Losing Your Relationship Because Of Hairloss


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I was recently going out with a girl with whom I just didn't have a good chemistry. When I told her I wanted to break it off, she told me she was only really into me because I seemed to have money, and that one of the reasons she wasn't attracted to me is because my hair looks like a bad combover. Not sure how much of this was her getting back at me for rejection, but it hurt like hell.


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Yes, years ago I had a girlfriend that absolutely worshiped me. She pursued me and we dated for while.My hair was starting to show signs of thinning. She broke up with me but wouldn’t give a reason why.

We didn’t see each other for at least 6 months. In that time I started using minoxidil and my hair looked really good.. She says to me “you look great now what have you done?”.. I never admitted to what I did.

We did get back together for a year or so but when my started to thin more what do you know she breaks up with me again..

She never ever said the reason for the breakup but I knew why..

Her father had a really bad comb over and I think growing up she was traumatised by it.

Subconsciously she wanted a full head and that’s what she ended up marrying.


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Not exactly a relation, but a girl who was with us during orientation, we were assigned to the same group of tasks so she knew who I was. (was nw8 diffuse that time). I recently met her again (with a diffuse nw3) and she had pretty much the same reaction.

'Dude I can't even recognize you, wtf, what did you even do, you look so different'. I obviously know its my hair, just sad losing out on it made me so much of a loser I didn't even know about.


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Not exactly a relation, but a girl who was with us during orientation, we were assigned to the same group of tasks so she knew who I was.

Sorry to be so patronising, but is this similar to dating for you?


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Yes, years ago I had a girlfriend that absolutely worshiped me. She pursued me and we dated for while.My hair was starting to show signs of thinning. She broke up with me but wouldn’t give a reason why.

We didn’t see each other for at least 6 months. In that time I started using minoxidil and my hair looked really good.. She says to me “you look great now what have you done?”.. I never admitted to what I did.

We did get back together for a year or so but when my started to thin more what do you know she breaks up with me again..

She never ever said the reason for the breakup but I knew why..

Her father had a really bad comb over and I think growing up she was traumatised by it.

Subconsciously she wanted a full head and that’s what she ended up marrying.

that's sad man. well in my case girls do stare at me , but when they see my hair they look away(that hurts like hell, you know). its just that my hair is screening away a lot of dates. I might end up single for life I think. I mean is it so hard for a girl to be attracted to you if you are losing your hair. don't understand why our society is based on looks. :(


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That is sad! People are awful, for real... But, if I ware you, maybe knowing that she left for this reason the first time, I would not have gotten back together with this girl.

Personally I wouldn't either, but I'm starting to understand people who have this understanding of the importance of looks from their own partner. It's a little bleek and Nihilistic but if you take a step back and look at us humans as nothing individually extraordinary, just temporary people trying their best to live in a temporary existence with as much short term happiness as they can fulfil by any means. That includes superficial happiness, the way we can't help that being surrounded by good aesthetics simply just make us feel better.

In cases such as these if a person decides their happiness is weight heavily on looks and actually this is an unconscious decision for them that they can't control, then they have to go with what's ingrained in them. They can't possibly be a loving partner to someone they resent. And from the guy taking her back, well he's also looking at things quite simplistically in his happiness towards someone he's attracted to and loves him back in major part because of his hair.

That attitude may not be for me in finding/keeping a partner but this is just how some people have to accept themselves I suppose


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Sorry to be so patronising, but is this similar to dating for you?

I've been balding since 14, so never really had a date (yep kissless virgin). However what I do remember is how people treat me, comments they make. I might not remember names, but I'm surprisingly good at remembering people (their nature).


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I ran into an ex and I was bald shamed into oblivion by her. Never felt so low in my life. I'll just say in all of my experiences dating I've never had a woman not eventually use my weaknesses or personal information to manipulate or exploit me. Wish I could say differently, but it's just how it's been for me. Maybe one day I'll find someone who doesn't put on a facade.

g.i joey

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I kind of broke it off with my ex because I was so unsure with the future of my hair. She didn't seem to have a problem at the moment with my diffuse nw2-3 but she once told me she wouldn't know if she would be attracted to me when I'm slick bald as she never found bald men sttractive... well as most of you already guessed that stuck wth me for the next 5 months we kept dating till I just said f*** t and broke up with her... worst part was I couldn't even give her a reason, it was for my own insecurities. Needless to say, ever since I broke it off with her it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. This is the main reason why I still can't get into anything serious with anyone right now, although I do feel a little more secure of the future of my hair given treatments still work as long as expected.


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I was recently going out with a girl with whom I just didn't have a good chemistry. When I told her I wanted to break it off, she told me she was only really into me because I seemed to have money, and that one of the reasons she wasn't attracted to me is because my hair looks like a bad combover. Not sure how much of this was her getting back at me for rejection, but it hurt like hell.

I told you look like rich french 45yo producer


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That is sad! People are awful, for real... But, if I ware you, maybe knowing that she left for this reason the first time, I would not have gotten back together with this girl.

I probably shouldn’t have got back with her but I honestly thought at the time minoxidil would keep my hair forever.. This was late 90’s just before propecia hit the market.

I really only had about 1 good year with great hair then it went down hill again and that’s when she ended it again..

I kind of feel better about the whole situation now because I have always stayed very fit and had good transplant results.. The guy she married is very overweight now.. A little bit of karma for her.


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But don't you wanna be with someone who is not going to dump you over something you can not control?

Yes definitely! At the time I wasn’t sure of her reasons for dumping me were as she never gave a reason. It was only with hindsight and me piecing together all pieces of the puzzle and her dating Norwood 1’s after we broke up did I fully work out she was not going to be with a guy losing his hair..

As a young bloke and a nice looking ex wants to hook up with you it’s difficult to say no. For me anyway.


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You did well with transplants and I think I have that safety net too - but it's costly and usually still won't be as dense and natural as native hair. When I think of Propecia being unable in those days, man it's truly depressing. Without this medication, I'd be in a dark place mentally.

Yes,Wolf pack your right it was depressing but i honestly thought minoxidil was the answer at that stage. Results were great at first but my hair went backwards after about a year no propecia to hold ground I was doomed.

As the years went by I had to change my game plans several times. Luckily for me I hung in there long enough to get a decent result.

Those early days still haunt me. I had to pay $195 for a small bottle of minoxidil from Ashley and Martin as you couldn’t purchase rogaine from a chemist..