KevinW's Story (Monthly Pics Included)


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kev where's the month 2 pics!, and we're almost at month 3 for you.. i think... how are things?


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hey dude looks like you've got a nice starting point from those pics. like others have said, i would never guess you were balding and it looks like you are a great candidate for success.

best of luck!


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hairman24 said:
Yes, going bald is definately not a thought that pops into my head when I see your pics.

Well since then I've realized that the mirror I've taken those pictures in front of has THE BEST lighting in the ENTIRE WORLD! I'm scared to take pictures in more harsh lighting, but trust me, my hair is thinning. :(

Trent said:
kev where's the month 2 pics!, and we're almost at month 3 for you.. i think... how are things?

You are correct! :) I skipped month 2, I figured it would be too soon to see any progress good or bad. I'm about 6 pills away from finishing my first 3pack of Propecia, and I will take photos after that.

Dermmatch was a great purchase, it's really helped me feel optimistic about myself and my hair, and, best of all, it takes my mind off of male pattern baldness (which has been nearly impossible since October). Once I get a little better at it and get some styling product to make it 98% undetectable I will be very happy.

It's bizarre though, and it has given me a interesting glimpse into the workings of self-image: my hair is FAR FAR better with Dermmatch in, yet I'm conditioned to find the faults in what I see no matter what. That's something I've got to change, or male pattern baldness will get the best of me.


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same for me. especially with the treatments (i don't really use toppik anymore) seeming to work for me. the mirror in my downstairs bathroom always made me look like i had david schwimmer hair (since i am a diffuse thinner, and not very much recession), and the one in my room i always looked terrible in, even from like five feet away. Now i look really good in that mirror and the one downstairs, but now all i do is try and go really close with the light right on me, or go to school and find a mirror where my hair looks bad (one where i freaked out in five months ago cause there is this over head light that just shines down on spiked hair), and wait until i check every angle basically until i see something i don't like (thinner temples as of late that i REALLY want to fill in) and get pissed off and angry about hair loss.

its like i want to be depressed about hairloss. weird. oh well. just keep moving along kevin. i'm really glad that dermatch is working for you man.