if you want to base your understanding of one outlier thats fine.
i prefer to look at the averages and trends and what these new studies say. little do we know your brother maybe an outlier due to thyroid issues. or sure now he spends lots of time outside. but the question is in the years his male pattern baldness progressed how much sun was getting to his scalp ? was he indoors working or studying a lot ? or was he wearing hats to cover the hairloss and excacerbateing this issue?. haveing lots of scalp sun after you got advanced male pattern baldness will NOT reverse it alone ! the full dermarolling pg2 kotsarelis protocol would be needed as well as sun..
anyway main point is nothing to loose adding vit d topical as per studies. but where to get one with no prescription ? im adding vit d split pills now to my after dermaroling castor oil mix... not sure if its strong enough .. cod liver oil stinks and makes me feel sick so cannot use that..
i prefer to look at the averages and trends and what these new studies say. little do we know your brother maybe an outlier due to thyroid issues. or sure now he spends lots of time outside. but the question is in the years his male pattern baldness progressed how much sun was getting to his scalp ? was he indoors working or studying a lot ? or was he wearing hats to cover the hairloss and excacerbateing this issue?. haveing lots of scalp sun after you got advanced male pattern baldness will NOT reverse it alone ! the full dermarolling pg2 kotsarelis protocol would be needed as well as sun..
anyway main point is nothing to loose adding vit d topical as per studies. but where to get one with no prescription ? im adding vit d split pills now to my after dermaroling castor oil mix... not sure if its strong enough .. cod liver oil stinks and makes me feel sick so cannot use that..