"just Shave It Off And Grow A Beard Bro"


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Ah I've seen that. It's not just in school but any age. I think a lot of crown balders hate sitting down, say in a theatre because of the people behind looking or in a packed social place. That's why I'm very conscious about my slightly thin crown - not yet noticeable unless the hair is very short. It's a small spot though. Will definitely fix this before/if ever it becomes noticeable. Not the kind of man to waste my time with toppik and fake maintenance, depressing.
I was skeptical about having to use Toppik, but after I tried it for the first time I realized its powers. It really makes a world of difference, even if it's just powder.


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I've seen it work miracles but I wouldn't want to use it for various reasons:

1) Depression. Using something artificial daily and fooling myself, that that's how I look.
2) Applying the same amount daily for the same look seems hard
3) Weather fears like rain/wind
4) Feel like a loser if discovered when someone touches my hair.
5) I've spotted people with it on at times, looks like crap powder.
The trick is to put on a tiny sprinkle around thinning areas and never put it on in areas where the hair is very sparse.


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Good point. But if it's just a slightly thin area, you can probably manage without it. I've seen some diffuse thinners look really strange, dosing on it.

I used it as a stop gap solution following my transplant. But I knew it was just until the hair grew in and redness disappeared. I think temporary use is fine but not like a habit : say the way people eat finasteride or use topicals. I'd just have a transplant asap when it gets bad.
On the transplant comment:

Saving for one but it takes ages. I can save about $300 per month so its going to take at least two years to get there.

I'm just using toppik to keep me sane.

Part of me is hoping to come to terms with a bald look by then (I will be 34 in two years) and I wont even get one done.

I think I may be one of those people who don't look significantly worse with no hair - but even with that said - its still hard to adjust to the bald or even balding look.


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This reminds me that I'm lucky not to have to pay any rent.

Sure my mom always cover half the costs of my hair transplants, but even if she didn't, I could still afford them.

You can already stop trying to come to terms with bald look, deep down, you'll know that you're kidding yourself.

The more hair you have, the more your quality of life is going to improve overall.

My advice will always remain the same, whether you're 20, 30, or 40:

Rape that donor.
Well I will keep saving!

I am going to try and shave it one more time next summer and see what I think.

At 29 I shaved it and it looked okay (I think you all saw the pictures) but I didn't feel like it felt like 'me' at the time.

Part of me is thinking that if I'm still a '6' with the bald look then maybe I should just accept being bald because being a 6 is okay.

The other reservation about a hair transplant is that I will need another one in another 10 years (because I'm still slowly losing hair). So this means saving again and again for hair transplant's (most people could need up to 3 if you are balding beyond a nw5).


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I think you look pretty good shaved. But sometimes what looks good to us, is not necessarily the same for women, plus I think you look much better with hair. With a full head of hair, it brings versatility physically and mentally. You'll look more friendly, attractive, unique, confident, no mental energy devoted to this translates to productivity. Better social times and complements, new encounters.

I got lucky with a cheap transplant since I have contacts. But I've saved up over the years while getting my own flat. It's good your saving up but I'm surprised you don't have some savings for a transplant in Turkey/East Asia from the sounds of it too.

Then again, your situation isn't that pressing. You had a full head of hair in your 20s, probably the only time it truly matters. Afterwards, we're older and it's not the same effect nor necessary. Particularly when you already have a fair amount of hair. The only reason I think you should push on is because you have looks, so a clean shave/beard to complement a thick full head of hair would transform you. If you were plain average and in your early 30s, I wouldn't say it was urgent as the transformation would be hardly noticeable.

EDIT - Also it's hard to adjust mentally when you've had hair your whole life and suddenly shave. It's a real change. Losing it early in life is a big blow but then it becomes your signature look which is obviously bad but also it becomes your norm. We don't have that option. I don't want to see a transformation of myself on facebook to bald.
Thanks for your advice.

I think it will literally be a wait and see game - in terms of money and in terms of whether I could ever get used to being bald.

I live in Vietnam and there's a great surgeon in Thailand called Dr Path who can do transplants for around $3-4,000 but he specializes in FUT and I really want a FUE because I don't want a scar and I think FUE's are superior (unless you are a Norwood 6 or 7). So the plan is to get in with one of the top surgeons in turkey to get this fixed.


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On the transplant comment:

Saving for one but it takes ages. I can save about $300 per month so its going to take at least two years to get there.

I'm just using toppik to keep me sane.

Part of me is hoping to come to terms with a bald look by then (I will be 34 in two years) and I wont even get one done.

I think I may be one of those people who don't look significantly worse with no hair - but even with that said - its still hard to adjust to the bald or even balding look.

Trust me:
YOU NEVER come to terms about being a bald f***.
MAYBE when you're like 80, then hair isn't so much of a big deal, but even then......I've seen 80 year old with more hair than me. That sh*t stings


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Just be confident


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Looks like the original photo was a photoshop. This guy's head shape is OK.

His pectorals look underdeveloped compared to everything else though. Usually in guys that lift it's the other way around. If I had to guess, this guy doesn't lift, and is only taking roids.


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yes, another great benefit of extinguishing all the light!

My bathroom is almost dark. The only mirror I use is a big one in my living room and for some reason, I look really fine. If I can avoid car mirrors when I go out, I'm good to go. Stuff all the sh*t inside of me under a "carpet". It also helps with women. Why would any sane guy date women in daylight? She looks better at night, you look better at night, no need for bright sun. I dated a girl for 3 months and saw her maybe 1 time in the sun lol. We both were disappointed xD