Just Lol At Pigeons Posts On The Misc


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Well i think the percentage is higher than the ones making it would say. It would hurt their bussiness if it would really be 30%. Anyway. I do understand his concern if he had the problem himself or still has.

In a world like this we need both kinds of people. People telling how bad it is and an others saying how great is works. Therefor people can make up their own mind but know of the risks. I do see allot of people saying they got sides who probably expected to never get it because of the percentage that the provider gives it.
It's not only the provider. There is 2 decades of research on finasteride. Many independent studies have been done on it with teh same side effect profile. And it would not hurt a dermatologists business if he would not prescribe the drug. They get rich anyways.
There is no conspiracy or whatever going on here. Just plain science which Pigeon chooses not to follow because he ' doesn't believe in it '.


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my hair is getting thicker by the day though I'm most likely going to need a FUE (1-2K grafts) on my hairline + temples.

I'm actually coming up with a strategy to completely nuke my DHT (finasteride + Avodart + Duodart powder), see? that wasn't hard -- unlike you I have no problem admitting that I'm a "tranny" (your words not mine) whereas you are gonna keep denying that /misc account isn't yours due to it's posting history

You're phaginator https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=145148191&page=29

That’s definitely him o_O