laugh it up


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my oh my isn´t it fun when people laugh at your flaws. Last night I was at a party, and the setting was so that you could wear a hat. I had two girls that I´ve slept with last times the last month, laughing at my hairloss. One of them just popped out as we were sitting there drinking; "why are you wearing a hat? Is it because you´re growing less hair these days?" It hit me like a ton of bricks and really put me off. I didn´t know what to say, just kinda laughed insecurely.. But it ruined the rest of my evening. Later on I was dancing, my hair was getting wet, and that other girl walks up and messes it up while looking at it and laughs. I felt like a piece of sh*t and wanted to jump in front of a train. I know my hair loss is getting noticeable, but it still hurts. The last time I got comments was when a buddy asked if I was getting thin on top, and my other buddy sitting there cracked up. That´s when you know it´s being talked about. I hate it, but this whole thing is getting to me


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Yeah, it's something genetic, girls love to point it out and laugh at it.

I was hanging out with a friend who is obviously balding, but hides it decently with a messy/mop style hair cut. This chick reaches over in the bar and totally messes up his hair so the Norwood pattern is on full display, then starts chuckling going "hey, you should wear your hair like that!"

I was holding my breath, and he sort of just smiled, then fixed his hair.

Late she says to me - do you have any bald grand parents? I say yes, mom's side. She says, well you're doing pretty good for your age (27). I declined to mention I'm using propecia and foam.

I think girls know all about balding because they have bald brothers/uncles/fathers and are keen on noticing it and pointing it out in public.

I mean seriously though - messing up someone's hair? I'd slap the b**ch


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I think when a girl gives abuse over hair loss its far more antagonistic because they have no idea how it feels. Most girl's hair is the bain of their existance, hell they have a million dollar industry devoted to it, solely for women.

You said they were two girls you had previously been with, maybe thats why they were been malicious about it.


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thenational said:
I think when a girl gives abuse over hair loss its far more antagonistic because they have no idea how it feels. Most girl's hair is the bain of their existance, hell they have a million dollar industry devoted to it, solely for women.

You said they were two girls you had previously been with, maybe thats why they were been malicious about it.

why would you have reacted that way...what you shouldve done was I dont need hair in front of two dumps like the both of you...done had me some of that already - lol

come on guys stop being pussies with women

uncomfortable man

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There are people on these boards that would tell you that this kind of sh*t is all in your imagination. That those people didn't laugh or say those things to you, rather it was all in your head and probably more a result of a mixture of paranoia and low self esteem. Talk about being in denial! I don't know why some people can't admit that there are cruel and insensitive people out there who are more than willing to degrade you because of your hairloss. Nevermind, I know why, because they still have all their hair and have not yet become a beacon for ridicule. It is bad enough that sh*t like this has to happen to us in the first place, but people on here trying to trivialize or take away your right to be upset, or just plain tell you that it is your fault and this man up bullshit. Dealing with situations like yours is why I am here in the first place.


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Call them fat, call them ugly, point out their little tits... At that point the gloves are definitely off. There are things women don't want to hear. Say them.
You said you slept with both in the last month, so you've lost that much hair recently?


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hair or no hair f*** b****s with attitudes


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ClayShaw said:
Call them fat, call them ugly, point out their little tits... At that point the gloves are definitely off. There are things women don't want to hear. Say them.
You said you slept with both in the last month, so you've lost that much hair recently?

Haha I hear you, and that´s probably what I would have done had I not been too intoxicated to think. Like wearing a hat for me is the same thing as her always having a pillow in her lap while sitting because she´s getting fat. These are easy things to say when you´re in the right mood, and would definately be easier with a buzzed head when you´re not trying to hide it. I was just put off, thinking things like maybe that´s why we´ve stopped hooking up. But they must both have noticed before, as it´s been on and off for a year. And yeah they could be malicious because they both wanted to get in a relationship but I didnt. Girls can be b****s, who the hell say things like these? Those kind of comments ruins days and evenings, and you get uncomfortable and feel like a piece of sh*t and just want to dig yourself down into a hole.

And WTF it doesn´t matter all that much that it is a woman pointing it out. I was put off when my buddy brought it up in front of others too. People with hair laughed except for those with less noticeable thinning :whistle: It´s never fun to have your flaws pointed out to your face. How would a girl you know react if you walked up and asked "I see you´re drinking 1% milk, is that because you´re fat?"

uncomfortable man

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Nice Napolean Dynamite reference. People (especially young people's) sense of identity and self worth is all wrapped up in what they look like or how good they look. Looking good is a virtue now adays. People think that what you look like on the outside is somehow indicative of who you are as a person. So beautiful people become saints and ugly people become demons. That is how vain and brainwashed this society is. So this culture has taught everyone that it is okay to make fun of that bald guy, because by their twisted superficial logic, that bald guy is a terrible person anyway.


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uncomfortable man said:
There are people on these boards that would tell you that this kind of sh*t is all in your imagination. That those people didn't laugh or say those things to you, rather it was all in your head and probably more a result of a mixture of paranoia and low self esteem. Talk about being in denial! I don't know why some people can't admit that there are cruel and insensitive people out there who are more than willing to degrade you because of your hairloss. Nevermind, I know why, because they still have all their hair and have not yet become a beacon for ridicule. It is bad enough that sh*t like this has to happen to us in the first place, but people on here trying to trivialize or take away your right to be upset, or just plain tell you that it is your fault and this man up bullshit. Dealing with situations like yours is why I am here in the first place.

first of all...saying that "these people think a bald guy is a terrible person" is moronic...even if they make a couple of jokes at their expense...that doesnt mean they think less of them! You need to understand that....people make jokes at other peoples expense....height, baldness, teeth, etc. Insecure people will point out other people's flaws because it makes them feel better. Those people are letting it get to you as much as it does, you're giving way too much power to people who don't matter. I'm not saying getting comments doesnt suck and isnt demoralizing....but if you have a truly strong sense of self then it is possible not to care very much...and by doing so, the antagonizers seem like the dumb ones.... least one of the comments could have been about the OP's insecurity about being bald, and not the actualy calling him out on wearing a hat. It sends the message that you are insecure about yourself (and don't deny it, because a lot of us DO wear hats because we are bald, not to be fashionable) and that is an ugly trait that women will pick on. Baldness is just an obvious target for people to make fun of...but those type of people who DO make fun of you for being bald would likely pick on something else even if you did have hair....its a damn shame when insecure people make other people insecure...thats what idiots who make fun of hairloss do to those who have it...and its what insecure bald guys do to other bald guys as well....

OP...have you tried shaving your head? I'm not gonna pass it off as the be all and end all of options, but if you can do so and pull it may feel a hell of a lot better about yourself. And you're likely to get a lot less coments about shows you've accepted it and don't care.

Anyways, all I'm saying is that Ino things like these suck...I would be really pissed off too....but if you have power over yourself no matter what you look like then these people shouldnt bother think rich, happy, successful, good looking people don't have a tonne of haters as well? Its an unfortunate part of human nature...insecure people will try their best to bring down others...don't let them succeed.


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you guys are like a broken record. This sh*t always guna happen sometimes with hairloss. there aint sh*t you can do about it. Moaning wont do nothing. People like that will still laugh and always will. Seriously how many of you post here writing about someone commmenting on your hairloss. Course they will. If you starting getting fat your mates would say something or take the mick. The same with hair loss. They start to see see-through hair or receding you got to be ready for the jibes. Thats why hairloss sucks.

A big thing you guys should consider...and this is real talk.

If you had a thick nw1 and your mate started balding you would potentially take the mick. Dont even deny it. It whats guys do. At very least ud mention it to other friends saying ' have you seen x's hair!! hes balding man!'. C'est la vie amigos. suck it up.


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iwantperfection said:
you guys are like a broken record. This sh*t always guna happen sometimes with hairloss. there aint sh*t you can do about it. Moaning wont do nothing. People like that will still laugh and always will. Seriously how many of you post here writing about someone commmenting on your hairloss. Course they will. If you starting getting fat your mates would say something or take the mick. The same with hair loss. They start to see see-through hair or receding you got to be ready for the jibes. Thats why hairloss sucks.

A big thing you guys should consider...and this is real talk.

If you had a thick nw1 and your mate started balding you would potentially take the mick. Dont even deny it. It whats guys do. At very least ud mention it to other friends saying ' have you seen x's hair!! hes balding man!'. C'est la vie amigos. suck it up.

You're like a broken record, the big tough guy, not bothered by hairloss, looking down on those who are, yet you're on an internet forum for hairloss...
I have a friend who lost his hair in his teens, I didn't make fun of him.
My brother has a very bad case of psoriasis. I didn't make fun of him.
I was taught not to make fun of people for things they can't control.


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Course im on a hairloss site. I have hairloss so i come here and read up on treatments. Why wouldnt i??

I dont come here to moan about it. My point is just that it sucks but nothings going to change. Society wont change and there always going to be mickey takers.

I do not act the tough guy at all. I dont have enough hairloss to experience stuff like this. But if or when i do i know moaning isnt going to do anything. It wont grow my hair back or make ppl stop.

And the point i made at the end is true for alot of people. They might not admit it but it is. Half the guys here would take the mick a bit if they were thick nw1s.

get off my dick clayshaw. I know you like it on there but theres only room for your mommy. :)


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iwantperfection said:
If you had a thick nw1 and your mate started balding you would potentially take the mick. Dont even deny it. It whats guys do. At very least ud mention it to other friends saying ' have you seen x's hair!! hes balding man!'. C'est la vie amigos. suck it up.
Well possibly if you had no other flaws yourself eg obesity or height, big ears ect. But thats just human nature you dont appreciate what you have if your used to having it. Thats why hot women are often bitchy.
I dont talk about other peoples flaws because of my hair but otherwise who knows?


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My Regimen
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It's funny how women today (and maybe in the past too, I don't know) think that they're all some kinda gods precious gifts or something. I know many fat chicks who aren't even very good looking who act like they're miles above a regular guy. I see dozens of insecure, shy looking guys in the clubs but not many women who are like that.


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iwantperfection said:
I dont talk about other peoples flaws because of my hair but otherwise who knows?

This was my point. We all act like samaritans because of our hair but if we had thick nw1s it could be different.

ghg said:
It's funny how women today (and maybe in the past too, I don't know) think that they're all some kinda gods precious gifts or something. I know many fat chicks who aren't even very good looking who act like they're miles above a regular guy. I see dozens of insecure, shy looking guys in the clubs but not many women who are like that.

Very true.


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It's probably because even the fattest b**ch can pretty much get laid anytime she wants if she puts herself out there.


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UC is wrong as always. Ugly people arent treated as monsters. They are treated as incapable without brain nor feelings. See the bald imprisioned at madhouse eating the stake in this video


uncomfortable man

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What's the difference? That guy you were talking about in the video wasn't even bald. :shakehead:


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IBM is so random and fucked up. His posts make no sense. His ahir is as good as his idol aimar aswell! lol

This site really brings them in!