so its official, everyone is a fraud even reputable researchers will sell their *** for money. if they didn't add the before and after tag I wouldn't have known which one is which. my *** better than finasteride by many fold. like are they for real? they used every shady trick, different angle, different lightning and it still looks exactly the same
i find it absolutely INSANE what they listed in the "
Renowned institutions
trust us"
section. is everyone just a shady fraud at this point? is nobody even trying anymore? what is it about this industry in particular that allows cockroaches like Dr Carlos and his band to even exist let along make money off of desperate people who have not been provided with a treatment in 1/3rd of a decade?
what even lead them to upload those photos? do they think this looks good? is that the best they can come up with? even with their tricks it looks like complete sh*t. what the actual
the weird *** triangle they drew on the bald crown is hilarious. like, these pictures are not just bad, they are something a low IQ completely high college student could have made within 1 hour. the before circle covers thick dark terminal hair while the after circle does not, to give the illusion that the bald spot got smaller. but the only thing that got smaller is the circle and my hope is the decent and lack of greed of researchers.
and you know when they shared these they are the best they got.
I said before I cant imagine that a reputable researcher gives up his reputation for money, that obviously is not true. in fact I think that thats all they are seemingly in it for
my only question is how can you be a "
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
and yet be so full of sh*t and "invent" such an inferior product? if they used just f*****g Stone Age micro needling one would at least see a difference in their picture of the best reponders.
this thread should be deleted as this is worse than brotzu or histogen or all that bullshit fraud