Masdonnes Story (19/pics/afraid of losing hair!)


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Hi everyone. I'm just 19 years old and I've been afraid of losing hair ever since it hit me that i might lose hair since my dad was balding and I've got thin hair. I'm from Scandinavia, so I'm sorry for my broken english - I'm not a native speaker.

Though I don't suffer from visible hair loss, I'm really afraid of that i will do in just a couple of years or even MONTHS!

This is my story, hope you'll read it all though it's a lot. I COULD REALLY NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT RIGHT NOW! :(

It all started just 3 years ago when i (late) hit puberty. I noticed som hairs on my shirts and my towel after showering and up to 20 haris on my pillow when I wake up. I was quite shocked by that but since my hair continued to fall of at approx. the same frequense and I couldn't really see a visible change I didn't care for it a lot.

I started to be a bit more concern whilst traveling with my dad recently. He started to bald at exactly my age, though visible. He could see a change in his hair. Since I know that you inherit this from your father I was a bit concerned. Though I can't see any changes there's a big chance i WILL do within a year (i was a year later in puberty then my dad)

So, what makes me the most concerned is following:
* My hair is naturally very thin, I'm very blond as you will see in the pics
* My dad started to lose hair in my age
* My hair is very alike my dads
* I've been seeing hairs falling off for 3 years (more then 100 hairs/day easily)
* A friend of my who is suffering from hair loss told me that sore scalp indicates for hairloss. Ever since I've been thinking of that and do experiense this on and off, especially if i pull my hair

But what makes me hope for the good is:
* My mom's got thick hair, and especially her dad whom is french/italian with REALLY thick hair
* My dad is the ONLY guy in my family with balding hair, every other guy has full hair
* My hairdresser told me I got thicker hair in the crown area and thinner on the sides. And I experiende the same, i feel that my hair on the side is much thinner than on the top.
* My dad is not COMPLETELY bald, he is like the fourth picture in the noorwood hair loss chart without hair on he crown. He hasn't lost more hair in 20 years. But the hair that's left is very thin and I think he have had drugs against the hairloss.
* My dad was not as blonde as I am when he was my age
* My dad could see his hair got thinner at my age and he told me recently that he couldn't see any changes in my hair.
* My hair is somewhat curly in the front, which are genes from my mother sides, and maybe my hair is a bit alike hers aswell.
* I've got the skin of my mother (skin is part of the hair loss-thing right?)
* I cant see a receeding hairline nor thinning hair though I've been seeing hair falling off for more than 3 years.
* I visited a hair-clinic 1,5 years ago and they told me that I've got a lot of hair but it's very thin, and my crown is a bit thin but i don't have to worry about it (back then) and until I can see maybe 100 hairs on my pillow when i wake up I can feel safe

Here's some pics showing my hair as for today. My fringe is, as you can see, a bit wet and I've got a very high hairline, thin hair and a bit curly along the hairline.
I hope the links works.

The Crown: SDC13192lgf.jpg (606 KB)
Left side: SDC13193LGF.jpg (607 KB)
Right side: SDC13194LGF.jpg (698 KB)
Hair line: SDC13197LGF.jpg (648 KB)
Back: SDC13200LGF.jpg (659 KB)

I don't know whether I'm still in denial but I can't really see a receeding hairline nor a major thinning in my crown area. I've always had thin hair and people have pointed it out every now and then.

But what are your opinions? What do you think of my possible hair loss? Do I have to wrry? What can I do without taking finasterid or rogain? Can you reccomend and good schampoo or anything that might ease the hair loss a bit (the thing that freaks me out most is not my actual hair, but the hair i see falling off and the fact that I'd might be bald in a year or even months!).

Please let me hear some encouraging words from you guys and please ask if I (probably not haha) missed to say something. I need some support in these dark times.



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For what it's worth, I do not see any obvious hair loss in your pictures. Your hair does appear thin, however, it does not appear to be balding and, from my experience, people with your type of hair often have thin hair. If I understand correctly, you have been noticing a lot of hair loss in the shower, on the pillow, etc., for over a year now? If that is the case you should keep a close eye on it to make sure it is not progressing.

You could perhaps use Nizoral shampoo to control inflammation (the sore scalp you've been noticing) and something like topical spironolactone to lower DHT in the scalp a bit. If your hair loss becomes aggressive you may want to reconsider your opposition to finasteride and minoxidil, as these two drugs seem to be the two most proven treatments for hair loss.


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Thanks for the answers.

I think my dads fringe(bangs?) started to get thinner at first, and the all over the place. Im not quite sure I should ask him. I'm very concerned that I will not get a warning such as receeding temples, but just get bald with out warning.


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I'd just keep an eye on the hairline and watch out for miniaturization. I've noticed mine starting to miniaturize so I'm about to hop on finasteride.

Just keep watching it for a while, see what happens. If it looks like you might lose hair on the hairline\crown, then get on finasteride.

Right now it just looks like you have really ruddy skin with very blonde hair, so it can be almost "see through" on the top\crown part...I wouldn't worry about that right now.


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sergiotahini said:
For what it's worth, I do not see any obvious hair loss in your pictures. Your hair does appear thin, however, it does not appear to be balding and, from my experience, people with your type of hair often have thin hair. If I understand correctly, you have been noticing a lot of hair loss in the shower, on the pillow, etc., for over a year now? If that is the case you should keep a close eye on it to make sure it is not progressing.

You could perhaps use Nizoral shampoo to control inflammation (the sore scalp you've been noticing) and something like topical spironolactone to lower DHT in the scalp a bit. If your hair loss becomes aggressive you may want to reconsider your opposition to finasteride and minoxidil, as these two drugs seem to be the two most proven treatments for hair loss.

Well, for atleast 3 years, when i started noticing it.
I mean I have easily lost more than 100 hairs over the last 3 years to I can't really say i see any changes. But the fact I'm losing that much hair can't be a very good sign. Could it be I'm having more hairs growing back aswell?

Would like to try Nizoral for a while and see if I can quit see all the losing hairs which makes me feel worse.


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I was told hat Nizoral actually might speed up the hair loss since it contains hydrochloric acids whichs may rip the scalp? How could that be positive for your hair loss?

What type of shampoo would you recommend then to lessen the hair loss and not increase it?

And you are welcome to comment the posted pictures aswell :)