just approaching 3 months on big three + my highly controversial addition. thoughts?


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Hey guys, first off let me start off by saying thanks so much to everyone who uses this site and provides information to guys like me-I didnt have a clue when i stumbled upon this site.

Im gonna be as detailed as i can because I know my extra info could make someones day a little better, as this site has done for me several times:

Background- 20 year old caucasian (just cause ive seen guys discussing a correlation between certain races and response to treatments etc.), pretty active especially in the summer as i play junior A lacrosse in Canada. Diet is alright not great but not horrible, try to do as well as i can but the university student life can make that hard. Probably smoke a bit too much dope in the off season haha and cigarettes the odd time when i used to drink, but ive pretty much cut that out. started noticing my hair loss at the start of this past summer, but some of the trolls on these online forums scared me from starting this regimen until about 3 months ago. Im receded at the temples pretty far and had some diffuse thinning around the crown area.

Current regimen (about 5 days away from month 3):
-Regenepure about 4-5 times a week
-finasteride (firide) .75 mg a day
-minoxidil 2% (canada eh haha) ONCE a morning after shower *i only put it on my hairline*
-folligen hair cream about 1-2 a week, yet again only on my hairline
-other notables: been drinkin a lot of green tea lately, just for overall general health. also been taking some astaxanthine, a really cool and powerful antioxidant that you guys should look into just for health benefits, cant say whether its had any effect on my hair.

PICs: all the pics of my hairline has been when the hair has been WET and vulnerable, combed up to show my loss. The other ones have been closer to how i would brush/style my hair when facing down. Keep in mind that im just approaching three months so the results wont be anything too crazy, but i think theres something goin on up there haha.

FINASTERIDE (new guys pay attention) : Okay now let me address this. I understand that some guys get side effects, im not an idiot but I just wanna say this drug is bashed too hard on these online forums. I have had absolutely no side effects whatsoever, and i started on 1.25 but toned it down to .75 just cause i wanted to save on my 5mg pills i cut up. I aslo know several friends who use this drug, one for years, and have not experienced a single thing. Reason for the heavy online bashing, its called the "non-response bias" in statistical terms. For those who arent familiar heres an example.. your a used car salesmen, and you sell 10 guys cars in one day but unfortunately one of the cars you sold was had an unforseen mechanical error... now whos more likely to come back to your dealership the next day to comment, the guys who had no problems just to say "thanks a lot" or the one guy whos car broke down... Im assuming the 90% of the guys who do have a good experience with finas. dont return to these forums to praise the drug that gave them their hair back, but you can sure as hell bet 99% percent of the guys who HAVE bad experiences are gonna come back and bash it, heck even make a website bashing it haha.. anyways sorry for the rant guys.

My controversial addition; now i say controversial cause ive seen some guys get fired up in these forums over the topic of masturbation and whether or not ceasing to partake in said event will help your hair loss/regrowth. I personally have not completely abstained from it but i have greatly cut down on masturbating and although i cant pin any results i may see on this cause im on the 3, I do believe that there may be something behind it, and i think it should be more openly discussed and not as criticized on these forums.

Anyways, I hope i didn't miss posting any info for you guys and if you have any questions or comments about this would love to hear them.

**Also, by no means am I saying ive had great results, I just wanna share my two cents with the website that has done a hell of a lot for young guys like me.


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Established Member
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Take another picture like the last one but with brighter lighting because it looks a lot better. You can't get 5% in Canada?


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My Regimen
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Those are some good results, you look noticably better, especially your hairline, which looks less like it's approaching an island and more likea nice straighter hairline. Still not full thickness, but a good cosmetic improvement, and hopefully that'll thicken out even more. Congrats man, you definitely look better, and hopefully you continue imroving. I'll bet by the 6 - 9 month mark you'll be very happy!


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@cursedmen yeah after lookin at a few of these other posts ive realized my pics are a bit wonky but ill try and get a few more up, if not ill just wait a little and post some more when i see a few more results. and im pretty sure you can't! everywhere i have tried to order it online it won't go through when i use my canadian address..

@goldenmane thanks man, i saw your results the other day; super impressive. Yeah the thickness isnt there just yet and to be honest i didnt even think i had any success until i put these pictures on my comp and compared them side to side... needless to say it was a pleasent surprise to see that its somewhat working and im thinking the same thing; i imagine if i give it another 3-6 months ill be happy with what ive got.

Vitor Diniz

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Masturbation, as well as strength exercises increases the level of testosterone. Then increases the level of DHT. But it's hard to know how much it affects your hair loss. Maybe if you make DHT and Testosterone tests and measure how these results are distorted with these practices, you will have an idea.

Sorry, english is not my main language.


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Masturbation lowers testosterone. Strength exercises only raise it for a short period of time, so it wont I doubt it will have any impact on hair.


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masturbation and sex with your girlfriend Activity is good. (normal activity->regulation)
they are silly things.
the high activity of training increases testosterone.
you can add RU58841


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here guys just some food for thought on the masturbation topic... i TOTALLY forgot to mention that i was referring to *excessive* masturbation, as im sure regular masturbation has nothing to do with hairloss. I think my first year of uni I may have excessively masturbated and that was when i really started noticing my hairloss;

I found this on a site called http://cure-erectile-dysfunction.org and apparently the guy who wrote this is a legitimate MD, but as with anything on the internet (especially hairloss) take it with a grain of salt gents:

The over-active sexual activities drained your organism of vital compounds and threw it in an everlasting cycle of inflammation, thus draining your CNS and locking your hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function for less androgen hormones causing numerous symptoms that were described, such as: general fatigue, no more spontaneous erections, and low libido. Low testosterone levels with excessive stress and inflammation hormone levels will result in excessive DHT that will bind to your scalp and prostate causing numerous ill effects. This is an everlasting cycle of inflammation due to the inability of ones system to recharge itself. It is why just stopping masturbation won't be sufficient, at least not in the next six months to a year.



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What is excessive masturbation? 10fois not updated? Yes it is obvious.
make love with your girlfriend every day is not bad.
no serious study proves that it can be bad.
be wary of religious who tell anything on the net.
if you want to masturbation or having sex with your girlfriend do it.
and frankly, how resist? remy lacroix made ​​so much effort.


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The over-active sexual activities drained your organism of vital compounds and threw it in an everlasting cycle of inflammation, thus draining your CNS and locking your hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function for less androgen hormones causing numerous symptoms that were described, such as: general fatigue, no more spontaneous erections, and low libido. Low testosterone levels with excessive stress and inflammation hormone levels will result in excessive DHT that will bind to your scalp and prostate causing numerous ill effects. This is an everlasting cycle of inflammation due to the inability of ones system to recharge itself. It is why just stopping masturbation won't be sufficient, at least not in the next six months to a year.

This is exactly what i'm talking about!


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it should be deprived of sexuality? spend,


Is that what you had a shedding?
the shed was stop after how long?
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Nice results!

I'm 18, and started thinning a year ago, do you think I can use finansteride safely?
Please update here if you notice any side effects what so ever, I'm really intrested because you like me are young.