Killer combo.. from what I can tell!


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Right well! I am feeling quite chuffed atm! hehe!

According to my various best calculations, ALL I need is curcumin, resveratrol, maybe lignans, Omega 3, a really accurate diet, an accurate thyroid hormone balance, less stress, magnesium, vitamin C and maaaayyybe Sensoril. Oh, and yeah Nizoral and a nutrient-rich shampoo on stand-by and for saving my hairline a bit coz it's only just edging forward again!


Well! ^_^

From what I can tell, this combo will raise my testosterone, balance it with SHBG, lower/balance my estrogen, take the cap off my DHT, reduce systemic inflammation and the effects of stress, quench stress/stress hormones at source, increase my insulin sensitivity, fix any possible thyroid problems, errrmmm... god knows, that's about it. Hell it will even epigenetically switch on a survival gene in my body (that's what resveratrol does!). I don't know if my testosterone is too high or low, or if my SHBG is too high or low, but whatever the case this should STILL fix it. My hormones should be balanced. And combine that with a massive reduction in inflammation because of the diet and anti-stress... that should be me done.

Of course, I can't drink alcohol or anything like that, not for now. I need to watch my diet like a hawk if it's going to give my insulin sensitivity room to increase and my inflammation room to reduce (apparently depending on the individual, certain foods are really inflammatory or throw insulin way off the rails, which then chucks your sex hormones way off too).

But yeah! Basically now that I think about it, there is a chance that maybe.. maybe my T levels could have been too LOW, not too high, or maybe my E was too high. I mean that is a common cause of male pattern baldness and stress and bad diet do do stuff like that. If people drink a whole ton of beer, their estrogen soars (as I understand), they probably cause inflammation, insulin spikes, etc etc

Hence why they always lose their hair!! lol

( Similar things seem to happen to those who get old or develop metabolic syndrome. )



The Hoppipolla! ^_^

Oh edit, I think I'll shove Sensoril in there as well, as that also eases stress and lifts/normalizes testosterone. Man, it never occurred to me that LOW testosterone can cause hair loss too! The trick is to keep it at an optimized level :)


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seaback said:
Hi f****r,

Still f****ing around ?
Still showing up with a new regimen every other day ?

Listen man, I've done all of the above... but I will tell u a secret...
You know what worked for me so far ???

Yeah, guess....

40mg of dutasteride as a loading dose and 0.5mg daily since that time...
I swear you dude... it works....
No more shedding... not more itching... and I drink milk and coke OMFG

Oh but yeah, sorry, I forgot, it goes against you motherfucking theories... Too bad...
Wow sunshine, who pee'd in your Cheerios?

At what point did Hoppi say that finasteride or dutasteride doesn't work at all?

The dude is trying to find OTHER ways to combat hairloss, because some people get serious sides from these prescription drugs. He is sharing his stories and experiences; the very purpose of this message board.

Maybe that dutasteride is causing your mood swings? :dunno:


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Aw thanks Kanga :)

And yeah seaback please try not to just condemn me I know you think that I am forwarding this thing about bad lifestyle or diet or whatever and hair loss but I'm really not saying that's the reason for everyone, I'm not. I'm not saying you did anything wrong that caused your hair loss, you probably just have very sensitive hair follicles. I mean in ANYONE'S case it can be dietary, for example if their body just reacts very badly to one food or one food group, so it's not that they have a BAD diet, it's that they just have a sensitivity. Everyone probably has them to some extent.

Also, some people may have details about their hormonal profile that cause hair loss. For example someone with high T production, low T production, high E, high 5ar, ALL these things will increase likelihood of hair loss.

In your case, it's probably sensitive follicles, you probably didn't do anything wrong, but that doesn't mean that I didn't mess up my hormones (possibly among other things) with a crappy high-carb diet and endless stress.

Why can't you acknowledge the possibility that hair loss might have different causes, and that different people's follicles may have different levels of sensitivity?


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seaback said:
Hi f****r,

Still f****ing around ?
Still showing up with a new regimen every other day ?

Listen man, I've done all of the above... but I will tell u a secret...
You know what worked for me so far ???

Yeah, guess....

40mg of dutasteride as a loading dose and 0.5mg daily since that time...
I swear you dude... it works....
No more shedding... not more itching... and I drink milk and coke OMFG

Oh but yeah, sorry, I forgot, it goes against you motherfucking theories... Too bad...



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Oh and about changing my regimen all the time, I know I do that. But I do it because I'm constantly re-analyzing and perfecting it, and constantly learning more and more. Recently I've been changing it but only slightly, more just moving things around and looking at the importance of different things.


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Hey Hoppi any luck with your regimen ? Do you notice any changes after being on resveratrol ? Like decrease in fat/increase in muscle mass,libido improvement,condition of your hair,etc


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mpbsux20 said:
Hey Hoppi any luck with your regimen ? Do you notice any changes after being on resveratrol ? Like decrease in fat/increase in muscle mass,libido improvement,condition of your hair,etc

too soon to tell I think :)

My hairline is coming back nicely, but I am still experiencing shedding at this point, but then it is very early days. I have been using considerably more Nizoral and my other natural similar natural shampoo on my hairline, so I can't be sure whether it's that or the internal regimen! It's nerve-wracking at the moment because now finally after all this research and self-diagnosis..... I need to actually put faith in my decisions and see how the next month or two pans out!

My hair itself does look great, but of course that's a completely different issue to whether or not it's maintaining/regrowing :)

Time will tell, and like I say I have the finasteride tucked away just in case I need it, so I should be covered!

Man, I'm proper scared lol, it's just I need to understand this through and through so I can combat it effectively and ensure it never, ever happens again!

Oh, and I'm doing more thyroid checks and things soon too!

Also, I chucked Sensoril in permanently as combined with the lignans and res and stuff my T (and E) levels should end up incredibly accurate, which is one of the most important things here I believe :)


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My thyroid tests came out to be normal....I have just bought myself some resveratrol supplements from the grocery shop and will start taking it from tonight.I also do weights so I hope it helps me get some nice definition in the coming months.


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I wouldn't recommend taking it without curcumin as res I think raises T levels a bit, and lowers E. It only really works apparently when combined with curcumin 95 :)


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What exactly can Curcumin do to stop male pattern baldness ? I heard it reduces pain and lowers cholesterol levels. :)


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How can you guys believe this guy? He always says that his hair line is receding and then some days after he tells that it's growing back.
He never posted photos or anything else!


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mpbsux20 said:
What exactly can Curcumin do to stop male pattern baldness ? I heard it reduces pain and lowers cholesterol levels. :)

Curcumin, as I understand, helps to control T & E, inhibits some 5ar, reduces inflammation and reduces sebum :) It's also a powerful antioxidant and aids with bloodflow. It is often considered to compliment resveratrol very well, but I too am still discovering all the reasons why!

And bezerra I never said my hairline was receding and then improving, I said my hairline was improving but I'm still shedding diffusely, not hugely but, enough to make me still a tad concerned! :)


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Thanks bro,I am going to give this a try and if I get some favorable results then I will continue taking it even when I get on finasteride.


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Yeah I admit I just added some stuff to my regimen AGAIN! lol

There's this guy called "The Natural" who has been on a fair few forums who has a regimen based around curcumin and resveratrol, but also has MSM, vitamin C, D and E, and erm.. wow I think that's largely it! And he seems pretty confident about it!

So, I thought, well I've got vitamin C (for relaxation and general health) in there anyway, and vitamin D (for optimal testosterone levels), I may as well stick in vitamin E and MSM as well and just incorporate the implied success of his regimen! hehe

(don't worry though, it's still curcumin and res that pack the biggest punch as far as I can tell! But word of warning I've been told it's not good to get "LEF's Super Bio Curcumin" as apparently it caused some people to shed, people think it might be too strong)

But yeah, in your case mpbsux it really depends on what is causing your hair loss, that's all that ever matters. It's a matter of determining whether it's hormones, inflammation, or just very sensitive follicles. Those are the 3 big factors as far as I can tell. Do you have any reason to suspect anything other than sensitive follicles? Hormonal balance? Food sensitivities?


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I guess it could be due to some hormonal imbalance too which might have coupled up with DHT sensitive follicles.If I could may be balance out my hormonal levels,male pattern baldness could remain dormant till I hit Andropause.I will give this enough time to work with my current regimen.I really have no other choice for another few months as my Doctor is against the idea of taking Finasteride this early.I believe the next year or two would be the best time for me to find out whether I respond well to finasteride without any undesirable side effects.

Lets see I am pretty much tackling this from all sides

1.Saw Palmetto[Although I would love to try finasteride,I have to wait for my prescription]-Mild DHT inhibitor
2.Nizoral -Controls sebum production and inflammation
3.Rogaine Foam at the temples and thinning areas in the front- To promote new hair growth and make existing hair healthy.
4.Vitamins,Zinc,Magnesium,Omega-3,Wheat Germ Oil,Biotin[vit b7],amino acids,resveratrol and curcumin

I reckon its pretty solid and should do a decent job for now.Worst case scenario-male pattern baldness shows signs of becoming aggressive,I will get on finasteride immediately.

The next few years are crucial as they can determine whether my body is going to produce excess DHT,resulting in more androgenic hair and progression of male pattern baldness or whether things will stabilize and my existing hair follicles remain healthy.
Thanks Hoppi for your concern and suggestions.


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In summary it seems to me, as far as I can tell so far, that there are 2 main ways to tackle male pattern baldness internally. There is altering of the hormonal profile (Finasteride, dutasteride, lignans, controlling insulin levels, some elements of correcting hypothyroidism, SHBG levels, T & E levels, all that stuff), and there is reducing inflammation.

The latter is still new to me, but it APPEARS that by simply reducing things that cause negative effects on the body's cells (such as free radicals, bacteria, neurogenic inflammation, probably other things that I don't understand yet!), you can greatly limit the damage that DHT inflicts when it attempts to trigger death in the follicle's cells. This is how Brian Simonis' and many other people's regimen works, not by reducing the DHT (at least not drastically, or too far below baseline levels) but largely by reducing the inflammation. I am finding this fascinating, as it provides 2 distinct ways of coming at the problem internally, possibly reducing even further the need for topicals (important for me, as I am not too keen on the idea of rubbing endless things into my scalp! Plus this method benefits the entire body).

I'll keep researching anyway as it's brilliant stuff, and I as I say I am very keen on solving all this internally.

My regimen covers most kinds of inflammation I think, but I believe I have limited means of tackling bacteria (vitamin D does it as does ecklonia cava, but EC is a bit pricey and D might not be that strong). I want to ensure I have that side of things covered. I believe you need to improve the immune system. Anyway, I'll do more looking into it! :)

Oh, yeah, for the record, curcumin and resveratrol go a significant way to achieving both things (enhancing hormonal profile and reducing inflammation) I believe, but will probably struggle a bit if doing this alone!

Ok wow, I was wrong, according to Brian there's more lol -

"I should break this down to the lowest common denominator. Insulin excess causes all of the above to occur. More DHT, estrogen increase, testosterone decrease, fibrosis, micro-inflammation, and excess sebum.

What the IH-6 program targets primarily is optimal glucose/insulin regulation, and prevention of inflammation"

Man I need to get studying again tomorrow lol ^_^

It sounds like a lot of research over just hair loss I know, but is also to do with health and taking care of oneself, and I can't really be bothered to keep applying things like minoxidil or nizoral lol, I'd rather just do it internally and get on with my life! hehe

And if that means lots of research and getting a lot of tablets and a strict diet, then so be it! :)


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I love these super long posts with absolutely NO evidence to back them up... of COURSE it hasn't been long enough HOPI, it never will be!

Honestly, if there was ANYTHING that worked besides finasteride/minoxidil it would be WELL documented, not just posted as some random theory by some random guy on a message board.

Good luck with your oils, herbs, and remedies. I'll take my pharmaceuticals any day!


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I would advise open-minded research, as opposed to closed-minded condemnation.


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Hoppi said:
I would advise open-minded research, as opposed to closed-minded condemnation.

On the other hand, you shouldn't be so "open-minded" that your brain falls out! :)

Stick more to what doctors and scientists say, and pay less attention to what quacks on the Internet say.


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Bryan said:
Hoppi said:
I would advise open-minded research, as opposed to closed-minded condemnation.

On the other hand, you shouldn't be so "open-minded" that your brain falls out! :)

Stick more to what doctors and scientists say, and pay less attention to what quacks on the Internet say.

But howcome in this case the "quacks" actually want to talk about things and explain things?

It gets very frustrating being told that all the things that you notice day to day regarding something MUST be just in your head because it's PURELY genetic. Despite the correlations being so obvious that you would have to close yourself away in your house permanently in order to not observe them!! lol

When you start asking "so, how does stress/bad diet/sex/health etc affect hair loss?" and the answer is "it doesn't", then you are forced to look elsewhere, because it is more than obvious that it does lol

So yes while I see your vague point, if I listened to only official sources I would be growing breasts and applying about 15 topicals! lol