I think you mean "disagree"

Getting old doesn't mean there will be no attraction for each other. It can still be there. My point is that you need that attraction from the start.
You don't develop a healthy relationship with a girl who isn't sexually attracted to you. That's what our society who is drunk on political correctness wants us to believe.
I often see relationships where the man has let himself go: fat, poorly dressed, balding without doing anything about it. And you can see the constant anger his girlfriend has for him.
She will even put him down in front of their friends and family. I think appearances rank first when it comes to living a happy life and especially having leverage in your life.
Taking care of your looks should be your absolute priority. We're all getting old and uglier of course, but when I see my father for example, he almost has no wrinkles and looks good with his hair piece.
If he lost weight, he would still look quite good for someone who is 53. Same for my mother. My parents look a thousand times better than all the other couples in their 50's I see.
Being old doesn't mean you'll be absolutely repulsive and ugly, especially for a man. You can take care of yourself and age gracefully.
If there is one truth we've learned on this forum, it's that looks are crucial. And caring about looking good shouldn't be looked down on.
People stay together to raise a family. If they don't plan on having children, at a point, there is no reason to be in a relationship anymore.
Building a family is what keeps couples together when looks have faded.
As I always say, you can't fight nature, you can't fight what's real and how the world works.
If you try to do so and remain delusional, reality will come back to get you with a vengeance.
I agree Wolf, long-term relationships are more than that. But looks are still the main prerequisite to make it work.
You can't build a healthy relationship with a girl you're repulsed by.
All I'm saying here is especially true for women. As all of you should know by now, they have way higher standards than us men whether it's for casual sex or relationships.