Yoshi3Mario, I am willing to bet anything that your friends who think hair loss is no big deal have essentially full heads of hair themselves. That's ALWAYS how it goes. These fullheads could never fathom what it is like to deal with true baldness because they have never lived through it, and that is why they make such asinine comments. It's even the same way on the forums. Whenever I see posts complaining about all the negativity on the forum, or people spouting inane cliches like "it's all about confidence, brah" or "take the insults on the chin", it always turns out that the poster is like an Norwood 2.5 or less. They still have most of their hair, their looks are very minimally altered (if so at all), so they are not subject to the ridicule, rejection, and torment that truly bald men very unfortunately are. But I do respect DannyBoy because at least he is practicing what he preaches. Therefore he is not a hypocrite.
We live in a very image-conscious society where a person's physical good looks are most important by far. More so than ever before in history. Just take a look at all of the social networking sites (like facebook, instagram, tinder), where people post literally thousands of photos of themselves (especially women). On these social networking and dating websites, what a person notices first and foremost are a person's physical good looks. And women do not get all dolled up and post revealing and sexy photos of themselves just to attract a man with diminished looks but great inner qualities. And unfortunately, baldness does deteriorate most people's outer looks often dramatically. That is why this forum is filled with lots of sad and depressing thoughts. Because baldness is so drastically and negatively affecting our lives.
That being said, I wouldn't say that baldness is an automatic deal-breaker, but it truly is a great hardship. There are some guys that can make the look work for them, particularly men with darker skin and big, muscular men. I've been a big, muscular weight-lifter for my whole life and present some of the qualities that would possibly make me look good if I shaved my head yet I just cannot do it. But unfortunately most of the time baldness does make a person look uglier and less good-looking. In today's world, physical attraction is essential and comes before all else. And unfortunately most times a man with a full head of hair will be much better looking than a bald man.
An unfortuante fact of today's society is that it is very immoral and unethical. Women are more self-centered than ever and use their physical attraction to get whatever they want. And if they are not attracted to a man anymore based on his deteriorating good looks, you'd better believe they will seek greener pastures. Even the married ones too. Today, marriage is not the sacred institution that it once was and that it should be. Cheating has become so prevalent that I often wonder if it is the norm. Although I will say that it does help if a couple has been together for a long time and/or has a child together. If a man goes bald then, the woman is less likely to leave him.
Being fat is also an unattractive quality but at least the fat woman's partner knows that she can lose weight through hard work and diet. It is possible and it is done all the time. Yet there is no truly effective way to regrow hair and that is why many women are reluctant to date and stay with a bald guy. I also saw in this thread the argument about a person not leaving their spouse or significant other if they have some disease like cancer, yet that is totally different. Cancer is viewed as a devastating and fatal disease (which it is) and despite today's society's terrible lack of morality, any person that leaves another cancer-afflicted person would be seen as a total and complete wretch. Yet despite the mental and emotional turmoil that baldness inflicts on a person, it is still viewed as comedic fodder. Baldness is truly the last bastion of political incorrectness and no one would really look down on a woman who ditched a man because he is losing his hair.