Men are as good as their worst trait.


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Imagine for a second that there is a woman that suffers from hairloss. Now imagine that this woman also happens to have huge F cup breasts. Does her hairloss matter? Maybe it matters for her "confidence" or whatever, but in the real world it makes almost zero impact on her dating options. This is because men see the best traits in women. If a man sees a woman that has a trait that he likes such as big tits OR big *** OR wide hips OR pretty face, then her flaws basically don't matter.

But women only see the WORST traits in men. For example: Being tall is a desirable trait for a man to have, but if you're a NW7 then women won't give a **** that you're 6'3 - all they will see is a bald man. Give any man a NW7 haircut, even a male model, and he suddenly becomes ugly. Same thing goes with height. A guy might have it all: good looks, thick NW1 head of hair, good personality. But if he's 5'4, then he becomes utter **** in the eyes of women. To women, men are as good as their worst trait.


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Hair is attractive. Baldness is not. If I saw a woman with a great body but a shaved head, I probably wouldn't fancy her. If she wore a wig though, then I wouldn't mind at all.
The bid difference between men and women is the stigma of the toupee, men can't wear wigs. If they could, I doubt baldness would be as much an issue...


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Hair is attractive. Baldness is not. If I saw a woman with a great body but a shaved head, I probably wouldn't fancy her. If she wore a wig though, then I wouldn't mind at all.
The bid difference between men and women is the stigma of the toupee, men can't wear wigs. If they could, I doubt baldness would be as much an issue...
In ancient Egypt everyone was shaving their head and wearing a wig. Nobody would have cared about hair loss.


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In ancient Egypt everyone was shaving their head and wearing a wig. Nobody would have cared about hair loss.

Too bad it's the 21st century and male beauty standards are the highest they've ever been, and wigs have become socially unacceptable for men...
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This is very true. Short woman- can get laid by tall man if she has a cute face frail looking woman- still deemed attractive even though her male equivalent would be cast out as trash. Not got a good job- I doubt a man would care. Not got a place to live- come live with me. There are a few things that can **** up a woman like having a ridiculously bad nose but they are few and far between compared to a man.


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Being a bald guy i dislike wigs myself, its like im always wearing a hat, people can wear what they like, anything could become unaccepted socially one day, pointless going by the logic not to wear it cause others dont like it.


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Too bad it's the 21st century and male beauty standards are the highest they've ever been, and wigs have become socially unacceptable for men...
Yes, this is probably the worst time to have hair hoss in the entire history of mankind. Late enough for women to be equal to males and have preferences and early enough to not have a cure.


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I might be wrong but at times it feels like there is a DEEPER issue going on here, about women with you lot...


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Imagine for a second that there is a woman that suffers from hairloss. Now imagine that this woman also happens to have huge F cup breasts. Does her hairloss matter? Maybe it matters for her "confidence" or whatever, but in the real world it makes almost zero impact on her dating options. This is because men see the best traits in women. If a man sees a woman that has a trait that he likes such as big tits OR big *** OR wide hips OR pretty face, then her flaws basically don't matter.

But women only see the WORST traits in men. For example: Being tall is a desirable trait for a man to have, but if you're a NW7 then women won't give a **** that you're 6'3 - all they will see is a bald man. Give any man a NW7 haircut, even a male model, and he suddenly becomes ugly. Same thing goes with height. A guy might have it all: good looks, thick NW1 head of hair, good personality. But if he's 5'4, then he becomes utter **** in the eyes of women. To women, men are as good as their worst trait.
Actually, the worse critic about your traits is YOURSELF. We tend to see ourselves worse than anyone else. If you can't get over that obstacle, you will believe any trait you learned was unfavorable that you see in yourself will be the "death" of you. If you can't accept yourself "as is", you can't expect society to either. Its starts "within".


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I might be wrong but at times it feels like there is a DEEPER issue going on here, about women with you lot...
Maybe it's the other way around? I've been in a great relationship for nearly 10 years. Never had any issue with women in my life. But I recognize hair loss (especially in young people) can be a HUGE deal with a lot of young women.


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Actually, the worse critic about your traits is YOURSELF. We tend to see ourselves worse than anyone else. If you can't get over that obstacle, you will believe any trait you learned was unfavorable that you see in yourself will be the "death" of you. If you can't accept yourself "as is", you can't expect society to either. Its starts "within".

This is true in the majority of cases, however there are those whose appearance may be particularly bad, they may be viewed as creepy looking or weedy, or repulsive regardless of how they carry themselves and believe in themselves, in those cases self belief and acceptance will not stop society from treating you badly.


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I might be wrong but at times it feels like there is a DEEPER issue going on here, about women with you lot...
Not really Danny. It's quite simple: The majority of women in their 20's find hair loss a turn off. Fact.
Also..a bald man in his 20's is often considered by society to be committing a social, aesthetic, crime.


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Imagine for a second that there is a woman that suffers from hairloss. Now imagine that this woman also happens to have huge F cup breasts. Does her hairloss matter? Maybe it matters for her "confidence" or whatever, but in the real world it makes almost zero impact on her dating options. This is because men see the best traits in women. If a man sees a woman that has a trait that he likes such as big tits OR big *** OR wide hips OR pretty face, then her flaws basically don't matter.

But women only see the WORST traits in men. For example: Being tall is a desirable trait for a man to have, but if you're a NW7 then women won't give a **** that you're 6'3 - all they will see is a bald man. Give any man a NW7 haircut, even a male model, and he suddenly becomes ugly. Same thing goes with height. A guy might have it all: good looks, thick NW1 head of hair, good personality. But if he's 5'4, then he becomes utter **** in the eyes of women. To women, men are as good as their worst trait.

If a guy into big boobs, for example, has a set of beautiful twins to choose from, identical in almost every way except: The one who is an F cup is bald, and the other is an A cup with a full head of gorgeous hair. Which one do you think would be more desirable to sleep with? It's just a question out of curiosity.


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Thats great some of you in great relationships, i wish you all the best, but that leves me to question, why are you lot still worrying about what women in society say, or what hollywood has as bad guys etc, if you in a relationship? is it just a annoying type thing?

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Not really Danny. It's quite simple: The majority of women in their 20's find hair loss a turn off. Fact.
Also..a bald man in his 20's is often considered by society to be committing a social, aesthetic, crime.

If anyone thinks someone dealing with hairloss is doing any type of "crime" then thats just silly, anyone with a brain can tell they cant help it, even if they shave by choice it be silly to think the same. And yes there is women who dont like bald guys, its their preference.


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Actually, the worse critic about your traits is YOURSELF. We tend to see ourselves worse than anyone else. If you can't get over that obstacle, you will believe any trait you learned was unfavorable that you see in yourself will be the "death" of you. If you can't accept yourself "as is", you can't expect society to either. Its starts "within".

Enter a man of great wisdom.


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This is a telltale sign that you've never been in a relationship. Do you think that once you're in a happy relationship, you don't care about being appealing to the other girls out there?

Not only you want to remain appealing, but your girlfriend wants to know that you have options. She needs to feel lucky that you picked her out of many girls.

And I'm sorry to tell you that very few girls will feel lucky that they landed a man that is bald in his 20's. And she certainly won't think the guy had many options besides her.

You know what happens next. Her hypergamy takes over and before you know it, the girl is in the arms of a thick NW1.

So you still try to be appealing to other girls even though you are in a happy relationship? IF so, again IF so then...ok... And im bald, there is noway around it, there is no inbetween, so if a girl goes for me while thinking what you said...would be stupid.

- - - Updated - - -

Enter a man of great wisdom.



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A woman's attractiveness is usually based on her (perceived) fertility. Youth and breast size are signs of fertility. Women are fertile for a much shorter period, therefore, can (and should) be more selective because they have more options (larger pool of fertile men).

I doubt an older woman sees the worst traits. They have much fewer options, which is why you see 30-y/o hags so quick to settle for anyone. They are becoming undesirable and their options are dwindling.

The scenario is also rather rare anyway. I have never seen a balding woman below 30-y/o. Maybe they are all in hiding? Considering the rarity, our brains probably wouldn't process the physical contradiction (young, big breasted woman = fertile, balding = infertile).

OP, you are probably fine being a NW1.