Karl Pilkington’s Thoughts On Baldness


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everyone should watch the ep of family guy when they all find out Glen Quagmire is bald and wears a wig. He goes from super active, youthful playboy instantly to old man yelling on his lawn. He then gets a hair transplant at the end and returns to his old self.
It speaks volumes to balding. I remember my GF watched the ep with me and realized how hard it is for a guy.



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This one is the best:

New hairs, new nose, new
teeth and a new skin:




nWo Wolfpac

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This is really what I worry about most, becoming a bitter angry person because of hairloss. He seemed so happy and laid back here ive never seen him like that before. I've noticed myself the better my hair gets the less grumpy I get and I become more optimistic and relaxed in every aspect of my life. Losing his hair truly robbed him of his identity and personality. To me this proves that for some people wigs really are a great option. That looked real as hell and he looked so much better. I'm never going to pursuade someone from getting a wig again.


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I didn't want to open a new thread about that but we were just discussing transsexuals at work.

I say it's a mental disorder, giving the example that some people think their arm isn't their own and want to chop it off, should we also give in to their delusion? Gender dysphoria is rare and no matter what they do, their chromosomes just won't change. At the end of the day, men remain men, and women remain women.

I knew it was coming somehow but it still made me raise an eyebrow. My colleague says: "No it's not a mental disorder, what about you for example? What don't you accept yourself as a bald man?"

Yes because wanting to chop one's dick off and wanting to have hair on one's head are on the same level, obviously. Pretty much everyone wants to have hair, only a very tiny portion of the population wants to transition to the other sex.

I actually felt the same, but also felt a bit caught out by this argument. It may not be the same in severity but it's similiar in principle, not wanting to accept the genetic fate of our bodies, taking hormone altering drugs and even surgery to avoid it to make the irony complete.
On the other hand instead of change we hairloss sufferers seek stagnation and to remain in the condition we were born in.

So there are differences, but losing my hair is still an experience that made me more sympathetic towards people who feel like they are trapped in the wrong body.