Hello Optimist, The first was by "Dr." William Magdalin on June 4 2003. It was a complete over the top butcher job. I lost all most , if not all of my nice hair (within a month or two)and had my scalp turned into a moonscape with beach grass. Since then I have had inner ear problems thermoregulation problems ( chills and sweats)Scalp pain , migraines (every day)and skin problem with rosatia, foliculitis, dermatitis and what has been termed as scaring alopecia. Neurologicaly I was first observed as having occipital neuralgia since then its changed to reflex sympathetic dystrophy.All due to a lying sub human son of a b**** said ( Dr. William Magdalin M.D. ?).
The second was by Dr. Ron Shapiro MN. who generously devoted his time and genuine concern to my situation. He is a real doctor. Although he did great things he is not a magician and thought he wanted to redo my hairline waiting was the best approach. Thus my plugline where my hairline was will have to remane. I must also add that his generousity transend his time, he paid for my travel , lodging and devoted his intrest in me for life. Once again my spelling sucks.