Masturbation damaging hair follicles



Always thought of it as a wives tale.

But I have some interesting (humourous) co-workers at the Lab. One of them knows of me keen interest in hairloss and made a pass-by comment "Do you think the fact I wank alot is thinning my hair Youseff?"

I told him to test it on himself, masturbate and test your levels.

Interesting result just arrived.

Ejaculation raised his Prolactin levels. These levels also raise during stress, trauma, pregnancy etc.. and all of these circumstances plus more result in hair loss.

It is a possibility that excessive masturbation could be juggling high Prolactin levels meaning over a period of time starts to affect your hair.

Don't have time to delve onto that theory atm, but will keep it in near sight.


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You have no idea how many times this masturbation subject has been covered on this board already. Its pretty much been done to death. But having said that. Ive always thought that excessive masturbation might cause those who have a genetic predeposition to male pattern baldness to bald just that little bit faster. But I believe this to be neglogiable in reality.


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I think excessive is 2 or more times a day everyday.


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remember metalheaddude, no more than 2 :jackit: :jackit: per day, otherwise it is "excessive" and causes hairloss :roll:


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Bubka do you even read my posts? I said those that have a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness, ie: Those that actually have male pattern baldness might be prone to losing hair a little faster due to excessive masturbation. But I never said it causes male pattern baldness or hairloss. And it only applies to those that have the male pattern baldness gene. Guys that dont can jerk off as much as they want :jackit:


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metalheaddude said:
Bubka do you even read my posts? I said those that have a genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness, ie: Those that actually have male pattern baldness might be prone to losing hair a little faster due to excessive masturbation. But I never said it causes male pattern baldness or hairloss. And it only applies to those that have the male pattern baldness gene. Guys that dont can jerk off as much as they want :jackit:
You are just MAKING CRAP UP, there is absolutely ZERO evidence to this

FURTHERMORE, what supernatural force is causing you to lose hair "a little faster due to excessive masturbation"??? There is NO biologic connection, only some silly supernatural one which you are pedaling... :thumbdown2:

Please continue, you we all enjoy you making an ever more *** of yourself :jump:


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I never said I have proof. The OP posed the question. I meerly stated my beliefs and experiences. You can take them or leave them.


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Well the OP has stated what a possible cause might be. Im just echoing his thoughts right now. I assume it has something to do with DHT and/or testosterone being released during or after the act of :jackit:

Bubka you have no more proof than me that it doesnt. I put masturbation in the same realm as lifting weights and many people swear that lifing heavy weights increases hairloss (for those that have male pattern baldness).


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Ejaculation causes a spike in Testosterone, which could lead to faster shedding.. Damn, I guess it's cunnilingus over felatio from now on :sobbing:

But seriously, get over it. Batting off won't make you shed more than 2 hairs a week, so get out there and smash some boxes! :hump:


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It only causes hairloss if a close friend with a great hairline masturbates in your hair and then you shave your head and scream at the moon. Then you anger the hair gods, and you're Eff You See Kay EEE DEE (Fucked)


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i dont understand why you guys become so aggressive. fine metalheaddude does not have any proof saying that masturbation causes hair loss, but neither of you guys have any proof that indicates that masturbation does not cause hair loss. if you dont think it does, great. but if you think it does, thats fine too. why all the argument. :dunno:


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guru said:
i dont understand why you guys become so aggressive. fine metalheaddude does not have any proof saying that masturbation causes hair loss, but neither of you guys have any proof that indicates that masturbation does not cause hair loss. if you dont think it does, great. but if you think it does, thats fine too. why all the argument. :dunno:

I never said Masturbation causes hairloss. Does everyone on this board read like the first sentence of a post then ignore the rest? Masturbation does not cause hairloss. Just let me just clarify that. What I said was excessive masturbation may play a factor in speeding up the process of hairloss only in men that have the male pattern baldness gene and are already in the process of balding. Men that don't have the male pattern baldness gene can jerk off all they want. Get it now?


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I never said Masturbation causes hairloss. Does everyone on this board read like the first sentence of a post then ignore the rest? Masturbation does not cause hairloss. Just let me just clarify that. What I said was excessive masturbation may play a factor in speeding up the process of hairloss only in men that have the male pattern baldness gene and are already in the process of balding. Men that don't have the male pattern baldness gene can jerk off all they want. Get it now?[/quote]

i knew what u meant. i just didnt wanna type the whole thing...


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Those who say "Masturbation DOES NOT CAUSE HAIRLOSS" are probably, themselves, masturbating at LEAST 5 times a week.

Try and hold it in. The world today revolves around sex which supresses the natural ability to resist the temptation. Females, are programmed to lust after the "essential" fluids that the male species produce, so in essence, dont pleasure yourself. Its not good.


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GlasgowCelt said:
Females, are programmed to lust after the "essential" fluids that the male species produce.

Yeah good contribution. Just last week I sprayed some "essential fluid" on the hood of your car and your mother and sister were quick to follow.