
Masturbation and shedding

Autumn Sundown

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Does anyone else notice that if they don't masturbate for a while shedding seems to lessen? I don't know if this is the case with everyone but my shedding has virtually stopped since I stopped masturbating. I used to masturbate every day and I would shed in terrible amounts. I would get 5 or 6 hairs on my hand every time I ran my fingers through my hair in the shower and usually 2 or 3 if my hair was dry. Since I've stopped I've been able to tug on my hair (usually the hairline and vertex) without getting any hairs out. Some days it seems like I don't shed at all.
I've heard that there is no relation between the two, but I've been witnessing some pretty undeniable results recently. I was just wondering if anyone else noticed anything like this.

Autumn Sundown

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I wonder why not masturbating has had such a dramatic effect on me. It doesn't make any difference at all for some people, but it seems to be all I needed to stop the shedding.


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How long have you been not masturbating? Ignoring the fact that if you don't have sex/whack off/whatever you will just begin to ejaculate in your sleep, you are aware how long hair cycles are for? I wouldn't expect to see any results for about 3 months.

As pointed out before also, there are people with a lot of hair that still have sex quite regularly ;)

The fact that you're trying to make correlations between sex and hairloss when you have no visible loss is bizarre, go out and get some >_> seriously.


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There is absolutely no point in posting this. No matter what results you gain, the people on this forum will reject the fact that there might be a correlation between the too despite lacking any evidence to prove so. I'm not saying there is a corellation (though I believe there is) I'm just saying we don't know.
Everyone is subject to their own opinion but this seems to be extremely in the favour of it having no effect on hair for some reason.

As for people saying that there are plenty of people who mastubate/have sex daily and have full heads of hair, well why wouldn't they?. They obviously have good hair genes. The basis of the theory of masturbation/sex having an effect on hair is that the subject has bad hair genes and that masturbating/sex speeds up or even starts the process by messing with hormones etc.. But then again the know it alls here have so much evidence to prove that this doesn't happen.. (Sarcasm).

Just forget about this topic or go to a different forum man, you won't get any help here..


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No matter what results you gain, the people on this forum will reject the fact that there might be a correlation between the too despite lacking any evidence to prove so.

We don't have to proof there ISN'T a correlation, you have to prove there IS one. Jesus, it's like people who think jerking off is the cause of male pattern baldness insist on arguing backwards. Something isn't true unless it's proven false, it's false until you prove it true.

But then again the know it alls here have so much evidence to prove that this doesn't happen..

No, what we have is an absolute lack of evidence that it's related AT ALL.

To the OP -- Stop counting hairs. You can't count them all, so any conclusion you draw from them is meaningless.

Autumn Sundown

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SuperMeh said:
How long have you been not masturbating? Ignoring the fact that if you don't have sex/whack off/whatever you will just begin to ejaculate in your sleep, you are aware how long hair cycles are for? I wouldn't expect to see any results for about 3 months.

As pointed out before also, there are people with a lot of hair that still have sex quite regularly ;)

The fact that you're trying to make correlations between sex and hairloss when you have no visible loss is bizarre, go out and get some >_> seriously.

I've been not masturbating for about a month. I began to notice a slight change within a couple of days. After about a week I began to shed less and less until I reached the point I'm at now, which I would consider average or slightly less than average shedding.
I used to masturbate once or twice a day. I stopped because I thought it might be effecting my sex drive, I didn't even think of it having an effect on my hair until a little while later when I noticed I wasn't shedding as much as I used to.
I realize there are people with full heads of hair who masturbate and have sex often, however I believe that it may speed up the process or cause it to start in people who are genetically destined for male pattern baldness. I've stopped masturbating before and noticed a difference in shedding then too, I just didn't think the two things were related.
I'm sure there are a million ways to disprove this, and I'm it won't have the same effect on everyone, all I'm saying is that I'm happy with my results. I don't have a very high sex drive as it is, so keeping from masturbating isn't hard at all and definitely worth it.
It's just something that works for me that I found interesting and felt would be worth sharing.


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I definately don't have any issues about sharing ideas but I don't agree at all.

Also, forget masturbating, if I stop having sex I think my relationship would be very healthy, sex is part of life for most people, I wouldn't stop doing it for my hair. How would I explain that?

$%&@ it I don't wanna stop masturbating either. :jackit:

Seeing as you've shared your theory, wanna share what you think is the mechanism behind it?


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I'm not going to bother going into the details but heres the jist of it:

After orgasm prolactin levels rise, these prolactin levels just so happen to increase DHT. Prolactin levels can remain elevated for as long as 2 weeks after orgasm. Therefore over-masturbation, i.e (2 times daily) will result in hormonal imbalance. Have you ever got head-aches after jacking off twice in an hour?. This surge in prolactin and DHT would have multiple complex interactions that I can't explain, but could clearly trigger Androgenetic Alopecia.

Mastubation takes a lot of energy. It also releases many valuble minerals. A lot of Zinc is excreted through ejaculate. Excessive masturbation leads to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress. At the same time, norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine and released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. Epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol fuel the fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, triggering the release of glucose from energy stores, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle. All of this has a severely taxing effect on the body. All these take a serious toll on hair when done excessively.

Yeah, there does seem to be some evidence. Now understand something. This is only to do with over-masturbation and not to do with masturabting 2-4 times per week, which is actually quite healthy. Soooooo, there's a lot more I could go into, but I don't understand much of it. What's the reason for there being such hostility when it comes to this subject? (Not particularly this thread)

Autumn Sundown

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SuperMeh said:
I definately don't have any issues about sharing ideas but I don't agree at all.

Also, forget masturbating, if I stop having sex I think my relationship would be very healthy, sex is part of life for most people, I wouldn't stop doing it for my hair. How would I explain that?

$%&@ it I don't wanna stop masturbating either. :jackit:

Seeing as you've shared your theory, wanna share what you think is the mechanism behind it?

Honestly, I don't know the mechanism behind it. I never thought there was a connection until I noticed that my hair stopped falling out when I went a while without masturbating.
What the poster above me said makes a lot of sense. When I did masturbate, I did it at least once a day. I don't have a very high sex drive, so not masturbating isn't very hard for me at all. When I did masturbate it was mostly at night time and out of pure boredom and lack of anything else to do.
I don't think a normal amount of masturbation is bad for your hair, but I speculate that doing it too much can have negative effects.

Nashville Hairline

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Ian Curtis said:

Tbh I'm torn on this subject, on the one hand yes we all know most of the male population jerk off regularly and they dont all lose their hair but on the other hand the drug that has the best results in treating hairloss (finasteride) is also one that can cause sexual dysfunction in men so there is a link there between DHT/5-ar levels and sexual behaviour
Would love to read a study on this but we're unlikely to get a sample group willing to forego :jackit: /sex for 6 months or longer
I know the last time I went without it I started having wet dreams again like I was in my early teens - I think we naturally have a need to, er, dump our seed.

I read on another forum a guy who was celibate just to keep his hair (with good results, he claimed) but this seems a ridiculous trade-off! I dont have faith in the internet to get to the bottom of this problem.

Autumn Sundown

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Nashville Hairline said:
this seems a ridiculous trade-off!

It would probably be a lot for some guys to handle but it's really not that hard for me. I used to do it at night because I wasn't able to sleep. It's very rare that I have the urge to, and even if I do it's rather easy to ignore.


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yes i was researching too ..not masterbate for one week means there less shed but if you daily masturbate it again started to shed i was thinking there is a relation to shed and masterbate why if you dont have sperm in your balls dht urges to fill the balls so eventually you will have shed...


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irishpride86 said:
finfighter said:
ok this is just stupid, you said that when you used to masturbate you would shed 6 hairs in the shower and three hairs when your hair was dry...... thats normal, people without male pattern baldness shed 100 hairs a day on average, it's a normal part of hair growth cyceling, ejaculation has no bearing on DHT or T levels. What do you think that if you stop wanking it your DHT levels go down give me a break, there are many older men with ED who can't get off, but they still experiance hairloss.

I agree with this.... This topic is so full of sh*t... masturbating or NOT masturbating WON'T stop or cure hairloss issues....

How about you guys put forth your RESEARCH to find other causes... because this DOES NOT have that MUCH of an impact when it comes to hairloss.... if it did everyone would be bald..

OMG irishpride... Please just shut up. "Do some research". From your mouth. The one asking 999 questions a day which have been answere many times. I tried to support a bit in the past but...Please shut up.

Autumn Sundown

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finfighter said:
ok this is just stupid, you said that when you used to masturbate you would shed 6 hairs in the shower and three hairs when your hair was dry...... thats normal, people without male pattern baldness shed 100 hairs a day on average, it's a normal part of hair growth cyceling, ejaculation has no bearing on DHT or T levels. What do you think that if you stop wanking it your DHT levels go down give me a break, there are many older men with ED who can't get off, but they still experiance hairloss.

What I'm saying is I used to shed a lot every time I so much as touched my hair. Now I hardly shed at all. I stopped shedding once I stopped masturbating.
I didn't mean I shed 6 hairs total in the shower, I meant I shed 6 hairs every time I touched my hair in the shower. By the end of the day it was pretty obvious I had shed way more than 100 hairs.
You can call it stupid all you want but that doesn't mean my results are any different, and it doesn't make me any less happy about them. :woot:


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so all the bald guys I see are all serial masturbators? good to know.

sorry, but you can't notice a change in shedding after "only a few days" simply not possible.

Autumn Sundown

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treeshrew said:
so all the bald guys I see are all serial masturbators? good to know.

As I've stated before I don't think it has any effect on people who aren't genetically destined for hairloss. If someone is genetically destined for baldness, I believe it speeds up the process.

treeshrew said:
sorry, but you can't notice a change in shedding after "only a few days" simply not possible.

Hmm...strange, because I did notice results pretty fast. They haven't gone away either. :whistle:


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treeshrew said:
so all the bald guys I see are all serial masturbators? good to know.

sorry, but you can't notice a change in shedding after "only a few days" simply not possible.

Treeshrew, you are a perfect example of what I was talking about. You don't pay attention to the subject and you just jump on your own little conclusion as quick as possible. No, not all the Bald guys are serial masturbators. What I and the OP are stating is that excessive masturbation could lead to kick-starting Androgenetic Alopecia. It could also exuberate Androgenetic Alopecia by many means. If you missed my post on why this may be, here it is:

I'm not going to bother going into the details but heres the jist of it:

After orgasm prolactin levels rise, these prolactin levels just so happen to increase DHT. Prolactin levels can remain elevated for as long as 2 weeks after orgasm. Therefore over-masturbation, i.e (2 times daily) will result in hormonal imbalance. Have you ever got head-aches after jacking off twice in an hour?. This surge in prolactin and DHT would have multiple complex interactions that I can't explain, but could clearly trigger Androgenetic Alopecia.

Mastubation takes a lot of energy. It also releases many valuble minerals. A lot of Zinc is excreted through ejaculate. Excessive(not normal) masturbation leads to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress. At the same time, norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine and released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. Epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol fuel the fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, triggering the release of glucose from energy stores, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle. All of this has a severely taxing effect on the body. All these take a serious toll on hair when done excessively.

Yeah, there does seem to be some evidence. Now understand something. This is only to do with over-masturbation and not to do with masturabting 2-4 times per week, which is actually quite healthy. Soooooo, there's a lot more I could go into, but I don't understand much of it. What's the reason for there being such hostility when it comes to this subject? (Not particularly this thread).

You are perfectly entitled to challenge someone's theory, but you don't have to be ignorant about it. Fact is no one knows that is why in the first post I said that this thread is invalid, everyone becomes hostile when it comes to this subject for absolutely no reason. Don't act like you no the answer when you don't.

Ian Curtis

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decro, I read in wiki that prolactin can lower testosterone levels in men, therefore wouldnt it be beneficial? It also says it delays hair growth in mice, not sure it has anything to do with it.