Just more 'bald guys' disproving the nonsense


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Hey guys, what do you think of my Tinder profile picture? Do I look good?


Looking very confident. Must have great inner game to attract women for his deeper then skin beauty!

hailo effect is very strong. Most women would automatically assume he believes in chivalry, just by his smile alone

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Sorry? Both are rich footballers. I fail to see your point. The woman already has plenty of money...she now wants to be with the bald guy who SHE clearly doesn't find uglier...

Have you got an excuse about the other link. I mean of course the narrative is that the moment the lights go on and she sees that he is so bald and ugly, she either runs the other direction in horror or mocks him for his baldness. Right?? Oh, but actually she stands there admiring him and wants to meet him only be turned down. Must be all fake.

I swear the guys on this impact forum just don't have a clue with women. Do you not even realise that there are women that prefer guys who are bald and see it as masculine? F*ck dont know why I even bother asking.

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No..they dont look like their photos. Hence another reason why it is pointless. Why waste your time on online dating when if you have the balls you can meet women any time, anywhere.

This guy says it well;


By the way he does 'daygame' with a bald guy and i guarantee they get more girls than any of you, with or without hair on this forum.

When I say most don't look like their pictures, I'm going to go as far as saying everyone single one that I met did not look like their pictures. What people look like in motion is very different then a picture with the right angle, filter, and lighting.

When someone talks, how their mouth moves. How your eyes meet. What their teeth look like. it all matters. Even their voice for what it's worth.

Maybe Tindr is different? I wouldn't know because I temporarily suspended my face book since I moved out west to work. POF, Match and any leading site... it's all so deceptive.

it's gotten to the point where I'm starting to think most women who use online dating are weirdos, because in real life almost every man is approaching an attractive. women, left right, and center. I see it in the gym all the time. The chat followed by number closure.

Their is almost no reason for women to use online as a source for relationships unless their a wh*** looking for more dick then they can handle. That and, validation...a big thin in generation nothingness. Need all those likes, and matches~!


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It's certainly not a death sentence. I'm amazed at the amount of self loathing in the online hair loss communities.

My friends who lost hair young all ended up with solid careers and married women I think are quite beautiful.

Yeah, the self loathing is really scaring the **** out of me. My thinning crown has just come to my attention and I feel INTENSELY negative about it, was hoping there was a brighter take on it.


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Their is almost no reason for women to use online as a source for relationships unless their a wh*** looking for more dick then they can handle. That and, validation...a big thin in generation nothingness. Need all those likes, and matches~!

Many women use online dating sites for the attention and free meals/drinks.


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Yeah, the self loathing is really scaring the **** out of me. My thinning crown has just come to my attention and I feel INTENSELY negative about it, was hoping there was a brighter take on it.

I am starting to learn that whenever I see a forum title like, "more proof that bald men will die in complete loneliness, after a life of sheer humiliation and mental torture" to just stay away from it. There are three types of thought on this subject-

Person a - thinks that there is no social life after being bald. Good chances there are horrible physical insecurities in several other aspects of their life. Height, weight, face shape, penis size, etc...

Person b - Is still optimistic about life after losing hair - few and far between. It is a lot easier to be authentically optimistic when said person is already extremely confident in their physique. Good looking, TALL, good with women, etc

Person c - Somewhere in between person a and b. This is me and probably you. I am 5'8", but I have a strong muscular build. I have a very attractive face that women like, BUT I am losing my hair and getting wrinkles, etc...

I constantly go in between person a's type of thinking and person b's type of thinking. One day, despite what I look like, despite how many women I get, I swear to God, I will once again think like person b. The problem with these threads is that DESPITE whether they are truthful or not, they serve no purpose in your greater good. If you must live with some delusions to be happy, so be it. You might get hurt by being rejected by a woman out of your league, or being occassionally made fun of, but the alternative is - succumb to the shear darkness and live a completely realistic life of insecurity and mental anguish.


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My parents get so disappointed when I say to them..
I am falling in because of hairloss..

Every parent will never see their son falling noatter what...

I never want to see my dad,mother sad..never..

Do not express your flaws to other people..

There is a saying..
Those who care for you will never see a flaw in you..
Those who don't care will never love u don't matter how beautiful u are..


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You're right Saurabhaj that it serves us no benefit to seek comfort from someone who shares no mutual interest in us.
There's a favorite advisory my father often repeated to his children..
Don't cast your pearls to swine.


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Not sugar coating it. I've seen girls reject guys because they were bald, hell i've probably been rejected in the past when i've shaved my head by a girl who prefers a guy with nice hair. The point is who f'n cares.... it's how you deal with it. There are millions of bald guys out there doing just great in life, getting hot women for fun, with good self esteem having good jobs etc. There are millions of guys with perfect hair who haven't got a clue with girls. A walk down the street can disprove any ridiculous statement about baldness on here. Yet some people would rather spend their lives indoors, blaming every issue they have on hair loss, or worse would like to bring other guys down with their negativity. Barely anything said on this impact forum comes even close to reality and that is the point i am making. It's not saying that baldness is this amazing thing, it's saying it really isn't anywhere near as bad as some people like to claim.

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Haha you guys take the p*ss. You'll cling on to dear life won't you. Both examples disprove a lot of the statements written here instantly and you know it very well. Certain people here would have you believe that a bald guy can't compete at all with a NW1 guy for a woman. I've seen it happen so many times. I've even seen the girls who actually prefer bald guys... but anyway, i won't go on. I've said it before, you lot here could all have perfect hair, have your gf stolen from you by a bald guy who you think is ugly and you still wouldn't believe it.

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You hate being proved so wrong aye ;) Ask for examples and they're never good enough. "Fake!" "I wanna see real people!" I'll get my camera out in public next time and start posting all the pics on here *facepalm*

A tall, and jacked male with a full head of hair will always trump a balding dude. 100%

Would need to be a social reject to not be able to pull

I think people here get confused alot in their arguments. Lets clarify here.
On average if you take the same man and make him either NW1 or bald women prefer the NW1 guy. This has been proven. Studies show it. They say the bald men are more assertive looking but NOT more attractive and what this study is really saying is they just look more assertive than THEMSELVES since its their own pictures being compared.
The way I view it, from my PERSONAL experience, is on average any bald man who is compared to an equal counter part with good hair will lose. There are some exceptions but yes they are exceptions. Balding men are usually left with the scraps. Unattractive women, women with kids from other men, women with few life options looking for a doof to take care of them, etc etc. Im not saying this is EVERY case but its a lot, at least where I am, the northeast US.
Attractive smart women know there are enough good looking guys that they dont need to settle on something less, unless they are the kind of woman who is a sadist and simply likes a guy they can push around easily.
Ill never say a bald guy couldnt find an attractive "wife". This could easily happen. There are enough women out there who believe their eggs are shriveling up and they need to get married that eventually they will settle but there will be a cost for the poor guy.
I always got more attention from women when I had good hair. I even had more menial jobs. I used to be a property maintenance/repair guy and let me tell you the dorky doctors, and lawyers wives who CONSTANTLY flirted with me when I would be there working on something. I could have cleaned up. I also use to be a house to house installer and repair guy and again, the women who would hit on me. You look at their husbands in pics and they are all wealthy but usually middle age BALD white guys. It was sad actually, maybe thats why I never banged any of them cause a lot were very well kept HOT older women. Maybe I thought karma would hook me up and let me keep my hair line if I didnt fuq bald guys wives..... F U KARMA!

When you compare apples to apples but one apple is bald its lose lose.
If you compare apple (bald 6-5, very fit, good features) to oranges (89lb, 5-8, NW1, awkward guy) then YES of course the bald guy will win, unless a 6-5 NW1 Grapefruit walks in.

Anyone who says the women would take a NW1 over a NW7 counterpart is delusional and lying. Unfortunately most guys here are NOT 6-5 and chiseled. To them at least if they werent bald they might look "more normal" and be able to have some self respect. You can only pretend to be confident and not care for so long before you realize the problem isnt with everybody else in the world, its just poor genetics.
I knew the day the first girl said to me "YOU TWO are brothers???!!", it was over for me. I would NOT attract the pretty girls any more and I DONT. The ones who show interest now are usually the odd balls or over weight who see a balding built guy with decent facial features and think "wow I HAVE a chance with that", buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you dont.
I need to stay away from this place again, realism sucks.


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I think people here get confused alot in their arguments. Lets clarify here.
On average if you take the same man and make him either NW1 or bald women prefer the NW1 guy. This has been proven. Studies show it. They say the bald men are more assertive looking but NOT more attractive and what this study is really saying is they just look more assertive than THEMSELVES since its their own pictures being compared.
The way I view it, from my PERSONAL experience, is on average any bald man who is compared to an equal counter part with good hair will lose. There are some exceptions but yes they are exceptions. Balding men are usually left with the scraps. Unattractive women, women with kids from other men, women with few life options looking for a doof to take care of them, etc etc. Im not saying this is EVERY case but its a lot, at least where I am, the northeast US.
Attractive smart women know there are enough good looking guys that they dont need to settle on something less, unless they are the kind of woman who is a sadist and simply likes a guy they can push around easily.
Ill never say a bald guy couldnt find an attractive "wife". This could easily happen. There are enough women out there who believe their eggs are shriveling up and they need to get married that eventually they will settle but there will be a cost for the poor guy.
I always got more attention from women when I had good hair. I even had more menial jobs. I used to be a property maintenance/repair guy and let me tell you the dorky doctors, and lawyers wives who CONSTANTLY flirted with me when I would be there working on something. I could have cleaned up. I also use to be a house to house installer and repair guy and again, the women who would hit on me. You look at their husbands in pics and they are all wealthy but usually middle age BALD white guys. It was sad actually, maybe thats why I never banged any of them cause a lot were very well kept HOT older women. Maybe I thought karma would hook me up and let me keep my hair line if I didnt fuq bald guys wives..... F U KARMA!

When you compare apples to apples but one apple is bald its lose lose.
If you compare apple (bald 6-5, very fit, good features) to oranges (89lb, 5-8, NW1, awkward guy) then YES of course the bald guy will win, unless a 6-5 NW1 Grapefruit walks in.

Anyone who says the women would take a NW1 over a NW7 counterpart is delusional and lying. Unfortunately most guys here are NOT 6-5 and chiseled. To them at least if they werent bald they might look "more normal" and be able to have some self respect. You can only pretend to be confident and not care for so long before you realize the problem isnt with everybody else in the world, its just poor genetics.
I knew the day the first girl said to me "YOU TWO are brothers???!!", it was over for me. I would NOT attract the pretty girls any more and I DONT. The ones who show interest now are usually the odd balls or over weight who see a balding built guy with decent facial features and think "wow I HAVE a chance with that", buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you dont.
I need to stay away from this place again, realism sucks.

o.k. respect - this is spot on. So, hopefully, I will look good enough with a bald head to lock down a woman with constant paranoia about her ability to make babies. I will immediately get her pregnant, so she won't cheat on me. F*ck, I am starting to realize how much this sucks. So, perhaps it's better to just live a life of delusion? Sure, you will be let down from time to time, but is that not better than being let down 24-7 by a realistic view of how ugly you've become.


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You won't be able to keep up with the delusions. Reality will hunt you and will come back at a point, with a vengeance.

It's better to acknowledge reality, now. It might hurt a little, and you'll be less happy from time to time.

But it still hurts way less than the pain you'll feel after you realize you've been in denial for months, years, for some people decades.

For example, I believed for about 1.5 year that natural treatments would prevent me from going bald.

When I realized I had been wrong the whole time, it hurt a lot. So I don't recommend to just protect yourself with delusion.

Acknowledge that balding sucks ***, and that it will make you uglier, unhappy, less successful with women, in general.

There's no other way to look at it.

Good point. This is why I am getting a hair transplant. I definitely do acknowledge this, why else would I be here, freaking out about all my hair falling out. I will save up twenty grand, fly to turkey or canada and be done with everything.


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Do it in Turkey or Belgium and it won't be over 90000€/$.

If you had to pick ONE surgeon, in the entire world to perform a semi-large hair transplant on you, who would it be. Just one.


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Fight your "delusions" and become happy-go-lucky just like Fred!

If being "deluded" means believing my career, friendships and love life is not completely ruined by baldness, then colour me deluded.

Fred you put it so simply that not being deluded means;

Acknowledge that balding sucks ***, and that it will make you uglier, unhappy, less successful with women, in general.

Yet you regularly write on a near daily basis how it's much more than that, it's being a complete loser, joking about how little chance ANY bald guy has with ANY women, how bald guys will never get promoted if they're lucky enough to get a job while they still have hair.

So please don't lecture anyone on being deluded because your self-confessed biased viewpoint (because you went bald so young) does not leave you in a position to influence others.

You're like a cult leader, first you'll tell people to simply admit to themselves that baldness sucks, and fine we can all agree to that, no problems there. So now it's like you've sucked in your innocent prey.

Then further down the line you're telling that person to forget about your career, forget about not being a total loser, forget about women because you're bald and it's laughable and forget about procreating because you're diseased and should be out of the gene pool, forget about even having the right to walk out the door without being "humiliated" because there's the possibility in the universe of someone looking at your hairline, and then it's like, oh- I thought we just had to admit baldness sucks?

Then you'll start blathering about how baldness is worse than cancer, to sound like the all-round nutcase you've become.

Sometimes without knowing it Fred you are doing your absolute missionary work of sucking people in to not only hating baldness, but hating themselves because baldness is a part of them, and according to you, the only part that will ever truly matter.


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o.k. respect - this is spot on. So, hopefully, I will look good enough with a bald head to lock down a woman with constant paranoia about her ability to make babies. I will immediately get her pregnant, so she won't cheat on me. F*ck, I am starting to realize how much this sucks. So, perhaps it's better to just live a life of delusion? Sure, you will be let down from time to time, but is that not better than being let down 24-7 by a realistic view of how ugly you've become.

No she'll still cheat on you. Then divorce you and youll be stuck paying alimony and child support while some other guy is living in your house you still pay the mortgage on.


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Fight your "delusions" and become happy-go-lucky just like Fred!

If being "deluded" means believing my career, friendships and love life is not completely ruined by baldness, then colour me deluded.

Fred you put it so simply that not being deluded means;

Yet you regularly write on a near daily basis how it's much more than that, it's being a complete loser, joking about how little chance ANY bald guy has with ANY women, how bald guys will never get promoted if they're lucky enough to get a job while they still have hair.

So please don't lecture anyone on being deluded because your self-confessed biased viewpoint (because you went bald so young) does not leave you in a position to influence others.

You're like a cult leader, first you'll tell people to simply admit to themselves that baldness sucks, and fine we can all agree to that, no problems there. So now it's like you've sucked in your innocent prey.

Then further down the line you're telling that person to forget about your career, forget about not being a total loser, forget about women because you're bald and it's laughable and forget about procreating because you're diseased and should be out of the gene pool, forget about even having the right to walk out the door without being "humiliated" because there's the possibility in the universe of someone looking at your hairline, and then it's like, oh- I thought we just had to admit baldness sucks?

Then you'll start blathering about how baldness is worse than cancer, to sound like the all-round nutcase you've become.

Sometimes without knowing it Fred you are doing your absolute missionary work of sucking people in to not only hating baldness, but hating themselves because baldness is a part of them, and according to you, the only part that will ever truly matter.

Perfectly put. But I believe the guy is actually mentally ill and this is the only place he can get validation (from very depressed people). In real life I have no doubt he struggles.

You know, there are people in the world like this girl who really do have to deal with proper curelty about their appearance.


And yet she is living her life, fighting through it all and making the world a slightly better place as a motivational speaker/anti bullying activist. All the while, someone who has rightly been labelled 'FredthePathetic' spends all his unemployed time on here trying to bring people down with him, telling them they are going to be unhappy and that their perfectly natural genetic trait (unlike this girls) will torture them and make their lives much worse, themselves unhappy and their relationships fail (despite all the millions of happily married bald guys in the world). I literally have zero respect for someone so pathetic and it really amazes me that anyone here does, until I realise that maybe they're almost as messed up. This forum is like a cesspit of self loathing and negativity.


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How exactly do you people meet women 'in real life'? I really want to try it but I've never witnessed a man do it. I have seen it on Youtube but I'm not counting that. I'm able to get 1 date per week from online these days, so it won't bother me if I get rejected in the real life way. But, how do I do it? I'm not a big drinker or partygoer and most of the women that I get from online are the same.


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A reply i posted on the general forum where fred and co were coming out with the usual 'sure you will' to a guy saying he was going to own his buzz cut. Yet again two more examples to add to what can be seen just by stepping outside your f'n house. That is, bald men are in no way anywhere near as disadvantaged as some would like you to believe:

This is more of an impact forum post but found these two things just by chance yesterday:

1) a bald guy stealing the gf/ex gf of his pretty NW1 teammate. Not saying it's great behaviour but the point is some of the loser personalities on the impact forum e.g. Fred would preach that this sort of thing isn't possible. ('The bald guy is always one step away from losing his girl to a nice NW1 guy, i'm a wimp bla bla')


2) Australian dating in the dark. Bald guy who again, most of the depressive characters on this forum would say looks like sh*t turning down the chance to meet the hot girl who agreed to meet him after she saw him and liked his appearance in the light. Minute 43 i think. Oh, the other guys all had pretty hair. I know...impossible right!

Again, to the OP, you look great. The shaved look gives you a masculine presence (my genuine opinion). Own it and you'll be 100× the man of the wimpy forum trolls on here who want you to feel as bad as they do.

Holy sh*t this is the "bald guy who looks like sh*t"?

He looks Chad as f***. Tall, big bones, big muscles, ripped, nice symmetric facial features and good smile. Plus he's not even bald. He's like a NW3 with a shaved head. Give him a NW1 and he'd be Chadded almost to the max.

I always find it hilarious when people talk about ugly guys who get hot girls. Because 99% of the time they're not ugly.

If I could trade all my NW1.5-2 hair to look like that guy but be NW7, I would take that trade gladly, wear a wig, and hope for Tsuji to save me one day. Easy trade.
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If you don't have an extended social circle that includes girls, the reasonable answer is: you don't.

Do not talk to women you don't know if you're not Chad tier, and even if you are, it remains f*****g weird to approach random women on the street, normal people just don't do that. Doing that kind of thing automatically signals the girl that you're a loser because if you weren't, you wouldn't need to be doing that.

Another option that is harder to achieve and will depend on your personal interests and abilities: learn an instrument and go to jam / open mic sessions or join a band. I had girls approach me after a performance.

I'm 28 and looking back on my entire dating life, the most lesson I learned is this one: if you have to try, you've already failed. Allow me to expand: The best flings, one night stands and relationships I've had were just flowing from the get-go, flowing conversation online, little to no resistance from the girl and lots of fun in the process.

If you have to try, you've already failed, you're not where you think you are. You're probably trying to convince girls that are out of your league and toying with you. Be direct and be honest, girls won't beat around the bush if they want you.

Another piece of advice I'd give specifically to you is: be grateful that you can get one date a week, some guys will either get absolutely nothing or the odd date with a fat 3/10 girl once a year. And try not to write off those girls you meet so easily. What do you mean when you're say they're the same?

I don't have much of a social circle or many friends. Certainly, my social circle doesn't include females. But some women who I had on a date said that they wouldn't mind staying friends with me. Could that help me to meet a woman in real life?

Learning an instrument seems like a lot of effort to have a chance at meeting women. But I'll think about it.

I disagree with you a little there. The first time that I went all the way with a woman, I had to try hard. I didn't have my own place, so I had to use lots of tricks to steer the date back towards their place. Once there, everything went well, though and we both enjoyed. But she wasn't so attractive to me and it was never supposed to lead to anything. Now I'm looking for a 'quality woman'.

I didn't always get one date per week. When I started, I went 3 months with no matches or replies or dates. Then, I had a few terrible dates - approx. one per month - and learned along the way. Now I use all kinds of (possibly deceptive) photos with different lighting and beard styles to camouflage my diffuse NW6. Only one photo shows the NW6 quite clearly. More than once I've been told that I look like my photos, so I'm going to keep doing things this way. But if the minoxidil stops working and I lose the few hairs I have left and my hairline, it will all be over. After getting to one date per week, I'm thinking that I'd just like to date a model or an absolute hottie for once, and one can't find that online. I've seen the kind of men that they date and it's not always a chad. Sometimes, it's a guy who was in the right place at the right time (but NW1, usually). That's why I want to explore the real life side.

I meant that I'm not into partying or drinking and the women that I get on dates usually aren't either.


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I don't have much of a social circle or many friends. Certainly, my social circle doesn't include females. But some women who I had on a date said that they wouldn't mind staying friends with me. Could that help me to meet a woman in real life?

Learning an instrument seems like a lot of effort to have a chance at meeting women. But I'll think about it.

I disagree with you a little there. The first time that I went all the way with a woman, I had to try hard. I didn't have my own place, so I had to use lots of tricks to steer the date back towards their place. Once there, everything went well, though and we both enjoyed. But she wasn't so attractive to me and it was never supposed to lead to anything. Now I'm looking for a 'quality woman'.

I didn't always get one date per week. When I started, I went 3 months with no matches or replies or dates. Then, I had a few terrible dates - approx. one per month - and learned along the way. Now I use all kinds of (possibly deceptive) photos with different lighting and beard styles to camouflage my diffuse NW6. Only one photo shows the NW6 quite clearly. More than once I've been told that I look like my photos, so I'm going to keep doing things this way. But if the minoxidil stops working and I lose the few hairs I have left and my hairline, it will all be over. After getting to one date per week, I'm thinking that I'd just like to date a model or an absolute hottie for once, and one can't find that online. I've seen the kind of men that they date and it's not always a chad. Sometimes, it's a guy who was in the right place at the right time (but NW1, usually). That's why I want to explore the real life side.

I meant that I'm not into partying or drinking and the women that I get on dates usually aren't either.

I'll just add the counterpoint to WhitePolarBear because we're basically physical opposites (he's at the top of the totem poll, I'm at the bottom). It depends on how attractive you are.

I play a few instruments and I've never gotten laid from it. Granted I never did an open mic, so it's a "hidden" skill or just something I list on my dating profiles and girls ignore. I have some cool party tricks I can use privately on girls.

One I came up with last year was taking some tiny bits of painter's tape, putting them on the CDEGA white notes of the piano (pentatonic scale) over an octave or two, and then playing chords in the key of C with my left hand while telling the girl to play any of those taped notes they want.

If you don't know music, it's a pretty neat trick, because playing any note or combination of notes of the pentatonic scale over basic major and minor chords of the key (even just going back and forth from C to Dm) will always sound beautiful. And all of a sudden, even if they don't know how to play music, they are playing it with you. It's a pretty fun one, but I've only used it once since I rarely ever get any opportunities with women.

You can also do something similar with acoustic guitar. You get the girl to hold the guitar, and get her to just follow a basic strum rhythm with her right hand while you position yourself so you can use your left hand to fret the chords. All of a sudden, you're playing a song together. Did that once. Wish I had opportunities to do these things more often.

Anyone who's a musician feel free to try those some time. I think you and she will both enjoy it. But overall I wouldn't just learn an instrument to try to meet girls. Lots of guys play guitar and mostly girls don't care.

As for friends, I have had many female friends over my life, and it's never gotten me any dates with any girls I wanted to go out with. It will only help if you're a guy like shookwun who is good looking. If you're getting regular dates already, you probably don't need to be wasting time building female friendships, unless you're just legitimately lonely, which doesn't sound like it's the case.

Overall Polarbear is sadly right. You can't scam the system. You can't cheat it. Walking around the street trying to talk to women will get you nowhere unless you're really, really handsome. I've tried it. Wish it was that easy. That would be nice.
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Again, clearly not true. How come? Because i've seen it happen. Take those 'soccer' players for example...now they aint jacked but they're both fit and healthy athletes. But the bald guy steals the NW1's girl leading to him saying he'll never play on the same team on him again. There are way too many variables involved in attraction for your statement to be true.

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I think you're one of the more reasoned posters on here from what i've seen. My justification for posting this is as i've already stated. It's also kind of interesting to see how people react when their ludicrous statements are disproved. I just see no point in wallowing in self pity regardless. Anybody can go out there and live a good life.

Your point about how some bald guys would never step foot on these forums is a good one, yet one particular poster here will tell people that everyone is 'devastated' by balding. Again, clearly not true. I imagine the vast majority of guys go though at least some slight insecurity when it starts to happen (what will i look like etc), but saying every guy is devastated by it is just silly.

I'm definitely not an abover average looking guy...well not in my opinion anyway but then i've always had some insecurities. I am though naturally quite athletic and i know it doesn't take much for me to get in decent shape. Facially i'm probably pretty average but i one thing i have got over some guys here from what i see is a more alpha/confident mindset. And whatever anyone says, it goes a long way. A woman looks for clues in your behaviour if she thinks you'll be good in bed for example. Yet again, people here will try to claim looks are everything and behaviour is irrelevant. I'm just highlighting how wrong that is.

Would i rather i had my 21 year old hair? Of course, but more and more i'm realising that it doesn't really matter and that the cr*p i read on forums 7 years ago when i was scared of losing my hair was just that.

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Dating sites are a time waste for men at the best of times. An average looking woman will get 100 messages a day. A pretty girl i used to date showed me her tinder, every single guy matched with her. Waste of time with pretty hair or bald...going out and actually meeting women in real life quickly levels the playing field a bit.
just lol. theyre jacked and manly looking, both these guys you posted. i've already mentioned here before, i DO see baldies with fine girls, but theyre MASCULINE.


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I'm 28 and looking back on my entire dating life, the most lesson I learned is this one: if you have to try, you've already failed.

TFW someone drops the most brutal truth.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Do not talk to women you don't know if you're not Chad tier,

Really dislike this sentiment.

Lets say Chad tier is the 8 plus in terms of looks category - its essentially the perfect man: good jaw, height, muscles, hair, clothes etc.

And then of course you have the average and below average who indeed may struggle.

But there are also the 6's and 7's (people like you and me) who are not and could never be real chads: and yet if we went to a bar or club and we approached women then we both know we could get a looks matched woman by the end of the night.

Saying only Chads should approach is a bit misleading to any of the inexperienced readers on this board.