Looks from woman when you are wearing a cap



Not paranoid.

Try realistic.

The doctor said, 1st you have you keep your part of the bargain (use anti depressants for a few weeks) before he refers me to a dermatologist.

My doctor also said "grow your hair out"

I don’t know, you know.

I'm getting quite tired of people not listening to a word I say. If I could grow my hair out, I would.

My hair is diffused. He has no idea that it looks cosmetically unacceptable when I grow it out. Even though I always mention it.

My doctor also said "You're a good looking person"

He was lying.

I don't consider myself good looking at all. Not with a shaved head anyway, so I don't know what his game was there.


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Probably trying to cheer you up you miserable git!.... by most people standards your hair looks good, although you insist its not, or that you cannot grow it. Why dont you try growing it for a bit then posting the photos of what it looks like longer?

Kevin fretwell

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Don't take 250mg of zoloft at the same time by the way . Righteousness full blown hypersensitivity noncentralized if you know what I mean .


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Molecular Help said:
You guys are f*****g mean.

Anti-depressants aren't the way to go either. They should only be used when someone is depressed for vague or unknown reasons. Pure chemical imbalance. Gunner is depressed because he's going bald. If he had hair he'd be fine.

Nuh uh,

Honestly, I feel for anyone who is young and losing thier hair (as im going through the exact same thing) i do. Its a drain on confidence that we all can relate to( this is hairlosstalk after all ).

However, this guy unlike any other on these boards seems to be suffering from something brought on from more than just hairloss. His hair isn't even that bad from the pictures Ive seen. But he insists on visiting this forum everyday, making these idioticly unfunny 1 line posts to try and gain an ounce of acceptance from people he doesn't even know.

Seriousely dude, I am not trying to put you down or anything like that and I dont pretend to believe that what im about to say is easy, but sort yourself out for gods sake!

Try putting as much effort into socialising and having fun as much as you do to your little rants here. Lifes too short, your in your early 20's right?? That means you got around 10 years left in the prime of your life, make the most of them. You carry on like this and your gonna live a very very very unhappy life, and your little 1 liner posts on hairlosstalk.com aint gonna make things any better.
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I know you don't want to hear this but some anti depressants have hair loss as a side effect. And hair loss is listed as one of the possible side effects of St Johns Wort....

I was on it for a while, it will only help mild depression for most people. Can help you to relax a bit more though.


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Thanks for the info and warning guys. I had read 3 write-ups on St Johns wort and none of them mentioned more than a few minor sides. These write-ups led me to start taking it. The only ones it listed were sensitivity to sun, possible blister and probably a few other ones that had no concern to me.

Well well well.....look at this list......


Damn........I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and since I work and go to school full time, I figured St Jons was a way to ward of the standard "burn out why bother minor depression" I sometimes get when I get streched to thin.

Well there goes that.......

JJ Gittes

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grinja the ninja said:
I know you don't want to hear this but some anti depressants have hair loss as a side effect.

The odds are extremely low (like >1%) that newer, mainstream anti-depressants will induce any kind of hairloss, particularly in men.

Green Soap

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"Righteousness full blown hypersensitivity noncentralized if you know what I mean ."

What the f*** is that supposed to mean?


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I think it's all in your heads guys, how are women supposed to know if you have hair under your hat or not? Look at it logically. I know it sucks, but the best thing you can do is embrace it and accept it.

A year ago I was horrified, now that I see it really going away, I'm just coming to terms with it and I'll make the most of it.


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yeah, women when seeing you wear a cap do not right away think: "oh he must be losing his hair, why else would he wear a cap?" In fact, i dont really think much goes on in women's minds at all.


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Petchsky said:
Hats for balding people are like a safety blanket - hiding your insecurity... and the only people thinking your only wearing a hat to hide your hair is yourself or likeminded balding people. Just try not wearing it for a week and shut that voice up in your head that tells you everybody is looking at my head or talking behind my back about my hair....it really is all in your head.

Personally i would never touch anti depressants because in the long term i don't think they work, well, they dont solve the problem do they? and doctors almost as a knee jerk reaction prescribe them. Your better off down the herbal route.

Safe as houses!

SECOND THIS TOTALLY. gunner, cant you see youre doing worse for yourself in the long run? youre making it even harder for yourself to come to terms with the fact that youre balding. lose the cap for a week or 2. shut out those voices. MAKE yourself do this. believe that its important for yourself to do it, and youll be able to. STICK TO YOUR TREATMENTS and have faith. when you get rid of the cap, youll realise that you too can look good without covering it up. everyone can look good, even if theyre losing their hair. if youve got a lot of loss, shave it off. if youve not, do the best you can with it, you can still get it looking good. experiment with styling if you want. im 18, ive lost maybe 50% of the hair on my head diffusely. but i can still look really really look, not meaning to be vain, but i have highlighted tips, and style my hair using putty on the tips, makes it look much thicker. try it, or the shaved head look. then just go out there and youll realise people arent all looking at your hair. its in your head. if youre confident and pleasant, people will respect that a lot more. and you will look much more attractive, FACT. now go out there without your hat, and youll feel a lot better about being able to be yourself.


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First of all, some of your posts are so "off the wall" I am not able to tell when you are serious, but I think you raised some good points. Personally, if you look good wearing a hat, do it. Don't over analyse it. No one else is going to give it a second thought.

As far as the antidepressants go, if even a small proportion of what you post has any truth to it, you are looooonnnnnnng overdue for them. Your style of reasoning / thoughts in these posts reflects a serious generalized mood disorder; not a simple reaction to one real event (hair loss).

And yes, I confess to having had thoughts similar to what you decribe in this post and I bet a lot of us have had them. But most of us will drop the thoughts; not obsess endlessly over them.

What can be a challenge is to on one hand "forget about the problem of hairloss" during our daily lives and yet maintain a long term commitment to treating it, especially when the treatment involves multiple interruptions in our daily lives / routines.


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i used to have my hair flat and boring, to cover hairloss. because when it was quiffed up etc, you could see scalp everywhere.

but screw it, use mud/clay/putty/a thick hair moudling product. rub it all over your hands and then spread it over the tips of your hair. maybe get highlights. who cares if your scalp is showing? girls dont really. use the best hairstyle that compliments your face. mine is a kindof messy quiff, and i dont care if my scalp shows. it doesnt much now anyway, because im having success with my treatments, but before, when i was in the pits, you know what? with that complimentary hairstyle, i got much more girls than i ever had with the boring scalp-covering one. girls care much more about bone structure and a tan. as long as your hair is "alright", do the best you can with it. if its so thin that you literally cant even stand it up with product (the thick clays are really good for this), shave it. confidence impresses. even if its confidence to wear your hair the best you can if you have hairloss. trust me. make the most of what you have and you can get the girls.


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gunner i definetly know and face some of the issues your going through. It really sucks and i have to say im paranoid like you.
Unless im with people that i have known before my hair loss then i feel confident not to wear a hat. My friends dont comment about my hair loss, they say its not even that bad, but maybe since i can see what my dads head looks like and see mine shaping out to be like his, i overblow the issue and think im alot more bald then i am. Until one day ill wake up and i will be completely bald and then what. I have a big head and with hair people consider me to very attractive, but going bald gives my head and face a meaner complexion. And since ive always been a background type of personality, my looks have always attracted the women to me, with me not having to put out any game really. now im i dont try at all to get any action and anything i do get i push away. I rely completely on past aquantanices for anything romantic. i seem 8 years older then my 22 years show. so i wear a hat were ever i go now, i feel like its an extension to me head, i hate it, but i do get looks when i have my hat on.
This job i started you could wear a hat, i wore a hate everyday and this cute girl was all over me, she was probaly thinking im only 22, i must have great hair or hair at least, well i ended quitting the job because i felt I couldnt take my hat off, because i thought she wouldnt feel the same way anymore about me, even though i honestly didnt care what she thought, i think it was of having someone think im not attractive, pretty f*****g shallow, i couldnt take that for some reason.
everything i think about it seems involves thinking of my hairline, i think when im riding my motorcycle to school and stuff, i double check to bring along a hat so when i take my helmet off, i can throw my hat on, or when im working out i wear a bandana. I really hate how superficial ive become about hairloss, i wish i could just say f*** it like some of the other people i know and not let it affect my life to the extent it does. I know i need some help about this issue. if im drinking i seem to forget all about my hairloss and i dont stress about it, so i think ill go buy some beer now.