Men with little to no body hair more androgen sensitive?


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Yeah its always been the sensitivity aspect that is most crucial, but its not understood well. So current treatments like finasteride just nuke your whole endocrine system to try to stop DHT. Always seemed like shooting a fly with a cannon to me, and a bit dangerous for a cosmetic issue. Probably why I never tried it.

Norwood One

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Spot on analogy. If only the PGD2 angle had a reliable treatment for it to replace the DHT attack method..


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Right we know a lot already about what needs to be done. Stopping androgens receptors, doing something about PGD 2. The issue is where is the physical treatment that actually puts the theory into action? It takes so many years it just seems like forever which is why so many people buy RU from random unknown places in china. You want to stop androgens from hitting receptors but nothing you can buy legit actually addresses that. So you have to go underground in small scale with high prices. Purely experimental too
Not that surprising most men look at options and choose to live with it. The options today arent that good