hidding it...... that kind of gives us regular folk little hope wouldn't you say?

they have all the money, and surely all the resources available to make their hair look as good as possible, but even with all that they can't fight the inevitable, which makes me wonder why we are all here trying to fight it, when even they cannot.


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i agree that there is no point

they might want to stop hairloss, or they might not really care. after all the are people just like us, and even if they have a lot of money some of them don t care about balding , and some of them do. I personally feel ridiculous talkiung about those movie stars. who care about them. do whatever you wanna do. I know in real life , very rich guys with a lot of money and some don t even care about their balding.


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I have that magazine with that cover. I saw it and his hair is thinning but at 41 years old with that hair. That's pretty good I think.


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Dude u think thats hairloss???
if u do u got way to much time on your hands..the guys 41 for christ sake his hair looks great


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Ill have to agree with invalid on this guys ask why we make threads like this make us feel better...if millionairs are going bald...makes me feel better doesnt it you?........and dont give me this "why are there threads like this" cant possibly expect me to believe that you havent "wow mel gibson is balding" to make yourself feel better ...just because you thought it and didnt make a thread out of it doesnt make you a better person.

Molecular Help

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[quote="In-valid" that kind of gives us regular folk little hope wouldn't you say?
they have all the money, and surely all the resources available to make their hair look as good as possible, but even with all that they can't fight the inevitable, which makes me wonder why we are all here trying to fight it, when even they cannot.[/quote]

It gives you hope? I find it discouraging! They obviously have access to all the same treatments we have, plus perhaps better stuff we don't even know about, and celebrities still lose their hair. That just makes me feel less hopeful about being able to hold onto my own, with my own little cheapy regimen.

But Johnney Depp isn't really what I'm thinking... he looks fine. I mean younger celebrities who continue to bald. You know at the first signs they had publilicists and managers or whoever noticing and giving them the best treatments to stop it. Obviously it doesn't always work.


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I'm sorry, I must be on another planet, because to me, at 41, that is not "balding" can see a part, and his hair is wet (greasy). Johnny Depp has a great head of hair, what in the hell are you talking about?

I get the point of these threads, but what I don't get, is when someone pics an actor or celebrity that is clearly NOT bald, or balding. If I see another Depp or "Cruise is clearly balding" type thread I think I will go insane :freaked2:


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man holy sh*t..... can i just say... if you don't like the thread then F*CK OFF... spare me your comments, i personnally feel it is relevant. and i dont need to explain myself further. also, if anyone was paying attention i was asking about whether the pic looks like he has had some hair transplant done....... and if so i feel it is RELEVANT because given his social and financial status it would give him the ability to have the BEST possible surgical enhancements dont to his hair....... and IF THAT IS SO.... then I wonder why it still looks pretty bad....


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Please clear this up for me. When you say Depp's hair is going, are you saying that based on that part we can see slightly, or on his hairliine? Neither looks to me like confirmation of male pattern baldness.

At least I sure as hell hope not. At 21 (almost 22), my hairline is basically like his. Not sure if it moved upwards since 17 or not.


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Agreed. With the right hair styling he can eliminate it without it looking like a comb over.



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these posts/threads are useless- for some reason, it makes the person posting it feel better because they see that someone else who is popular is also balding.

but why would that make him feel better? He is STILL losing his hair! What's Johnny Depp got to do with In-valid's male pattern baldness? Nothing!!! At the ned of the day, In-valid is still going bald!!


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I've got to say, I like these threads. I don't speak for anyone except myself, but seeing someone who's famous losing their hair and getting away with it without the vast majority of people being any the wiser makes me feel kind of optimistic. Plus I think there's always the hope that maybe people do notice it and just don't care, that it's more acceptable than I often dread.

JJ Gittes

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For chrissakes, you guys act like 41 is 81.

Just because you turn 40 doesn't mean you're bald and in a nursing home. Hair loss sucks at any age.