
makeup tips for AU


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Hi! I'm a 17 year old female, and I've had AU since I was 13. I use eyeliner and an eyebrow pencil and, of course, wear a wig. I was just thinking there might be someone out there who would like some relatively simple makeup tips for AU.

I use a waterproof liquid eyeliner, and I just line my upper lid. You'll probably get it in your eyes on the first few trys. Ouch! It really does make your eyes look a lot more natural though. I have not had good luck with fake eyelashes. They are very hard to get in the proper position and
I'm afraid they'd fall off in my soup or something! Plus, the glue stinks :lol:

My eyebrows I draw on with an eyebrow pencil. Try to follow the shape of your eyes, and not get them too thick or too thin. Also, if you have blond or light coloured hair (or HAD :D ) don't use too dark of an eyebrow pencil.

This is what works for me. I hope this helps someone!


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wow your up-beat attitude is inspiritional compared to the moaning and griping that goes on in the mens forum.... i'm tempted to put a link to your post (with your permission?)


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Sure! I've read some of the posts in the men's forum and they do gripe a lot! :lol: Not that I blame them, but honestly no one notices a receeding hairline, and take it from me guys, girls really don't care! At least, most of them don't, and the ones that do aren't worth having. :wink:


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I've had clients who have had the eyebrows tattoed (sp?). Very soft fine lines delicatly etched in. You really need to look around and find an experienced person to do this and you want to get something that will not look out of place when your 20 to 40 years older.

Go to the wrong person and you may get MOM or Harley Davidson above your eye.


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1uniquechick said:
Hi! I'm a 17 year old female, and I've had AU since I was 13. I use eyeliner and an eyebrow pencil and, of course, wear a wig. I was just thinking there might be someone out there who would like some relatively simple makeup tips for AU.

I use a waterproof liquid eyeliner, and I just line my upper lid. You'll probably get it in your eyes on the first few trys. Ouch! It really does make your eyes look a lot more natural though. I have not had good luck with fake eyelashes. They are very hard to get in the proper position and
I'm afraid they'd fall off in my soup or something! Plus, the glue stinks :lol:

My eyebrows I draw on with an eyebrow pencil. Try to follow the shape of your eyes, and not get them too thick or too thin. Also, if you have blond or light coloured hair (or HAD :D ) don't use too dark of an eyebrow pencil.

This is what works for me. I hope this helps someone!



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Eyelids: I use a MAC Powerpoint pencil (which is designed to stay put and not blend after the initial application) in brown to line my lids and then use a liquid eyeliner (from sephora). After that I use a brown or grey eyeshadow (MAC and/or Mary Kay) and then a soft eyeliner pencil (from sephora).

Eyebrows: I use a Mary Kay soft brow liner in Blonde to draw in place and then go over it with an eyebrow brush and some Maybelline brow powder that has lasted me years.

I get pretty frustrated that I cant just get up and go, but I think Ive come up with a pretty good system.


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Thanks. It works for me. Im sure I could do better but I dont know how. I like your icon.


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Yeah, I like it too! :) And if your system works well for you and you're comfortable with it I wouldn't worry about to doing it better.


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A tip for fake eyelashes:
I use revlon ones, they work really well, $10 a pack but so easy to use and the glue is really good. I buy them and they last me about a week, i just take them off at night and peel off all the excess glue and use them again the next morning. i put them on and use a light grey eye shadow and put eyeliner on the top and bottom eye, works a treat although sometimes its a bit sore, makes your eyelids crack and sore but not very often! maybe it will at the start but im so happy with how they look!

Just a little tip, you can use it or not :)