jijijijiji said:
HairPieceMan said:
yes i agree that i am datable to women of a certain height.
however i would say women who are 4 10 - 5 3 and below, just so that i am taller than them, i dont think it would be a good idea to attempt a 5 6 girl then i get inside and take off my shoes and i end up 1.5 inches shorter than her.
i never said i was undatable at this height, i said i have a lesser selection and still have to work a little harder than if i was taller, which is valid.
i am datable to women who i am taller than, i accept this and can adjust.
on the subject of baldness being different to height, based on percieved "looks"
well everyone has said countless times that UCMan (who is 6 2) is a good looking bald guy, but that doesn't stop his mentality from being real and his opinion of his attraction to the opposite sex being real as well.
so that is a mute point, fact is that people here are fighting nature by keeping hair, and fighting nature by increasing your height is a similar thing in principle, the princicple is the same and you cannot justify why it is ok to fight hairloss yet height is not ok to fight becuase you know a guy who has the same problem yet is doing great.
but anyway the only point you make is that the surgery is a tough battle, yes i agree with that it will be tough, but then again there are people that climb mountains which is way tougher and they feel they have accomplished something in life with that achivement.
i dont judge people that climb mountains or do extreme sports like that (and those things actually DO result in injury and death, and costs more money to), it's their life, if they are happy with that that is good.
i mean there are people that do LL that go from 5 10 - 6 2, again i don't judge them, I can see the very mild improvement it will be for there lives, but obviously the best improvement for a man (most bang for your buck) would be 5 4 - 5 8.
and as i said before i can choose to do one op of 2 inches, making me 5 6.5 barefoot.
then after that i can see how i feel.
for all you know i could meet a perfect 5 foot tall girl in the next 3 months and live happily ever after.
keep in mind im 5 7 in total in my casual lifts (1.5 inch heel and 1 inch platform), but i might do my tom cruise lifts making me 5 8.5 in total.
but in any case i would like to improve myself, i mean the only thing is height, everything else im happy with, it's just my height, i'd like to get there eventually, it would make me feel so happy ^_^.
also if i was 4 inches taller i would be able to approach any girl 5 7 <, which is great i think, i mean i dont find tall women attractive anyway.
Buddy, I'm not judging you I said before good for you for trying to better yourself. We are only saying your opinions on women and height are a little bit unjustified. And if women are the main reason you're doing this you might regret it later as impossible as that seems to you right now.
Also another thing you can do is work on your posture. 95% of people I know have horrendous posture. Someone might measure as 5'10 but throughout the day he might be more close to 5'8" because of it. I am 6'0" bare foot, but because I have great posture people constantly think I'm 6'3".
Posture + 2.5 inch lifts = People will think You're 5'9". Aka Normal. Even when the shoes come off if you maintained good posture people would think you're 5'6.5", so those 5'6" girls are still in your range...
of course, posture!
so all the french president has to do is simply fix his posture!!! then people wont think hes 5 5, instead he will be 3 inches taller at 5 8, great plan!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... equal.html
why stand on a 6 inch platform and wear 3 inch lifts in his shoe at all, posture man!
ill also pass that info on to tom cruise, then people will think hes over 6 foot tall, a full 4 inches taller than his wife in his height shoes with posture, instead of just 1 inch taller, i wonder why he didn't just fix his posture for his wedding,
man wearing 3 inch heels all day out in public must suck, especailly at your wedding, all he needed to do was fix his posture then he'd be that tall without those lifts.
and bono at 5 6, who wears 2 inch platforms to make him 5 8
http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/ ... tack-heels
man he doesnt need that, forget it, posture is key, in fact with posture hed be 5 9 without lifts.
well, anyway, back to reality.
on posture there is something called the alexander technique which MAY give you up to a full inch of height provided you had bad posture to begin with.
you will
never appear to get 2 or 3 inches of height through posture correction, you MIGHT get one inch if your posture is abnormally off and corrected with alexander technique.
also on the women finding out thing, just check the threads, also if you think explaining to people how you got your hair back was tough, imagine trying to explain to people how you grew 4 inches in your 20s
here is my plan regarding the height thing.
guy you knew before LL: "wtf happened to you!"
you: "so ya i got my legs broken in twice so id get 4 inches taller"
guy you knew before LL: "..."
you: "whole thing took a year,
guy you knew before LL: "..."
you: "was in russia whole time"
guy you knew before LL: "..."
you: "anyway"
well some people actually make up stories/lies, like they say you felt pain in your legs and then the doctor took a look at it and you had some growth deficiancy in your legs and he sorted it out and then you grew back to your height now or something to that affect.
either way that is not really important at the moment.