Keep the DHT and the Hair: Topical + Internal Polyphenols


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GliSODin has a # of studies behind it. The one I like has to do with it's UV protection. Topical SOD does the same if one can also, or instead, take it in supplement form...

There's also Extremel: ... logo-1.pdf

May be good for those who can't tolerate GliSODin..or if it turns out to "work" just as well as GliSODin..may be cheaper. They also claim it can be used topically.


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=does anyone know the cheapest place to by SODs, glisodin, and other polyphenols. What do you guys think are the proper dosages if I were to take glisodin, turmeric, and apple poly internally.


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Boru said:
The most healthy, well fed athletes loose hair. Regaining hair is a drug and hormone/chemical warfare against nature.

I am trying my best to understand what you mean by this, exactly, because most of the well fed athletes of any elite nature that I know of have full heads of hair from sports including but limited to baseball, basketball, European football, Australian football, cycling, track runners, marathon runners, swimmers and more.

In each one of these sporting categories you will surely find people losing their hair, but it seems less of an occurrence than those who dwell in the general population and whom lead a sedentary life

Boru, I want a detailed explanation as to why you think inversely different? Please enlighten me because if for some reason you are right then I should stop eating well, f*** myself up and watch my hair grow back?



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qqwertyuiop2000 sorry thay i`m responding so late to your post. I just read your regimen and let me tell you take very well choosen supplements from finasteride to tricomin ,from curcumin to pomegranate extract.
Because my regimen looks almost like yours with a few additions there is no reason to break it down for you. I`m trying to fight Androgenetic Alopecia on all fronts.If i see a study about something thats helps my hair that is the next addition to my regimen.I`m in a big hurry now ,my next post will be longer and i will break down what products i use and i cant see on your regimen.(and why) :wink:
Scuze my english....