Stop it DannyBoyy. Maybe some of these couples have been in a relationship for years and it was going well... until the guy went bald.
You can't just say "f-ck it!" and "pick a better woman" as you say, as if it were that easy, especially now that you're bald. Have some common sense.
And (sorry to say this again, but this is relevant), you've said yourself that you were incel, how would you know anything about "true love" or relationships?
Fact: women are extremely demanding and fickle. This is 2015, and being a young bald man is going to be a big disadvantage for you, even with the sweetest girl.
Fact: finding a truly good woman in 2015 is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most women are not good girls, and most good girls are already in relationships... with a NW1.
Relationships are extremely dynamic, though. You can't really frame them as the discovery of a person who has fixed attributes X, Y and Z. People change over time and in response to the qualities of the person they are with.
IMO you don't really "find" a good woman, you cultivate a relationship with someone who is willing to give back to you what you give to them. Part of achieving this is meeting a basic threshold of mutual attraction. The woman becoming fat, or the guy going bald and looking like a fluorescent sausage are obvious deal-breakers in this respect. It sucks for the guys, but who can blame these women? You're looking at these people for a huge part of your life, surely it's only human to want them to not be butt fugly.
My girlfriend has stayed with me through a lot and been extremely devoted to me despite my many and quite severe flaws. Part of the deal is that I have worked very hard to change these flaws. However, the time I went sly our relationship came incredibly close to breaking up. It only recovered when my hair did. For her it was an obvious deal-breaker, just like her going fat would be to me.
And LOL at DannyBoyy offering relationship advice. Just LOL.
So if you was married to a woman for years, everything was fine, and she lost her hair for whatever reason, or got bigger etc, you would leave her? even though you married her and said what you said in your vows? its not rocket science it really isnt, that leaving something for those reasons after saying what you said in your vows is stupid.
I agree, what if you are married and your women has an accident, or she's sick etc if you leave someone just for something she cannot control you are superficial piece of **** which never really loved someone in first place
Weight is something that can be controlled, and quite different from suffering an accident or chronic disease. Of course, baldness can only be controlled to a certain degree but many people don't know that. If my gf got obese and did not actively seek to lose the weight yes this would be a big turnoff for me and likely make me reconsider the relationship.
As for vows and such, marriage is a purely social construct and I don't really feel any loyalty to the rituals surrounding it. I feel very strongly for my girlfriend after what she has done for me, and would probably stay with her if she were to suffer an accident or some kind of debilitating disease. I say probably here because I don't pretend to know exactly what I would do in that situation. Anyone who does, especially if he/she is not in a relationship or even actively unable to initiate one (I'm looking at you Dannyboyy) is really talking out of his/her ***.
Marriage is just a legal and social construct we have for codifying long-term, committed relationships. Unlike you, I don't attach any significance to things like vows, and don't think they should constrict a person into living a life of misery. That is not to say you should leave your partner at the first sign of blemishes, but there are limits to what a person should be expected to tolerate in the name of continuing the relationship.
Your judgments don't carry much weight, in my opinion. Based on what little you have told us so far, we can only assume that you have never been in a situation where your values actually matter.
I, and I guess most of the others here, would probably prefer if you actually opened up about your relationship history, if you have one. Provided you are sincere in your motivations to make us see things your way – this would go a long way in giving a reason to listen to your arguments.
My point is IF i get married, im doing it cause i love said person and wanting to spend the rest of my life with said person,
My problem with your former posts is that you are not just talking about yourself, you are also making value judgments and normative statements concerning how others should act, even calling it "pathetic" to leave someone over lost attraction.
Your apparent lack of sexual and romantic experience means that these arguments have very little weight. Essentially, they seem to be based only on your untested assumption that you would stay faithful to some future partner. IMO it behooves you to be more humble and to accept the uncertainties and shades of gray in this topic. You have little authority in even saying how you yourself would act, let alone tell others how they should comport themselves.
Have you considered the fact that you might fall out of love?
"Love" is a chemical reaction in the brain and not something you control.
It's not a fact, it's an assumption you have made. From what we can tell, it hasn't been tested in any meaningful way and comes from a position of possibly being a virgin, either way a very sexually and romantically inexperienced individual. Certainly not someone whose definition of "love" carries much weight in my world.
Been together for over five years, even. I think I have mentioned her in other posts.
Anyway, I think I have made my point here comprehensively. I'll leave it to someone else to pick up the baton if they feel like continuing the argument.
So if you was married to a woman for years, everything was fine, and she lost her hair for whatever reason, or got bigger etc, you would leave her? even though you married her and said what you said in your vows? its not rocket science it really isnt, that leaving someone for those reasons after saying what you said in your vows is stupid.
You are living in denial. The world doesn't operate like that anymore. Sorry to break your bubble but majority of young women get into a relationship for two major reasons i) Financial Security ii) Physical Attractiveness. The latter is pretty obvious as they want their progeny to be attractive too. As crude as this may have sounded, when it comes to maintaining long term relationships or even getting into a relationship these two factors matter on most occasions. Of course other traits like good manners and a positive attitude matter in having a healthy relationship and most certainly there are exceptions but you need to realize that exceptions can't be everyone's reality. If you fail to see this like it is, trust me, you are in for a big disappointment.
So does this mean you would leave your wife, if she lost her hair, got big etc?
Good question. I wouldn't because I have my morals but I don't know whether our relationshiop would be the same again. The question is kinda stupid as women lose their hair due to some form of disorder which generally can be corrected unlike male pattern baldness and even those that go through genetic baladness dont go full bald. Also hairloss in young women like ones experienced by men of similar age, is extremely rare. So your idea doesn't apply to the real world.