Londo's story - (45 years old, new pics added 9/14/07)


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Thanks Ragin. The hair is just getting to that "ugly" length where you can start to see where the thinning is. The terminal hairs are starting to grow beyond the length of the vellus hairs. The camera angle helps too. You can't see from the pic, but my vertex is still pretty thin. Once I get beyond the ugly stage the hairs should interlace and look better.


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Manutd4545 said:
I know this is completely unrelated, but how do you paste pictures?



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To give you more of an idea of what my hair looks like here is a picture of me from May 2005. Fortunately, all my pictures stop before you can see my belly :) :

The parted down the middle and Ceasar hairstyle was about all I could pull off with my thin, fine hair. I lost more hair between that time and when I started the Big 3.

Hopefully there'll be new pics for page one after my next haircut. Things are still going great and no sheds.


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I don't know if this is just an coincidence or the psychological affect. When you have low expectation from your treatments, you tend to end up with greater success. Your looking good for y our age, London!


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I added some 9/14/07 pics on the first post. The overhead pic doesn't look great, but I'd say that is because of the evil flash. Also, the hair at my vertex is 3/4 inches long since my hair grew out from being buzzed. The vertex hair is probably 1 1/2 inches long in my baseline and June pics. My hairdresser likes to leave my vertex hair long to prevent a cowlick and probably to help combover my bald spot, bless her heart.

I'm very pleased with the results. One woman at work asked why I was keeping my hair cut so nice. Another woman asked if I had lost weight (I wish!) and said I looked younger :)

No sheds or much in the way of side effects.

How do you like the way the pics are set up?

Oh, how many grafts would it take to fill in the vertex do you think? :)


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hair is looking good, i see your smiling. :D


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Re: Londo's story - new pics added 9/14/07

Thanks Ragin.

You know, I always thought the before and after pics for hairloss products were totally staged. The guy is always somber looking in the before picture and smiling in the after. Everyone looks better when they are smiling, so I figured the photos were staged that way to help sell something. But, I noticed with me anyway that when you are at baseline and have finally decided to do something that you are pretty somber and it is harder to smile. If the treatment works it is much easier to smile. So I guess I'll cut hairloss treatment places some slack.


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Re: Londo's story - (new pics added 9/14/07)

Londo, we do see a big improvement though

congrats on the great progress made!


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Hey all!

Sorry no pics, but I'll give a little update after 5 years. I just turned 50!

My hair has stayed basically the same I think, just getting more gray.

Due to some concerns about libido I've reduced my Finasteride to 1/4 milligram with no perceptible change to my hair. The libido loss may be due to weight gain, alcohol or just getting older. Life has been stressful the last 5 years and I'm working on turning that around. After I lose weight I'll post some pics.

Best wishes to all!


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Londo said:
Hey all!

Sorry no pics, but I'll give a little update after 5 years. I just turned 50!

My hair has stayed basically the same I think, just getting more gray.

Due to some concerns about libido I've reduced my Finasteride to 1/4 milligram with no perceptible change to my hair. The libido loss may be due to weight gain, alcohol or just getting older. Life has been stressful the last 5 years and I'm working on turning that around. After I lose weight I'll post some pics.

Best wishes to all!

If you are noticing that you gain weight very easy, or find that it is hard to get rid of- get your Hormone levels checked. I thought I was gaining weight too easily but just put it aside hoping it would get better on it's own. After about 3 years of exercising and getting nowhere I had myself checked out. My Dr put me on T replacement and I started losing weight immediately. Being 40something, weight gain and low T seem to be a common problem these days....

BTW-Great results- I am about the same age and jealous- I had bad sides with finasteride but after seeing your pics I am almost attempted to see if I can get away with taking it once a week....
Good luck!


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Thanks oldmpber. I had my old Dr. checking on my testosterone levels, but he said they were fine. I just moved. I'll have it checked again.


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Londo said:
Thanks oldmpber. I had my old Dr. checking on my testosterone levels, but he said they were fine. I just moved. I'll have it checked again.

I was told by guys on the hormone boards that I was lucky to get treated so soon. They say many docs will just blow you off if you numbers are low, but still within the normal range. Well mine were but they treated me anyway I feel MUCH better. It kinda sneaks up on you so if you noticed things getting worse don't put it off...