Men with receding hairlines look gay


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Wow, you know I'm gay, and I really don't have any other gay friends that have a receding or thinning hair line. Or if they do, they hide it really well with their short hair styles. In fact I'm the freak in my friends that is going through the hair loss thing. Just go to Yahoo or google, type in gay men (make sure you have your adult filter turned on or you're gonna see things most straight guys will cringe at) Maybe she should have said it looks straight, but in a negative kinda way. You know, instead of saying, 'that's so gay', she could say, 'that's so hetero'... Hmmm, it really doesn't have the same effect.


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Maybe she meant gay as in "I'm childish and stupid and have a limited vocabulary"?

Because that's the biggest non-sequitir I've heard.


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Thats the stupidest crap I ever heard about balding. She might as well just say hair loss is ugly instead of making stupid sh*t like that.