Men with receding hairlines look gay


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As if my recession wasn't bothering me enough, I was riding the train home today from work (I was on the upper level) and I happened to overhear a woman below me (looked to be in her mid-late 20's) comment on a guy in a picture that her friend showed her say: "Men with receding hairlines look gay. I don't know what it is but it just doesn't look right. He should just get a transplant or something". Now I'm aware that most women would never saying something as ridiculous as that sounded but has anyone here ever heard similar comments? Hearing that just totally caught me off-guard and makes me wonder how many other women feel that way. I can't shave my head because I don't have a good head shape so I basically have to keep the receding hairline that I have, bad as it looks, so that I don't look like a freak.


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She's probably far from secure about her own looks, so gets nasty about other people. Silly b*tch :roll:

As for her saying "just get a hair transplant or something", lmao at that. I'd sooner be bald than get a hair transplant and scar my head.


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baldguy28 said:
As if my recession wasn't bothering me enough, I was riding the train home today from work (I was on the upper level) and I happened to overhear a woman below me (looked to be in her mid-late 20's) comment on a guy in a picture that her friend showed her say: "Men with receding hairlines look gay. I don't know what it is but it just doesn't look right. He should just get a transplant or something". Now I'm aware that most women would never saying something as ridiculous as that sounded but has anyone here ever heard similar comments? Hearing that just totally caught me off-guard and makes me wonder how many other women feel that way. I can't shave my head because I don't have a good head shape so I basically have to keep the receding hairline that I ha
ve, bad as it looks, so that I don't look like a freak.

no receding hairlines do not look gay,being a diffuse thinner and not a receder,i don't have this problem however i think with thick heads of hair like charlie sheen,jude law and matt dillion look great with receded hairlines,on very small occasions it looks better than a juvenile hairline

Bald Dave

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Was this girl fat or disfigured? Because only a women that feels uncomfortable with their own looks would say something as rediculous as that. :roll:


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bruce willis,telly savalas,billy zane,alan shearer,all these guys had or have receding hairlines,do they look gay,of course not,even though i hate balding it is defintley a masculine trait,the total opposite of gay

Bald Dave

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Pondle said:
baldguy28 said:
"Men with receding hairlines look gay

Since male pattern baldness eventually affects the majority of men, do most men look gay sooner or later? :? It has to be the stupidest comment on hair loss I've ever heard! :huh: Anyway, a lot of people associate longer styles with gayness.

I have to disagree with you on that Pondle. If you walk past any gay bar in Central London and look at the men you will notice that about 99% have got very short hairstyles!


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This is another useless thread. You should give a proper answer to her.


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Bald Dave said:
I have to disagree with you on that Pondle. If you walk past any gay bar in Central London and look at the men you will notice that about 99% have got very short hairstyles!

:lol: I have to defer to your superior knowledge on this one Dave, since I don't walk past many gay bars! 8)


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Pondle said:
Bald Dave said:
I have to disagree with you on that Pondle. If you walk past any gay bar in Central London and look at the men you will notice that about 99% have got very short hairstyles!

:lol: I have to defer to your superior knowledge on this one Dave, since I don't walk past many gay bars! 8)




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IBM said:
This is another useless thread. You should give a proper answer to her.

like what? Get up from your seat and start yelling at her? lmao you'd look like a gay receded insecure homo.


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By going bald apparently. :D


haunted-ballroom said:
How exactly does someone "look gay"?




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barcafan said:
IBM said:
This is another useless thread. You should give a proper answer to her.

like what? Get up from your seat and start yelling at her? lmao you'd look like a gay receded insecure homo.

lmao for you! I dont understand is why some users here are pissed off when someone thinks of bald men or alien men as homossexual. People can think whatever. I would laugh to her if she's married a receded tri men.


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Come on let's not be silly with gay stereotypes!

there's a few camp queens on this board im sure you'll find!

me for example! haha

we are as men as any of you! let me assure u!

come on people remember the love....straights are cool as are gays


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Buffalo Bill had receding hairline and he wasn't gay...... well..... hmmmm...


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that biatch was hating...that was it.


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Bald Dave said:
Pondle said:
baldguy28 said:
"Men with receding hairlines look gay

Since male pattern baldness eventually affects the majority of men, do most men look gay sooner or later? :? It has to be the stupidest comment on hair loss I've ever heard! :huh: Anyway, a lot of people associate longer styles with gayness.

I have to disagree with you on that Pondle. If you walk past any gay bar in Central London and look at the men you will notice that about 99% have got very short hairstyles!

He's completely right you know. Don't know about gay bars, but I have a flat mate who is gay and ALL the guys he has round have got short or cropped hair.

In fact I just typed "gay men" into google image search and they ALL seem to have short hair. I'm kind of regretting doing that now but never mind. Do it yourself and see what I mean. *snigger*

Obviously you can have long hair and have it in an effeminate style, but most of the time, if it's a bit messy and straggly then it will not look in the slightest bit gay. Anyway, long hair is very rock and roll and, hence, supremely ungay.

Gay long hair: L. Sledd/Hey b****s!.html

BUT, note the cheesy, simpering grin and the general air of campness. Though I reckon there's a fair number of guys that could pull off that hair-do and not look gay. Perhaps.

Not gay long hair:

Mr Carl Barat and his awesome hair....

dirty_pretty_things_sjarry2_1.jpg how could you call that 'gay', eh?