Just Be Successful And Have Social Circle Bro


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similar messages I used to get myself.


LOl having no social circle is the absolute worst sh*t. keep thinking having one person in your life is everything.

having no friends, mates and crews to roll with is everything in life. Going on journeys, festivals and events together. Hitting up all those parties, and random club nights with the crew is EVERYTHING.

LOl at thinking having a girlfriend to do all this sh*t with is fun, it isn't.

LOL just LOL

If you dont have a girlfriend or a crew of bros in 2017 = DOOMED


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social circle is much harder to have then a girlfriend.

truth hurts!

look at most people around you, bunch of loners who dont have friends, and solid crews to roll around with. The older you get the less you have.

Meeting a women is not difficult if you put in effort.

g.i joey

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Lol at the fact that you're actually considering dating a tinder hoe, pick her up, go for "coffee" and get your dick sucked bro, that's the type of experience you need right now.