Masturbation and Hairloss, personal experience + 4 m results


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dreamermerlin, you sound so legalistic and puritan about sex. Please, get a life.

Regarding DHT and Hairloss, I believe this theory holds water. Now, a lot of people say "Well, then EVERY male would be bald". But we also have to reason that the hair loss will only happen in males PREDISPOSED to male pattern baldness.

So ejaculation/masturbation could be indeed shooting your DHT through the roof, and it will only affect ME because my follicles are predisposed, and not my friend who's follicles are not.


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dreamermerlin, you sound so legalistic and puritan about sex. Please, get a life.

Regarding DHT and Hairloss, I believe this theory holds water. Now, a lot of people say "Well, then EVERY male would be bald". But we also have to reason that the hair loss will only happen in males PREDISPOSED to male pattern baldness.

So ejaculation/masturbation could be indeed shooting your DHT through the roof, and it will only affect ME because my follicles are predisposed, and not my friend who's follicles are not.

Haha, @rudimentary, i have a life and sex is not the most important thing in it! Maybe it is for you, regarding of that, i think you chose well your username "rudimentary".
Because only for rudimentary people sex is the most important thing and pleasure in life.
But, that's the difference between thinking with your brain and thinking with your ... dick.
I assure you that my life, in which i have sex at a couple of weeks, is better than others, who have sex daily or twice a day(how crazy is that). Too much energy wasted for a couple of seconds of pleasure, which becomes trivial, and boring if done every single day!!
So, i have a tip for you: sex is better, feels better, the pleasure is greater, hahaha, if you do it rarely! And you don't feel as depleted of energy!
If you read what i said, i'm not against sex or having a problem with it. It is a good and necessary thing, but done with measure, and not in excess.
But i have no problem with how much sex anyone does. If it is the only way they feel they "have a life", good for them.
I was only pointing out that sex consumes a great amount of energy(that's 100% sure) and may contribute to hairloss(that's plausible).

- - - Updated - - -

The minds of males can't beat the beast in males.

Ooooh, sure it can!
It cannot only if you are a rudimentary person, with no will-power, who is dominated by primary instincts. In which case probably you won't get a very evolved person or do significant things in life.
Banging many chicks is not a thing for which people will remember you after you die. It's only the excessive and obsessive fulfill of a primaty instinct, just like in animals.
You must use the energy you have to do more interesting and significative things in life, not only **** women, or, more worse, **** your hands.
Don't get me wrong. I do not promote total absence of sex, that is also a crazy thing. I only promote not doing it everyday, it's excessive, and if you let your brain take control over your dick, you will admit that it weakens you and lowers your energy levels.

Of course, i look around me and see that the majority of men consider that banging many women is the ultimate goal of life, they spend most of their time , energy and money to get as more women as they can in bed. Ridiculous, from my point of view!
Of course, now sure you will tell me to get a life, that i don't have enough women, etc etc.
Ridiculus again.Yes, i like women, i like their company, i like conversations with them, i like to do many things with them, but not only sex everyday. That's just boring and stupid.


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Enough. Let's talk about it again when you are ready to post pics and then show your progress on non-masturbation only without taking any drugs. Laterz.



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Haha, it's really funny. On the topic about dermaroller and minoxidil, almost all users instantly hurry to get the dermaroller so to make their scalp bleed. No one asks for photos, etc.
If you tell them masturbation or excessive sex may help to hairloss, they begin mocking and insulting, and want photos.
Of course, it's easier to sting you scalp with 200 micro-needles than to not enter p**rn sites, aha??


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If you tell them masturbation or excessive sex may help to hairloss, they begin mocking and insulting
No surprise there since the majority of people on here try to save their hair for the very purpose of - in the end - having more sex. So, to them this is like a death sentence.. How bad that for some their endeavour is futile because those two things are mutually exclusive.