Michael Barry's word on cloning


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Mahair said:
So you be the next example.

Mahair, you might have better luck hitting on dudes on a dating site rather than a hairloss forum. But whatever works for u.


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Hey optomist= You have perdy lips. Either get into the chair or shut your piehole fool.
P.S. Why are you wasting your time here if you know it all.
You have stated that you are indeed a confident bald guy . Well maybe a little vasoline and some flexability and you can find a place to go. That is of course if your grocery bagger paycheck does'nt exceed your p**rn bill which it already ,evidently has' otherwise you would'nt be here. I've forgotten more than you will ever know.


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Mahair said:
Hey optomist= You have perdy lips. Either get into the chair or shut your piehole fool.
P.S. Why are you wasting your time here if you know it all.
You have stated that you are indeed a confident bald guy . Well maybe a little vasoline and some flexability and you can find a place to go. That is of course if your grocery bagger paycheck does'nt exceed your p**rn bill which it already ,evidently has' otherwise you would'nt be here. I've forgotten more than you will ever know.

You ignorance is almost as stunning as your obsequiousness. I never said I am a confident bald man or anything else about myself. I am a confident Norwood 2-2.5 though.

I recommend that you spend a couple months researching issues relating to hairloss, transplants, and hair cloning before you come on here and spew your anger at "the industry" and act as a cheerleader/advisor for issues you know little about.

michael barry

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Are you badly disfigured by your transplants? Is a corrective surgery out of the question for you as a possiblility? A correction isn't as good as a buzz cut, but its better than a wrecked existence.


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Sure was, had repair. Now I just deal with chronic pain issues and neuropathy. Went from a n/w2 to a n/w5 back to a pluggy n/w 2-4 . I wear a hat 24-7. Have tons of other issues related to the "procedure". I unfortunately can see through most of this crap because of this. I'll give you the cure and it does'nt lie in a doctors or better yet and more frequently a quacks hands.


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Mahair said:
Sure was, had repair. Now I just deal with chronic pain issues and neuropathy. Went from a n/w2 to a n/w5 back to a pluggy n/w 2-4 . I wear a hat 24-7. Have tons of other issues related to the "procedure". I unfortunately can see through most of this crap because of this. I'll give you the cure and it does'nt lie in a doctors or better yet and more frequently a quacks hands.

Yikes, I had no idea you were dealing with something that bad. Who did your surgery and repair? Did you have nerve damage? Have you considered a lawsuit?

Maybe you should consider a hairpiece until HM comes out.

I think the chronic pain comes through in a lot of your posts. I had chronic pain for a year due to a pinched nerve in my back and people told me I was totally different during that time and I went back to normal after having surgery. I hope things work out for you.


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Hello Optimist, The first was by "Dr." William Magdalin on June 4 2003. It was a complete over the top butcher job. I lost all most , if not all of my nice hair (within a month or two)and had my scalp turned into a moonscape with beach grass. Since then I have had inner ear problems thermoregulation problems ( chills and sweats)Scalp pain , migraines (every day)and skin problem with rosatia, foliculitis, dermatitis and what has been termed as scaring alopecia. Neurologicaly I was first observed as having occipital neuralgia since then its changed to reflex sympathetic dystrophy.All due to a lying sub human son of a b**ch said ( Dr. William Magdalin M.D. ?).
The second was by Dr. Ron Shapiro MN. who generously devoted his time and genuine concern to my situation. He is a real doctor. Although he did great things he is not a magician and thought he wanted to redo my hairline waiting was the best approach. Thus my plugline where my hairline was will have to remane. I must also add that his generousity transend his time, he paid for my travel , lodging and devoted his intrest in me for life. Once again my spelling sucks.


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Mahair said:
Hello Optimist, The first was by "Dr." William Magdalin on June 4 2003. It was a complete over the top butcher job. I lost all most , if not all of my nice hair (within a month or two)and had my scalp turned into a moonscape with beach grass. Since then I have had inner ear problems thermoregulation problems ( chills and sweats)Scalp pain , migraines (every day)and skin problem with rosatia, foliculitis, dermatitis and what has been termed as scaring alopecia. Neurologicaly I was first observed as having occipital neuralgia since then its changed to reflex sympathetic dystrophy.All due to a lying sub human son of a b**** said ( Dr. William Magdalin M.D. ?).
The second was by Dr. Ron Shapiro MN. who generously devoted his time and genuine concern to my situation. He is a real doctor. Although he did great things he is not a magician and thought he wanted to redo my hairline waiting was the best approach. Thus my plugline where my hairline was will have to remane. I must also add that his generousity transend his time, he paid for my travel , lodging and devoted his intrest in me for life. Once again my spelling sucks.

You should be able to get a lot of money in a personal injury lawsuit especially if you could get shapiro to testify. You should really think about this.

Hair transplant surgery needs to be regulated.


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I did, I was offered 120,000 to shut up off the record via my laywer. I said f- that. I lost my business and properties due to that muther(I had 10 times that). I will never shut up.
P.S. Thanks for your concern (genuine).But I kinda like smartasses so don't change ha ha .
P.S.S. Thats why I am and have been garnering regulation to protect the general public so there are ramifictions to unethical and dangerous doctors who prey upon people that beleive in them.Thats when this $hit will stop.until then they are insolated.
Also check out my website its a few years old and I am having trouble administering it as it was hacked. But I'll get to that.

michael barry

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damn man,

thats tough..........................

people like you are why I want a cure so badly. I konw there are guys out there under bad wigs who cant take the wigs off because they have really been hacked up. Ive seen some pics of rough stuff.

This is another reason I want cloning to work so badly. Nobody should go in for a cosemtic procedure and come out looking much worse than before. These things shouldn't happen in this day and age. Best of luck ....


good stuff MB. stories like mahair's really make me and other people wary of transplants, which is probably a good thing.


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Mahair, I take it that's your story in the "worst doctors" section of your link.

Thank you so much for being compassionate enough to still help others avoid the kind of pitfalls you fell into.
I really feel for you man. What he did to you sounds nothing short of criminal! He's the worst kind of parasitic bastard, preying on people who look to him as their last hope!!


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imagine the poor souls who had those scalp reduction procedures.... so many butcheries in the name of a couple thousand dollars from men at a very vulnerable stage. a good hair transplant can be the best thing that ever happened to an mpn victim. a bad one....

i kinda wish mahairs last few posts, and whatever thread it first started in could be made a sticky in the surgery/transplant forum of this forum. not to scare but simply to open peoples eyes about what can happen if they don't go to someone with a track record.

would be a perfect way to aim people toward the shapiros of this world rather than the "Dr." William Magdalins (the butcher of hairlines).

ps - mahair if you need help with your site pm me. cant help you with security but i can definately help you get a little more traffic to it.


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MB, thanks for the thread.