michael why is licorcie bad for hair????


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seems licorice is good acording to the old waseda type info can you elaborae
cheers a pm would be nice peace brov

michael barry

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This is from the 2007 North American Hair Research Society Abstract:

Epilatory Effect of Glycyrrhizic Acid
Zaper, Julijana;1 Kakadjanova, Aina;1 Pfeffer, Jeannette;1
Kippenberger, Stefan;1 Bereiter-Hahn, Juergen;2 Kaufmann,
Roland;1 Bernd, August;1
1. J.W. Goethe University, Dept. of Dermatology, Frankfurt/
M., Germany; 2. J.W. Goethe University, Dept. of Zoology,
Frankfurt/M., Germany
Hypertrichosis, hirsutism and giant hairy nevus are well
known examples of abnormal hair growth with some
risk of a significant negative impact on the psychosocial
development of affected people. So far, all known methods
for hair removal are more or less effective and show
partly considerable side effects like pain, skin irritation,
contact eczema, folliculitis, and hyper-pigmentation. In
co-operation with a study group of Turkmenistan we found
a new principle of painless and rapid hair removal based on
liquorice, a commonly used herbal extract of the traditional
Asian medicine. In the meantime we defined the liquorice
compound glycyrrhizic acid to be responsible for the
epilatory effect. We dissolved 15% glycyrrhizic acid in an
aqueous solution containing 10% urea and 20% ethanol
and treated wistar rats in the neck region twice a day.
After 3 days first indications for hair loss became visible.
After 6-12 days the treated skin was nearly free of hairs
without any sign of skin irritation. Even after a periodically
long term treatment over one year no abnormality of the
skin surface was visible, but a permanent reduction in
re-growing hair quantity by more than 50%.
Based on
these findings Glycyrrhizic acid is a candidate molecule
for the development of a powerful agent for painless and
permanent hair removal.

Short answer is this: I dont know, but the PERMANENT fifty percent reduction in rat neck hair would seem to indicate that licorice, despite being a particularily potent anti-androgen, also does something to hair (or body hair anyway) that lasts well after any anti-androgenic effect should have passed away upon stoppage of treatment-----seeminlgy indicitaive of being "bad" for hair period.

Id be delighted to be wrong about that though.............................................I have an ugly feeling based on some products that dont have the track records they should that menthol and peppermint might have some negative effect (all those dissapointed revita users). I'd like to be wrong baout h that too. We will see I suppose.


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But its bad for hair when applied topically. What about orally?


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Orally it tastes quite good, but it could make you fat if you eat to much of it..


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i think its say to use orally because it reduces great amount of serum testosterone. Topically however may have negative effect on follicle.

Either way its better not to use it. There's no proof it works. Better to stick to oral spironolactone.

michael barry

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Does this mean I should avoid liquorice allsorts?

no, it just means that the concentrated topical application of licorice might have some detrimental effects to hair long term that aren't well understood yet.

the anti-androgenic effect of licorice should have passed by after being off it for a year, but the animals hair still wasnt growing, indicitive of something else other than anti-androgenic activity might have been going on

if internal licorice (unless you practically inhale the stuff) caused hairloss, it would have been culturally known by this time...............probably the compounds that have the intense effect are changed in human digestion


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you mean peppermint is bad as well????

michael ive been a firm believr in using essential oils can you give a quick rundown of the ones that are good for hair ive been using peppermint lavender, cedarwood, why is peppermint bad- you said it was the best antiandrogen you used


michael barry

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michael ive been a firm believr in using essential oils can you give a quick rundown of the ones that are good for hair ive been using peppermint lavender, cedarwood, why is peppermint bad- you said it was the best antiandrogen you used

Im not certain that it is bad....................but I do wonder why it has taken so long for my wrist hair to "catch up" to the hair on my left wrist after using revivogen on it. Revivogen has menthol in it. I also wonder why so many Revita users, which has both menthol and methyl salicyate, has so many dissapointed users. Ive wondered if peppermint might do something "bad" for hair like licorice apparently does (in rats anyway).....................that anti-androgenic effect should have long passed, and the body hair should have rebounded by now. The chin whiskers are "rebounding" more quickly, but still kinda slow.

Are you having side effects with the lavender? Diarreah, any nausea? It would be great if it is shown to not be systemically absorbed in adults because its been shown to be an androgen receptor binding substance that also stimulates the estrogen receptor. Lavender, thyme (inhibits prostaglandin synthesis), and cedarwood (reduces sebum, and also brings alot of Nitric Oxide to surface area), and rosemary (potent anti-oxidant) all seemingly would be good for hair.................

Haircycle shampoo has arnica in it. Perhaps its not systemically absorbed. We know it blocks the receptor also.


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michael barry, what are the effects of excess of estrogen.

Ear what happened to me. I started to eat lots of onions. Specially at night when i take my dose of oral spironolactone. My left breast started to take form and now its very hard when i touch. And its very different from my right breast. But my hair is lot, but lot better when i my left breast gyno.

I drop the onions for some days and my left breast returned to almost normal state. So i started to eat again.

Its possible that my body is with excess of estrogen and my hair is improving (small hairs (its really hair not vellus) in my hairline are growing).

What do you think of it?

michael barry

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onions have msm and quercetin in them............................they are also anti-histamines (topically anyway) and anti-inflammatory. They are almost assuredly "hair-friendly" things to eat, and topically probably even more so-----but the smell is prohibitive.

too much estrogen would make you more feminine---you dont want that.

estrogen is generally thought to be good for head hair, not good for body hair.


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michael barry said:
onions have msm and quercetin in them............................they are also anti-histamines (topically anyway) and anti-inflammatory. They are almost assuredly "hair-friendly" things to eat, and topically probably even more so-----but the smell is prohibitive.

Raw or cooked/fried?