Lowered Dosage of finasteride due to Side Effects


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How many guys here have lowered their dosage of finasteride due to sexual side effects? I had experienced sexual sides from 1 mg/day of finasteride, and am thinking about lowering my dosage to .15 mg/day instead.

Has anybody here had success with lowered dosages in terms of reducing/eliminating sides? Please respond if you have information worthy of sharing.



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It has worked for some, and is hasnt worked for others. How long have you been on finasteride? If its not long than you might want to try and stick it out because your hormones have to get used to finasteride, and eventually the sides MIGHT go away. If you really want to lower your dosage you should try .25 mg first, see how it goes, and try to slowly raise the dosage. Some have seen great results with a lower dosage, some have seen the same side effects, everyone is different. Stay positive and try not to read into the stuff you read on the net too much, best of luck.


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YouKnow said:
It has worked for some, and is hasnt worked for others. How long have you been on finasteride? If its not long than you might want to try and stick it out because your hormones have to get used to finasteride, and eventually the sides MIGHT go away. If you really want to lower your dosage you should try .25 mg first, see how it goes, and try to slowly raise the dosage. Some have seen great results with a lower dosage, some have seen the same side effects, everyone is different. Stay positive and try not to read into the stuff you read on the net too much, best of luck.

Thanks for the input. I only got 8 days into the medication -- but the COMPLETE loss of sexual function is apparent. I stopped taking the pill 2 days ago. Despite what the naysayers say, it is possible to get hit hard by the sides after only one week. Oh yeah, and I am a very healthy and active 24 year old. I am going to give it a few weeks until they subside (hopefully sooner than later), and probably try again starting again at .15 mg/day in one months time. (I think I have seen studies where -- more or less -- this is the lowest amount to really make it worth my while.) Hopefully, someday I can work up to .25 or .50. If not, oh well, at least I did everything I could.

I'm still interested in other members' experiences -- those who have reduced finasteride dosage to deal with sides, or those who know people who have had sucess, please share.


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Hi Oklahoma,

I have tried lowered doses of finasteride, not due to side effects but due to finances at one point in my life. I have gone down to 1/2 of Propecia pill per day and did not lose any gains, do keep in ming 1 mg is the recommended dose for optimal results but everyone responds differently and in my case the half dose worked fine. I do think you have the right idea of gradually increasing the dose to "ease" into it. Good luck to you and hang in there.


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The drug has a flat dose response, meaning that most doses have the same effect (above something like .05 mg). Usually decreasing the dose wont help alleviate side effects, and if it does, you're either VERY very lucky or your sides were a placebo.


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For me side effects were reduced but not completelly. In the end it got too much for me and i quit finasteride. I can say i didnt have sexual side effects at an 8th dose but it did have at full dose.


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follicle84 said:
I can say i didnt have sexual side effects at an 8th dose but it did have at full dose.

So are you saying you didn't have sexual sides at your .125 mg/day? Can you please explain this further? Thanks.


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Okay i've just responded to your message giving you a detailed account of my experience. Check your message inbox. I used Mercs propecia (1mg of finestride).


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Because I have seen so many discrepancies on this topic I have decided to bump this thread with my personal experience. Several forum members have responded to my personal messages on the subject – to those of you thank you. After review, it appears that the success rate of eliminating sides with a reduced dosage of finistride appears to be about 50/50. For obvious reasons, the success rate appears to be greater with greatly lowered doses.

Last month, I began taking Propecia (1 mg of finasteride per/day) for 8-9 days before experiencing the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. It has taken me 13 days to recover from this sexual side, and I am probably around 80% in that department right now. Last night, I was able to maintain an erection through sex without a problem for the first time since sides began to occur on day 9 of taking the drug. Today, I have jumped back on finasteride and will be taking .15 mg EOD (every third day for the first few weeks) via a homogeneous alcohol based mixture. I will slowly raise my intake of finasteride as my body adjusts to the drug -- hopefully maxing out around .25 per/day in a year’s time.

I will update my experience in three months... For what it’s worth, I hope this may help those of you in the same position as me. It sucks that some of us get sides, but I am going to do everything I can to continue to use the drug as it is my best chance to stave off hairloss.


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Hey good luck with that hope it workout for you. I did definitelly notice a lot less side effects at an 8th dose. If it doesnt work out for you check my posts to see what im doing.


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Please don't forget to update this thread , it seems like it could be another lease on the main hair loss treatment for the guys who get side effects.



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decro435 said:
Please don't forget to update this thread

You bet I will, but in all fairness you should know this forum is riddled with users who have sucessfully decreased their dosage and to alleviate their sides.


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I feel the sides almost instantly, ie the first day. My sexual sides aren't so severe that I can't keep an erection, but having an erection becomes hard work. The whole thing feels very unnatural.

It takes me 4-5 days to feel normal again after stopping.


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Have you reduced the dosage. I had barely had any problems taking an 8th dose, certainly no sexual side effects which i got when taking 1mg.


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I've tried .25, the sides are lesser but still there...


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An 8th dose almost took away the side effects compared to a quarter dose. It made a difference at least for me. I should have stayed at an 8th dose because now im too frightened to go back on finasteride after getting side effects from taking quater plus doses. They crept up on me slowly (gyno, fatigue) and they still havent completelly gone after dropping finasteride 4 weeks ago. On more possitive note however it doesnt look like im noticeably balding from the crown anymore and im still continuing to see improvements since dropping finasteride.


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Anyone got any luck in dropping dose to combat gyno/sensitive nipples? Would appreciate feedback! I could care less about the sexual sides, even if I got them.


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Can others who have lowered their dosage from 1mg to .25mg please tell us how they have responded to the change?

Should I expect to still suffer side effects from .25mg , have you seen any maintenance/decrease in itch from .25mg?