Keep the DHT and the Hair: Topical + Internal Polyphenols


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I am 21 years old and through years of drinking, smoking, and marijuana abuse I have done tremendous oxidative stress unto my body which has rewarded me with early onset male pattern baldness. The link between coronary heart disease and early onset male pattern baldness combined with my obsessive reading of this forum has led me to believe that my hair loss can be stopped with internal and topically applied antioxidants.

My plan of action is the following:
Internal Polyphenols (Green Tea, Bilberry, Grapeseed, Apple, Curcumin and Barley)
Topical (Green Tea. Apple)

I am offering myself as a guineau pig to members of this forum and ask for your help determining which polyphenols to take internally and which to administer topically. I ask for your assistance in determining safe methods of internal and topical administration(For instance, I know that if I take Curcumin, I should also take it with vit E).

Basically, tell me what quantity and type of polyphenols I should put inside my body and on my head. Also since I will be making the topical myself, I ask for assistance with that as well. Thanks for your replies and I am eagerly anticipating the feedback of several users on this board.

The Gardener

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Your antioxidant regime is some weakass shitt.

Take some more clinically solid cellular antioxidants and drop the fruity baloney.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
EFA/Omega 3
Borage Oil

And make sure you are taking a multivitamin with a hefty dose of B complex.


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If you're going to a experimenter, it's probably best not to start with something so speculative. Something like folligen or topical finasteride for 6 months will not only contribute something more substantial to the community, but also likely to be actually effective.


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I probably should have included this in my post but I am also using Tricomin and .25mg propecia every day. I am also taking internal Flax/Fish/Borage oils.


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bubka said:
thats regime is not going to do anything, you need finasteride or dutasteride to stop dht from being produced
I thought this was the experimental treatmrnts forum?


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The Gardener said:
Your antioxidant regime is some weakass shitt.

Take some more clinically solid cellular antioxidants and drop the fruity baloney.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
EFA/Omega 3
Borage Oil

And make sure you are taking a multivitamin with a hefty dose of B complex.

If anything adding more polyunstaurated fatty acids like Omega 3 oils is going to raise the oxidative burden in the body. And what out of interest makes you think that plant derived antioxidants are "baloney". There are plenty of studies around to show their utility as antioxidants.


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Why will adding Omega 3's raise oxidative stress on the body?

I am under the impression that such oils are desirable at reducing the effects of inflammation from such oxidative stress in the first place.

Do you have any research links that I can read as I am curious?



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The most healthy, well fed athletes loose hair. Regaining hair is a drug and hormone/chemical warfare against nature.


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Green Tea has been shown to inhibit DHT and T when applied topically. Circumin can affect PKC and prevent gyno when taking Propecia. I think that together they can be a powerful regimine and along with Propecia and Tricomin delay hairloss.


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Can you provide links to studies on topical green tea please?
Thanks and good luck with this experiment.


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The Gardener said:
Your antioxidant regime is some weakass shitt.

Take some more clinically solid cellular antioxidants and drop the fruity baloney.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
EFA/Omega 3
Borage Oil

And make sure you are taking a multivitamin with a hefty dose of B complex.

Isn't green tea itself a strong antioxidant?

The Gardener

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Yes, it is. But you need oxidants that penetrate to a multitude of levels of the cell. That's where substances such as CoQ10 are more effective.


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The Gardener said:
Your antioxidant regime is some weakass shitt.

Take some more clinically solid cellular antioxidants and drop the fruity baloney.

Acetyl L-Carnitine
EFA/Omega 3
Borage Oil

And make sure you are taking a multivitamin with a hefty dose of B complex.
Pretty shitty choices Gardener. I`m going to list part of my regimen(and that is really solid ).
Glisodin (because when its about antioxidants there is SOD then everything else,strange thing i cannot see it in your list :freaked: )
Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL + KRALA (because i want to to the whole job ,not 40% like you) these 2 beats acetyl l carnitine alone by flying armbar.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine Sustained release (just because)
Cod Liver oil
Green tea extract( EGCG rules)
Grape seed extract
Some good old cocoa powder (natural unsweetened)
This is how i beat oxidative stress and a lot of other things.Dont be confused this is just part of my regimen,i just wanted to show you what means solid :hairy:

The Gardener

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The absence of any Omega 6 and Omega 9 in your regime sticks out like a sore thumb.

Additionally, you are not taking any anti-oxidants capable of penetrating cellular nuclei, nor are you taking any that prevent cellular glycolization.

I'm not sure how Cod Liver Oil would be any improvement over a simple Omega 3 supplementation, its the exact same thing, but in mine the mercury content is distilled out, much more healthy for you.

Your Acetyl L-Carnitine + KRALA sounds intriguing and you might have an improvement over mine there. I'll look into that, but beyond this piece I have a very hard time seeing how your listing would provide increased anti-oxidation and anti-cellular inflammatory properties over mine. Green Tea extract, Grapeseed, and Cocoa powder are all very trendy and known to contain generic "anti-oxidative" properties but need to be taken in very high dosages to have any beneficial impact at all. Better to cut to the basic elements and instead take "building block" anti-oxidants, in my opinion.


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Boru said:
The most healthy, well fed athletes loose hair. Regaining hair is a drug and hormone/chemical warfare against nature.

I tend to agree with Boru. Sometimes I think the healthier you are, the more likely you are to lose hair if you are predestined to male pattern baldness. I'm working through the last of my supplements and once they're done it's a simple daily multi-vitamin for me.

male pattern baldness is one instance where nature is occasioned by spite.


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The Gardener said:
The absence of any Omega 6 and Omega 9 in your regime sticks out like a sore thumb.
Gardener you didnt read that part of my post where i say that this is just part of my regimen. And why would i supplement omega 6?They are pro inflamation (except GLA which really should be added) and i think everybody takes enough omega 6 from diet. We should add a lot more omega 3`s. If you know something about omega 6 what i dont feel free to lecture me.

Your Acetyl L-Carnitine + KRALA sounds intriguing and you might have an improvement over mine there. I'll look into that, but beyond this piece I have a very hard time seeing how your listing would provide increased anti-oxidation and anti-cellular inflammatory properties over mine. Green Tea extract, Grapeseed, and Cocoa powder are all very trendy and known to contain generic "anti-oxidative" properties but need to be taken in very high dosages to have any beneficial impact at all. Better to cut to the basic elements and instead take "building block" anti-oxidants, in my opinion.
Look into Acetyl l carnitine HCl + K R-ALA ,trust me it is a killer combination ,its a bit more expensive but this formula rules.(if you try it make sure that you add some biotin to your regimen because KRALA depletes it).
Additionally, you are not taking any anti-oxidants capable of penetrating cellular nuclei, nor are you taking any that prevent cellular glycolization
You better explain me what you want in here ,specially the cellular glycolization part(english is not my first language) because i dont understand what you want to say.
Than again you seem to not apreciate Glisodin but let me tell you that IMO we should boost endogenous antioxidant enzymes first than everything else..[/quote]

The Gardener

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That is true... I don't know about glisodin, will have to do a little research into it.