Losing your hair made you resentful towards women?


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Some of you (the ones that are almost bald, or already bald) probably get rejected for that fact alone, did it made you more resentful to women?
and lets say you wake up one morning with a full mop, will you have an urge to 'revenge' your mistreatings?
I want a full disclosure on this guys, be honest, no to me, but to yourself! (again question goes to the nw3-4 and higher).


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No,without blowing my own trumpet,surprisingly i attract alot of females.I have always been resentful towards women,I just don't like their innate traits.
Infact I don't like humans fullstop as a species. :shock:

Lloyd Braun

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If I woke up with a full head of hair one morning I wouldn't care about women. It would be just as great as winning the lottery. I would be crying tears of joy and just overcome by what happened. I would cry and cry for hours, if not days. It would be a beyond amazing experience. But it isn't going to happen.


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Lloyd Braun said:
If I woke up with a full head of hair one morning I wouldn't care about women. It would be just as great as winning the lottery. I would be crying tears of joy and just overcome by what happened. I would cry and cry for hours, if not days. It would be a beyond amazing experience. But it isn't going to happen.

:jackit: :gay: :shakehead: :smack:

You're a NW1.5 damnit!


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People like what they like. I'm not resentful towards women.

Just sad.


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Well said dudemon.


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monty1978 said:
I'm sorry to hear that!

Do you think you'll ever find someone?

Someone that I like? Probably not.

Lately I've been having fantasies of visiting a pro-domme and getting my balls kicked... :dunno:


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Primo said:
Lloyd Braun said:
If I woke up with a full head of hair one morning I wouldn't care about women. It would be just as great as winning the lottery. I would be crying tears of joy and just overcome by what happened. I would cry and cry for hours, if not days. It would be a beyond amazing experience. But it isn't going to happen.

:jackit: :gay: :shakehead: :smack:

You're a NW1.5 damnit!

I know he's like the 6'0" guy who believes he's small. His hair is better than mine was at 16, he's the only person in the world who can see his hairloss, what will he do if he ever reaches NW6?


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dudemon said:
Ori83 said:
Some of you (the ones that are almost bald, or already bald) probably get rejected for that fact alone, did it made you more resentful to women?

Initially, yes it made me resentful towards women. This became even more of an issue when a particular woman would not only reject me, but also belittle me, act condescending towards me, or plain flat out act like a rude little c*nt towards me ... all because my hair made me apper to be undesirable to them.

But, as the years have gone by, I have come to the realization that it really isn't a woman's fault for rejecting me (this doesn't mean that its OK for them to do any of those other mean things). They are just being women, and the rules of natural selection are in play in my case. It isn't their fault that I was dealt a bad hand genetically. I cannot be angry at them for being who they are.

Hell - if I was a woman ... I'd reject me too! :mrgreen:

Ori83 said:
and lets say you wake up one morning with a full mop, will you have an urge to 'revenge' your mistreatings?

When I was younger, yes, I would have had the urge to seek revenge. However, like I said above, I have come to the realization that they are not to be blamed for my shortcomings. It isn't their fault that I am undesirable to them.

So, now, I would say "no" and I see no reason to seek revenge on women.

(However, there are many people (men and women) in my past who I'd love to get revenge on who actually went out of their way to consistently make fun of me for being bald (on a regular basis) just to be mean a$$holes. These folks have caused me a lot of emotional pain.

Now they are a different story ... :bigun2: :firing:

I agree with most of the things you wrote, but i want to point out couple of things:

1) there are many women that not only reject, but will throw some insensitive comment while at it.... the official name would be "a b**ch".

2) Unlike men, women are expected to be good looking, this is why men are "not allowed" to be self conscious and moan over their looks. (or wearing a wig would not have had that negative stigma attached to it. just like breasts enlargement!)

3) out of our control!! women (and people) should be more understanding. we should get some sympathy points for it (by the words of the wise Larry David!)

4) "natural selection" is not an excuse ! im sorry that argument isnt valid! we are not damaged, nor do we stupid, weaker or incapable in ANY other way then a guy with hair! natural selection is all about the survivability of the fittest/strongest/smartest , not the prettiest.


all in all i can perfectly understand and acknowledge a need for revenge or bitterness from a bald young men.


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dudemon said:
But, "sexual selection" plays one of the central roles in the natural selction process. Why does the peacock show his large, colorful plume of feathers to potential females (peahens) before mating with them? She picks the one showing the most impressive plume. So, since humans are still technically in the animal kingdom, why is the hair on a man's head any different?

Besides, Darwin writes about how in most animal species, it is the MALE who displays the "ornamental attractiveness" in order relay the message to the females that his sperm is the best. Thus, she can be confident in choosing him as her mate to insure that her offspring will be strong and healthy (and desirable) in order to carry on HER genes. So how are humans any different? And isn't a human male's hair roughly in the same category as the peacock's ornamental plume?

So, in that regard, I don't hold it against females for rejecting a guy like me who does not display the strong "ornamental" characteristics that which a male with a full head of hair displays.

I would agree with the peacock analogy, but hair isnt a sign of bad genes, nor lack of a sign of weakness, i would agree about body features as most animals will display their entire healthy body as a sign of great genes.
Plus by that logic women would chooses males only by the hair over their head.


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By that logic women would only choose men with an impressive mop, even if they were obese with a 300lb body weight and horrifically ugly facial features. You can't compare us to peacocks. It is patently obvious through human history that hair is not our physical attraction centre piece.

I figure hair is just one of 6 attributes on the natural selection "scorecard" if you like, the other 5 being, facial features, body build, height, power/status, personality/humour.

If your down in one department, then it is still possible to compensate through the others, but if say you're an ugly, fat, bald guy with no humour then of course you will have problems.


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Monty,I have always felt like this too be honest,basically I am a social misfit and a loner.It has progressively got worse as I have got older and branched out into the real world.I have seen people for what they are,the horrible traits they possess(myself included).We as a species cannot help the way we are,we are unfortunately designed that way.As Bill Hicks said "We are just a virus with shoes". :)
I would love too go back too being a kid,where I was innocent from the perils of this world(money,dead-end jobs,women,death,bills,people).


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George Carlin was another relevant comedian.I wouldn't say I was content being a misanthrope,but at 33 have made the decision too accept what I am and divorce myself from the human race.I actually long for the day when I can have a solitary life,largely away from modern day society.


If it comes to "good genes" for a male offspring, I think it's mainly about strength (height, posture). What genetical weakness is baldness, apart from worse looks? Who would be the better genetical material for a male child - a wimpy guy with a full head of hair, or a bald 2 metre tall powerful man with a posture of a bear? Female offspring isn't going to go bald because her father is bald, so it doesn't matter.

Nashville Hairline

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I used to be a bit angry towards women but now I just realise they are entitled to their preference the same as we are ...in the past I've rejected women for fairly arbitrary reasons...I shouldn't get annoyed if they do it about the number of follicles on the top of my head. That doesn't make being rejected for it any easier, mind.


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Nashville Hairline said:
I used to be a bit angry towards women but now I just realise they are entitled to their preference the same as we are ...in the past I've rejected women for fairly arbitrary reasons...I shouldn't get annoyed if they do it about the number of follicles on the top of my head. That doesn't make being rejected for it any easier, mind.

So you have no problem excluding yourself from the gene pool just by something you have zero control over....?


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TravisB said:
If it comes to "good genes" for a male offspring, I think it's mainly about strength (height, posture). What genetical weakness is baldness, apart from worse looks? Who would be the better genetical material for a male child - a wimpy guy with a full head of hair, or a bald 2 metre tall powerful man with a posture of a bear? Female offspring isn't going to go bald because her father is bald, so it doesn't matter.

But baldness is often seen as something that happens with age and age = lack of virility/strength. So the bald guy does not subconciously cunjure up an image of a prime healthy specemin more like a weak/old version.
And yeah a wimpy guy with a full head of hair or a big strong bald guy but what does that mean for bald guys who dont fit that catagory which I suspect is most of us on this board. I doubt there are too many Vin Diesel/Stone cold Steve Austin lookalikes on here.


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No, not really.

If anything, I became a bit jealous of my friends. When I started to notice my diffuse and receding hairline, I was 22-23 and my friends all seemed to have perfect hair then.
Yet, I had to work hard to have a nice hairstyle and to keep in shape as well. Yet, it felt like most of my friends could go out party (we were at college) eat what they want -stay in shape and have perfect hair.

Nashville Hairline

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Ori83 said:
Nashville Hairline said:
I used to be a bit angry towards women but now I just realise they are entitled to their preference the same as we are ...in the past I've rejected women for fairly arbitrary reasons...I shouldn't get annoyed if they do it about the number of follicles on the top of my head. That doesn't make being rejected for it any easier, mind.

So you have no problem excluding yourself from the gene pool just by something you have zero control over....?
No, just the ones who dont like bald guys.


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Ori83 said:
So you have no problem excluding yourself from the gene pool just by something you have zero control over....?

There are lots of things we have zero control over, and which can be used to exclude us from the gene pool.
If a person inherits genetically some debilitating disease or mental disorder, its not his fault. Yet, he/she would be excluded from the gene pool because of that.

Its funny, a lot of the guys in my gym are bald. They are not huge either, but maybe they are being "muscle compensators" to use HPM's terminology.