meanwhile, life with ugly girls . . . .


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Maybe she spent most of last evening in reckless party mode and was eventually found curled up by the commode? Who knows? If I had a personal connection w/ her or moved in her social circle I just might find her really sexy.


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Oh brother you can't be serious. Has the body of a twelve year old boy - flat as a plank. Her body language and posture alone tells me she very insecure. Asides the from the body, her eyes would be the nail In the coffin. Very unattractive to look at. Her features and structure are fine though.

By Asian standards perhaps average but universally she'd be like a 3 - 4 on her best day

What people say and what they do is almost always different. Watch their actions and what they do, this will give the most accurate representation of how we actually feel, let alone what we want.

One of my best friends for example, before coming out women never gave him a piece of day, but low n be hold when he came out the 'omg, hotttie' n such comments came along on FB.


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This is one of the many reasons why many bald/balding guys end up settle for scraps. You have all these average women running around thinking that they are 10's and deserve nothing but the best. You have fat women, with 5 kids from 5 different dads walking around like they are gods gift to men. You think they are going to give an average bald dude a chance when they believe they deserve more???

Many of us are part of the problem unfortunately. I cant count how many times I have seen posts where the OP posts a picture of an average girl and says: "OMG, I cant believe this 10 is with this full head loser..."

Yup, she's been fooled to think she's SO BEAUTIFUL and will assume she's entitled to an alpha male, fullhead with a chiseled jaw. But that actually now goes for pretty much ALL women out there, while men just get beat down and labeled as misogynists.

Agustin Araujo

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We live in a world that mainly revolves around looks and sex, simple as that. You can look for yourself and see that it's everywhere. I myself nowadays find it nearly impossible to take advice from anyone about anything who says it's all about confidence and personality when it comes to attracting someone you like, when the main thing is actually about looks. Having an attractive face is the main importance, having a nice body and height are major bonuses. When it comes to having a nice face, having a proper frame to it is crucially important, which hair plays a huge role at. And of course, having nice shaped eyes, cheeks, lips, mouth, nose, and even ears are important. Having nice healthy facial skin is also crucially important.

Most of the time now, I'll usually watch what people do rather than what they say, I've learned a lot more about human behavior that way. :cool:

Wolf Pack

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Yup, she's been fooled to think she's SO BEAUTIFUL and will assume she's entitled to an alpha male, fullhead with a chiseled jaw. But that actually now goes for pretty much ALL women out there, while men just get beat down and labeled as misogynists.

It's more that there are so many desperate guys who will make her feel hot IMO. Notcool, kind of touched upon that too. It's the dynamics of dating. Most girls can sleep with countless men if they desire to but we know girls don't think of it like this. For them, the challenge is finding someone they truly like to date, understands them and of course is good looking.

But Imbalance of men offering themselves to literally every girl or making them feel good, means they have the choice and control. Both genders have advantages and disadvantages in dating though. As I have gotten older and basically 30, I have realised things have truly evened out now.

Norwood One

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I think you mean "disagree" :p.

Getting old doesn't mean there will be no attraction for each other. It can still be there. My point is that you need that attraction from the start.

You don't develop a healthy relationship with a girl who isn't sexually attracted to you. That's what our society who is drunk on political correctness wants us to believe.

I often see relationships where the man has let himself go: fat, poorly dressed, balding without doing anything about it. And you can see the constant anger his girlfriend has for him.

She will even put him down in front of their friends and family. I think appearances rank first when it comes to living a happy life and especially having leverage in your life.

Taking care of your looks should be your absolute priority. We're all getting old and uglier of course, but when I see my father for example, he almost has no wrinkles and looks good with his hair piece.

If he lost weight, he would still look quite good for someone who is 53. Same for my mother. My parents look a thousand times better than all the other couples in their 50's I see.

Being old doesn't mean you'll be absolutely repulsive and ugly, especially for a man. You can take care of yourself and age gracefully.

If there is one truth we've learned on this forum, it's that looks are crucial. And caring about looking good shouldn't be looked down on.

People stay together to raise a family. If they don't plan on having children, at a point, there is no reason to be in a relationship anymore.

Building a family is what keeps couples together when looks have faded.

As I always say, you can't fight nature, you can't fight what's real and how the world works.

If you try to do so and remain delusional, reality will come back to get you with a vengeance.

I agree Wolf, long-term relationships are more than that. But looks are still the main prerequisite to make it work.

You can't build a healthy relationship with a girl you're repulsed by.

All I'm saying here is especially true for women. As all of you should know by now, they have way higher standards than us men whether it's for casual sex or relationships.

Fred, you're Red Pill aware. Me likes.


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This is how you know she's wet and wants you inside of her.

Pre requisites:

Muscular physique
Full head of hair
Attractive face



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Sexy and attractive absolutely go good together. Same as ugly and fat. There is law of averages(statistical data) that reveals how most male types favor a certain female face/figure type. I've yet to study law that dictates all men who respond sexually ("turned on") to an "an average" women must feel ashamed or desperate. Society's puppet masters relentlessly reinforce this narrow attitude in order to achieve this discordant effect. This attitude that we deserve the best is likely a long running symptom of societal brand retailer brainwashing. We may all prefer landing an 8 or 9 and we all look/feel better with Princess Pretty by our side (visa versa)and congrats to the guys who do or think they can, but it occurs to me at least that there maybe only a few detectable baldites (the best of the best) here who will ever receive or be eligible for the Atta-Boy! award that predictably precedes the voice to the ear/backhanded complement; "not bad looking.., for a bald guy". It's wildly ironic to think that these guys are the lucky ones. Sexes alike I believe most of us prefer institutionalized standards of virtue. Like many age-old traditions some fashions can begin to feel quite natural. An exception is beauty or the pursuit of beauty. It cannot be entirely pigeon holed. For any of us who take offence or is dubious when a 5 rated pawn rebels or transcends their expected low station of tyrannical hierarchy to take a Queen or King, why not perceive it for the special anomaly it is instead? The truth be known we are morally F.U.C.K.E.D. if we believe ugly belongs to one body/face type.


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I think 'sexy' and 'attractive' can be different.

Example: Mia Khalifa (pornstar), I find her sexy but I don't think she's massively attractive. Princess Kate (Britain) is attractive - very beautiful but she isn't sexy at all.

Anyway, the chick in the picture is nothing more than a manifestation of societies stupidity. Any female can get guys to be honest, aslong as they're clean and have breasts - we'll be all up on it. Guys could not care less.

As others have mentioned this means it has now gotten to a stage where woman who are like 3's and 4's seem to think they can bag guys who are 7/8/9 and even 10's. Whereas guys, no matter how good looking, have to run through hoops.


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Yeah it's probably become universal fact that the power of the vagina continues to be the most persuasive/manipulative instrument in all humankind. Girls are learning this once dirty secret faster each generation. Can hardly blame plain Jane for trying to exploit it.


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hell I WANT THAT guy! lol

It's funny how that muscular physique is impossible to have for a normal human even after decades of weight lifting and training. It's all drugs, growth hormones and other stuff. If funny how steroid using men have become the poster childs of health, fitness and attractiveness. I'm not saying I have anything against it, it's just that they don't admit it and this messes up the view people have on the world.

All of us could look muscular (not like that guy but much much better than 100% natural) if we took what he's taking and weight train.


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It's how funny how you're that much of an idiot to think if you took steroids you'd look like said person. The delusion is strong.

Many people dabble witb steroids and are left so dissapointimg with their lack of results.


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It's how funny how you're that much of an idiot to think if you took steroids you'd look like said person. The delusion is strong.

Many people dabble witb steroids and are left so dissapointimg with their lack of results.

Slow down fella. I didn't say we could look like that, I only said we could look muscular and specifically said not like that guy. And that guy is a professional bodybuilder and uses gear worth my yearly income in one month. He also looks like a freak with that big belly from all that growth hormone and he will have probably have health issues from all that substance abuse.

Normal people just have to look good enough, not huge like these freaks.


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actually using steroids makes you have to work out harder or the extra hormones go completely wonky.
Guys who work out like this steroids or not really have a passion and could probably rabble off all the scientific knowledge about every muscle, hormone, pill, enhancer etc etc. There is a point where its scary how smart some of them are.
I still give some credit because you see the roiders who dont work it out and they turn into sloppy, zitty, horrible angry monsters..... then WOMEN!


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lmao @ smart. big difference between processing power and how much data you have saved on your hard drive

they've memorized a lot of bodybuilding information. so what? they prolly dont understand how half of it originated anyways lmao