Low Local Estrone Ipotrichia Or... Just Inflammation?


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update. after on month dermarolling i noticed some thin new hairs on my temples.
i stopped completely using substances on my scalp. having pfs, is not safe.
after 4 months on raw food, i sleep again (insomnia was a big problem) but all the other post-finasteride symptoms persist.

according to my studies, low local estrone ipotrichia or female pattern hair loss is due to low local estorne production, yes, but the root is in this simple thing: we are intoxicated by chemical pollutants that act like endocrine and genetic disruptors.


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You're on the right path. It definitely takes time to heal and I know for certain that eating raw food is critical to accelerating that time. I had gained back morning erections and the ability to have them just be seeing women. In general, I just started feeling really good psychologically, mentally, and physically. My facial hair grew thicker and denser, my voice deepened, my mind was clear and I felt happy for really no particularly specially reason, I would laugh during the day at things maybe I had read that perhaps normally would have had no effect. What surprised me the most was the fact that my hair started falling out LESS and then completely stopped all together. I would have thought for sure that would be the opposite. My hair texture did get finer, which I don't like, but seriously... I can deal with it if my hair doesn't fall out and actually grows back (and it is).

However, I was stupid and decided that I wanted to see if I could use finasteride topically and get away without side effects. The concentration I used was incredibly small... like 0.05%. It put me right back to where I was. Not only that, but the finasteride caused me to shed. That was about 5 months ago and only now is my voice changing again, my facial hair getting thicker, I'm sleeping less, dreaming more, etc... I'm not fully there, but I will recover and this will never happen to me again. This drug is incredibly toxic. Especially more so to certain people. I have no idea what it does, but I believe it probably is related to causing your kidneys not to function properly. Perhaps the kidneys heavily rely on 5 alpha reduced steroids. It may also disturb gut function. I know for certain that DHT or maybe other 5 alpha reduced steroids are critical in the normal function of mucosal tissues.


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My facial hair is returning to how it would be if I had never taken finasteride. The diet is definitely responsible for causing these changes. I know this is true because I went almost 3 years without taking finasteride and none of my symptoms improved. I also spent a year being vegan and, while symptoms improved a little, it wasn't until eating a totally raw food diet that all of my symptoms started reversing. Honestly, the way I eat right now is not really all that enjoyable, but I don't really care much. I would rather have my body functioning correctly than be temporarily pleased by food. Most of what I eat consists of leafy greens, root vegetables, onions and garlic, celery... and I eat a lot of it. It's taken me some time to get used to it and the way I eat it is kind of disgusting. I basically throw everything in a blender and drink it. Most people would probably vomit from drinking what I drink, but I've grown used to it and it's just part of my day. I have AT LEAST one entire blender full of this stuff, but I usually aim for two. In between those, I eat fresh fruit and berries, nuts, sometimes some olives. I also drink a 2-3 liters of water daily. Doing this along with going to sleep no later than 10pm regularly has been the only thing that has ever had any effect. I also supplement with a few things like B12, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, and iodine.

As far as organic food goes, almost all vegetables and leafy greens I buy are organic. Berries and most fruits are also organic. The only thing I don't buy organic would be fruits and vegetables with thick rinds like melons, oranges, grapefruits, etc. Leafy greens and fruits or vegetables with thin skins I always purchase organic.


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The doctor whos' following me is making me eat a 70% raw food diet and honestly i love it, is very delicious.
i want to switch to 100% raw but he says i'm not ready...
Also, is making me eat in a sequentail way: you can find out more here ---> https://forum.propeciahelp.com/t/sonics-raw-food-juice-fasting/30850

Yes, routine is important, i go to sleep very soon and i wake up around 6 am.

do you think that eating organic plays a role in recovery? currently i don't eat organic.


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I'm not sure how great of an effect organic food has. I do know that when I eat organic melons, they taste so much better than non-organic. They are also probably half the size. I would guess that if the flavor is better, it's probably more nutritious, but obviously I can't really verify that. I think the biggest issue is that eating this way is allowing the kidneys and liver to heal and function properly and this is happening because nothing foreign is being introduced into the body. All the body's resources can be dedicated to internal organ maintenance instead of fighting the inflammatory substances that most people consume.

I experimented for the first time with meat in over a year... a month ago, a friend from Germany visited and we went to dinner and I had a steak and some other thing I don't really eat. About 20 minutes after the first bite, I started getting a patchy rash on my hands, arms, neck, and face. Before I started eating a raw plant-based diet, this never would have happened. Once I stopped eating meat and dairy (and grains for the most part), my body stopped creating whatever it does to neutralize the toxins in those products.

As far as organic is concerned I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just make sure you wash everything you eat thoroughly. If you can get organic leafy greens or grow them yourself, that would be better, but I don't think it matters so much for the foods that get peeled like carrots, oranges, bananas, etc.


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i have to convince my parents to buy organic, they are very miser and because of pfs i do not work... you know, anxiety, no stress tolerance... this drug really puts you in a corner.

did you also get facial lipoatrophy?


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i have to convince my parents to buy organic, they are very miser and because of pfs i do not work... you know, anxiety, no stress tolerance... this drug really puts you in a corner.

did you also get facial lipoatrophy?
I know exactly what you mean. I couldn't work either. For a long time, I did work but I became less and less effective until I could no longer function.

I got lipoatrophy under the eyes severely and the first time I recovered, my eyes went completely back to normal... I looked like a teenager again. Before, my eyes looked black and hollow.. I looked old. Now, my eyes are about half way there after the second time... Getting really close.


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i even stopped studying. i'm 36 yo old now and i wonder if i'll still able to do something to realize my dreams... i'm afraid i'm no more in time...

when i talk about lipoatrophy, i talk about the subcutaneous fat loss... and then the skin thinning, collagen loss, wrinkles... did you got this?


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I don't believe I had any significant subcutaneous fat loss other than around the eyes. Don't give up hope yet. The positive changes that happened and are happening to me are so surprising because I now feel a way I haven't felt for so long that I almost forgot I could feel that way.


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You have no idea how much hope this message gives me.
how long did it take to see improvements since you started raw food?


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I think it probably took months. I was eating a vegan diet for probably at least a year before eating raw. When I switched to raw, I think it took at least 2-3 months. I ate mostly leafy greens and fruit. For example, I would normally wake up and eat some fruit and then put celery, a beet, Swiss chard, kale, spinach, a lemon, an onion, turmeric or turmeric powder, multiple ears of ginger, Macau root powder, ground flax seed, half an avocado, and water in a blender. It’s kind of gross and takes awhile to get used to, but I do this daily and I try to have it twice a day. At least one of these will include all of the ingredients above. The other won’t necessarily be the same. I also add a couple teaspoons of ascorbic acid because once everything is blended up, it oxidize without it. I really regret messing with finasteride again, but I’m definitely getting better for the second time so I know it works. I’m not entirely surest why it works... I do know that my 5 alpha reductase expression must be increasing though. I’m not sure how involved the kidneys are either, but I know that positive things are happening there as well.


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Well, to give you some perspective, I tried to use finasteride topically for a month.. Maybe a little longer.. until I discovered that there was no hope for utilizing that drug ever. I stopped probably back in late October of 2018. Since then, I've deviated a little here and there from the diet and more recently I've been very consistent.. Not eating any cooked food. Just the purest diet I can eat with lots of water and a full 7 day fast about a month ago. In the last month I've made A LOT of progress. My voice has changed, facial hair has gotten denser, hair on my head is finer than it was before, but it doesn't fall out and my scalp doesn't itch at all. My lipoatrophy under the eyes has improved as well. I'm not quite there yet. All of these things will get better because they did before. When this happens to you enough times, you start recognizing the different stages of the recovery. I'm very close right now and I don't believe that it will take more than a month from now, at the most, to feel the way I did the first time I started getting better. This time, I won't be playing with finasteride. It's worth nothing. The thing is, as good as I started to feel before, I wouldn't be surprised if I could feel far better than even that. I really wonder how good I would feel now if I had not tried finasteride again.