
Massive Shedding After Starting Foam Rogaine 4 Months Ago


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I used to visit this website a lot when I was in the 20's. Now, I am a little older, in the early 30's.
My hair has thinned and scalp has become more visible as I have aged.
Rogaine gave me good results in the past, so I decided to use it again.
However, this time, I am getting shedding even at 4 months, which is not what I typically experienced with Rogaine.
I have used both foam and liquid in the past and this never has occurred.
I am seeing some vellus hairs coming out, but I am losing ground much faster than the gain.
In addition, my hair is so sensitive to what I eat that even a small amount of "wrong food" gives me massive shedding.
What in the world is going on? Can shedding occur for this long?
I thought shedding usually stops within 3 months, and I am very befuddled. I would appreciate your response.


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@dehoha, did you ever get to the bottom of this? I am in the same boat with food reactions causing significant variable upticks in shed (esp in rogaine treated areas) and the only thing that’s provided relief is a strict elimination diet (very low histamine) which completely sucks.