Men Attractiveness Rating 1-10 Scale List


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I'm interested in seeing the female version of yourself.
Purely for curiority's sake.


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I've been thinking about that since I saw the female version of myself with FaceApp.

My facial features were barely changed and I looked so pretty!

Add make-up and a wig and I could make money off that sh*t.

Oh god, it's Friday afternoon here, I'm losing it :p.

I can confirm, Female PolarBear is a total Stacey.

Hot looking, in a very elegant way. Like royalty.
Killer smile that can melt even the coldest of hearts.


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I posted my photo two times on the amiugly subreddit.
Usually, this sub is known to be bluepilled and kinda overrates people. I was given a 2/10 and the comments were rather harsh, so I guess i should be around 0. f*****g ice cold.
That subreddit has lots of bitter incels on it, would take some of their ratings with a pinch of salt tbh


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I decided to make a scale of my interpretation of the scale. Feel free to add to it .

1- completely ugly. Some sort of defect to make you stand out in a bad way ( no offense). Lacks hygiene and maybe extremely over wieght

2- one of the hardest categories to classify on this list. This probably is also a defect , but a little less severe

3- plain ugly. You don’t have a defect you just have been screwed by genetics. Possibly bald or don’t take good care of apperence as well

4- the “try hard” 3. This dude works out and dresses with style - yet he is still lacking in the genetics area. He does better than 3, but not by a large margin

5- average is good - right??! Wrong . You will struggle to get dates in this category. But at least you don’t stand out in a bad way. You can blend in and focus on “careercel”

6- the bare minimum to online date . You might get told your attractive once in a blue moon. When this happens you will ride the high for a week or 2 because it happens so rarely.

7- approaching chad level. Bare minimum to hook up with attractive girls in a one night stand. Girls will randomly find excuses to talk to you.

8- almost model level. The halo affect is strong here. Your success in life and career will probly come easier then most.

9- model level . People will instantly be drawn to your “confidence”. Girls may even consider cheating on their SO for you

10- perfect hair , body , face. Pretty much can get any girl and make a living by taking selfies or YouTube videos .
Based on this scale:
Me: 5-6
Level starting from which I find girls physically appealing: 7
Expectations from girls 5 upwards in guys: 7+ (basically they are like me then)
Conclusion for myself: give up or take pleasure in trying to beat the odds.


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Jeff Seids father:

A Norwood 6 bald guy LOL

Well no one said he took the genetics from his dad lol
lucky guy
never seen this vid though, this dude is stunting on his own father.. " you gotta add some more weight on that for me" lmao


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Jeff Seids father:

A Norwood 6 bald guy LOL

This is embarrassing to watch. Speaking of watching .
Why do these weight lifters have to always look at themselves in the mirror during a workout?

When I lift the last thing on my mind is a mirror.


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This is embarrassing to watch. Speaking of watching .
Why do these weight lifters have to always look at themselves in the mirror during a workout?

When I lift the last thing on my mind is a mirror.

I look in the mirror when at the gym mainly to ensure that my form is correct throughout a movement on certain exercises. I'll also occasionally sneak a peak because if I have a good pump going and look bigger than I usually do, it motivates me to keep working hard. I do agree that guys who clearly check themselves out in the mirror repeatedly at the gym are obnoxious. I do however check myself out at home, because (again) it motivates me to keep on doing what I'm doing when I see gains.


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I look in the mirror when at the gym mainly to ensure that my form is correct throughout a movement on certain exercises. I'll also occasionally sneak a peak because if I have a good pump going and look bigger than I usually do, it motivates me to keep working hard. I do agree that guys who clearly check themselves out in the mirror repeatedly at the gym are obnoxious. I do however check myself out at home, because (again) it motivates me to keep on doing what I'm doing when I see gains.
Okay, fair enough.


My Regimen
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Red pillers, can you give me a current rating with hair loss, and a rating of what you potentially think I could be if I get the Tsuji treatment and have a straight hairline to frame my face? I think that I’m delusional and find myself more attractive than I am, and that I’m not aware of how much my lack of hair throws my facial proportions off.


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Red pillers, can you give me a current rating with hair loss, and a rating of what you potentially think I could be if I get the Tsuji treatment and have a straight hairline to frame my face? I think that I’m delusional and find myself more attractive than I am, and that I’m not aware of how much my lack of hair throws my facial proportions off.

You're one of the few with a good head shape. You're good looking but you would be even better looking with a full head of hair.


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Red pillers, can you give me a current rating with hair loss, and a rating of what you potentially think I could be if I get the Tsuji treatment and have a straight hairline to frame my face? I think that I’m delusional and find myself more attractive than I am, and that I’m not aware of how much my lack of hair throws my facial proportions off.
You're quite good-looking now, you bastard!
Seriously you look good. Great cheekbones and a friendly low mass area forehead.

You probably do okay with the ladies now.


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Red pillers, can you give me a current rating with hair loss, and a rating of what you potentially think I could be if I get the Tsuji treatment and have a straight hairline to frame my face? I think that I’m delusional and find myself more attractive than I am, and that I’m not aware of how much my lack of hair throws my facial proportions off.

People have different tastes but I don't like when my moustache is overpowering my beard. I can grow a thick beard but my moustache gets thicker before it just like you so I would recommend trimming it down a bit so it matches whatever beard you have. Would give your look a good boost imo. A better hairline would help but honestly, you pull off the shaved/buzz very well. Get a necklace or something to add some flair.


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For me this changes from day to day. If I'm having a bad hair day, had a bad nights sleep ect I feel like a 4 or 5 but on a good day when I'm confident I think I could pass for a 7 or 8. Does that make sense? Maybe I'm not the best person to judge myself but based on the fact I've always had my share of attention, complements and looks from girls I guess I must be quite attractive. I think this is mostly to do with my face because I'm not especially tall or muscular.