Hi All,
I already did a final update, but because I saw some people requesting me to do it again, here is where I am at.
Basically RA is not it.
I stick to what I mentioned before (like 4 or 5 threads with updates). So just read that, it is still the same for me.
So I am now looking for different options to win "the battle".
I tried:
1 - RA - Too much scarring to be an option. Please go back to my original post in which I explain how to instruct the doctor performing it, to get more "material", which in turn will lead to more scarring haha. But even when they only make 3 wholes every 6 months that will butcher your head in 2 years time .. NOT AN OPTION
2 - PRP - Just not working. You may as well just go for micro needling if you are counting on wound healing .. NOT AN OPTION
3 - Micro Needling - Too much work, Too little upside (unless you also use minoxidil, look up those studies) NOT AN OPTION
4 - minoxidil - Has some side, but most of all does not work enough to be worth the hassle and also is not a real solution dealing with the DHT wreaking our hairs. So you get new hairs that will get destroyed again by DHT. NOT AN OPTION
5 - Combining 3 and 4 (for me that just depresses the sh*t out of me. Having to do that all my life and still not really working on the problem (DHT). NOT AN OPTION.
6 - Finasteride - I may just as well put my body in a microwave. Numbers about the sides are BS. ALL the people I know got sides (so no way just 3%-5% get sides. that is BS. The whole upside of getting your hair back from finasteride is in itself a side-effect! The 5mg is for people with bloated prostates and 1mg almost gives the same effect, but on normal prostates will always give sides. So don't compare the bloated prostate candidates baseline with your healthy one ..
There are studies that making me believe that for some perhaps taking like 0.05mg a day (not 1mg) may make those sides bearable and even provide almost the same results for your hair. But for me after taking it for so many years and it took so long to get over the sides that it is NOT AN OPTION.
Side note: please note the people on finasteride saying finasteride has no sides always look like dolphins

Their face/body hairless with this strange dolphin glance (haha), like Trump. TrumpSyndrome.

. Also they are never really relaxed, struggling with some sort of anxiety (even if they cannot see it yet). Been there done that. I was a dolphin too ..
7 - Some other way to block DHT from connecting to the hair receptors without systemic effect:
- This is where I am looking at the moment, and lucky finally pharma is working on at the moment ..
"Breezula" is something that can be good (if big pharma does not buy it, its key employees, or key IP to neutralize it so they can keep selling their sh*t to us). Which they due, believe me. It is a big market for them (hence the tools on this forum paid to promote that finasteride has no sides or just little sides).
- I am currently also looking at this article
https://hairverse.com/topical-finasteride-for-hair-loss/ especially the product Essengen-6-Plus
Topical minoxidil/finasteride in extreme small dose so that perhaps that could keep the sides to something that would be acceptable. But to be honest I am not sure I will be doing even this (for the reasons mentioned above).
Or perhaps I will wait until others this time guinea pig the way for me for a change ..
In short NO DO NOT DO Regenera Activa (even though they have managed some "honest" celebs to say it works, which it does for 3-6 months max and butchers your head).
In fact do not spend any money on anything for your hair until they come with something that blocks DHT without going systemic.
I am sure that when we all would not spend a dime on our hair until they come with something that F.. ing works they will come with the solution in a month time to make us buy that ..
Peace out.