might sound outrageous


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I have come up with a new theory about my hair loss....

When I first started noticing that my hair was falling out, I did NOT know that it was typical to lose anywhere between 50 and 100 hairs a day. I initially started my treatment with 2-3 months of Procerin (horrible mistake) and noticed an INCREASE in my hairloss. When I stopped using it, my hair loss slowed down and may have even temporarily halted. Since I started Propecia 7-8 months ago, my hair has been constantly falling out and is even accelerating.

My theory is that I may not have male pattern baldness and may not have any kind of hair loss, but by taking Propecia, it is causing my hair to fall out by denying the correct hormones to get to my hair.

That was my theory a few months ago, but I went to a new hair barber today and asked about hair loss. I told her I was on Propecia (she had never heard of it!!!) and after talking about my diet, scalp, thyriod, she hypothesized that maybe I am getting an adverse side effect and actually losing hair because of the Propecia.

Does anyone have any insight on this matter? Like I said, in 8 months, Propecia has done absolutely sh*t for me and I'm really really really depresesed about it.


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you also said you have a bad case of seb derm in a couple other posts which may be the problem.

Does anyone have any insight on this matter? Like I said, in 8 months, Propecia has done absolutely sh*t for me and I'm really really really depresesed about it.

Could be that you're just not a responder to finasteride


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Right, but people have told me that the dermatitis won't cause my hair to fall out.


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marksb11 said:
Right, but people have told me that the dermatitis won't cause my hair to fall out.

because Seb dematitis doesnt actually cause hair to fall out by itself, but the rash and shedding combined with itching, scratching, and picking loosens the hair and it comes out! Your scalp is not in a healthy condition and as a result rubbing or scratching loosens the hair shaft in a unstable environment like you rashy scalp! Ever notice how people with good hair they can pull there hair really hard and it does nothing! When you seb dermatitis the hair fighting to sticvk in your skin over inflamation and skin turnover (dandruff). Basically a healthy environment makes for the best place for hair to grow!


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so your basically saying that dermatitis makes it harder for your hair to survive, hence it falls out more easily. So, technically if you clear up your dermatitis, you should be able to prevent more hair from falling out and possibly allow growth where it fell out?

The Gardener

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Well, Seb Derm is one possible diagnosis of what is going on with you, I can't see your scalp but the irritation you describe would fit the bill. But, in general and from personal experience, periods of scalp irritation that I have had have coincided with periods of significant hairloss.

My suggestion would be to do some experimentation and try to come to grips with your scalp irritation. Some scalp irritation is caused by non-hormonal factors that can have a synergistically negative impact on the rate of male pattern baldness. I suggest doing this by tinkering with your shampoo mix. I've done a lot of label-reading of some of the popular medicated shampoos, and here is a previous posting where I tried to give a synopsis of their effects:

The Gardener said:
Theraputic ('Normal') T-Gel contains .5% Coal Tar, the active ingredient. Coal Tar is an antifungal. Then there is T-Gel Intensive Anti-Flake which contains, I believe, 1% Coal Tar. Same strategy, more chemical. There is also another variety of T-Gel the specific name I forget but it is something to the effect of 'anti-itch'. It contains .5% Coal Tar, and also contains Menthol which is a mild topical anesthetic and feels good on the scalp. Then, there is T-Sal, which does not have Coal Tar, but has Salycilic Acid as its active ingredient. T-Sal also comes in normal and enhanced strength.

Coal Tar is an antifungal, which helps keep in check naturally occurring fungi on the scalp that can cause itching and flaking. This is IMPORTANT because the itching and flaking from the fungi act synergistically with the natural immune response occurring in male pattern baldness-affected follicles to accelerate the male pattern baldness process.

Salycilic Acid is an exfoliant, a 'fruit acid', that helps break down dead scalp tissue and makes it much more easier for the soap ingredient in the shampoo to wash away. Both are two methods of attack against the same basic problem. I would start with T-Gel Theraputic and see how it works, then you can meander to any of the other products depending on the results you get from it.

Nizoral contains Ketoanalconahole, which is also an antifungal that attacks the irritation cycle in the same fashion as Coal Tar. However, Ketoanalconahole has also been found to contain some anti-androgenetic properties that facilitate hair maintenance over and above the anti-fungal properties. In this fashion, one would think that Nizoral would be better, but I have heard it suggested that even a regular Nizoral user should rotate a little T-Gel in to keep those fungi buggers off balance and to not let them get accostumed to one form of barrage. T-Sal is NOT an antifungal, but as the antifungals do, it does help with flaking, and has the added benefit of, anecdotally speaking, improving the absorbtion of topicals by clearing the scalp of excess dead skin.

There you have it. I say find what works for you, pick and choose, mix and match, and concoct the ultimate chemical soup that keeps your scalp happy and singing!

Tackle your scalp irritation, focus on consistency of your regimen, and give it time and patience. All the best, Gard.


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Sub Derm

Hey I have sub derm and tried everything to get rid of it, and the only thing that works for me is this stuff I get at a health food store called
Herbal Glo

centrimonium chloride
cetyl alcohol
isopropyl myristate
zinc pyrithione
hydrolyzed wheat protein
aloe vera
octyl methoxycinnimate
jojoba oil
stinging nettle

I use it everyday to wash my whole head it it stops it 100%.

I tried TSAL and Nizoral but they didnt do anything to help my Subderm, nothing. This stuff is MAGIC, it even cleared up my Eczema from the subderm on my face.

I get mine at Alive heath food store, I am sure other places have it.

GET SOME! I buy 5 bottles at a time.




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It's obvious.


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you are losing your hair because of male pattern baldness.

this is precicely what I never understand

you guys want to come up with the wackiest ideas of why you're losing your hair and are in complete denial, but I don't recall hearing this one yet

you're asking if propecia is actually CAUSING your hairloss????

Does cough syrup CAUSE a cough?

Does Aspirin CAUSE a headache?

Does suntan lotion CAUSE a sunburn?

think about your question for a bit, then accept what is causing your hairloss

and it ain't Propecia


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Don't be such a dick Rawbiee. I'm only 18. How would you feel if you were almost bald at 18 and once used to be considered hot by girls? Give me a f*****g break a**h**.


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robbie...propecia,...although similar in idea to those that u listed, doesn't work exactly the same...and......isn't the SAME!. your argument isn't such a good one.

not me!

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marksb11 said:
Don't be such a dick Rawbiee. I'm only 18. How would you feel if you were almost bald at 18 and once used to be considered hot by girls? Give me a f*****g break a**h**.

Easy, killer. Take a breath he was kidding. Your best bet is to do some more research. I began balding at 17. It sucks. Most of us have been there and all of us are still clammoring for the "solution," hense why we are on the forums sharing with each other.

Step back, take a breath, and attack this thing objectivelly and with a clear mind. Time is on your side, believe it or not.


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I don't believe it is social_drinker. Althought I don't fit on the norwood scale because my hair loss isn't following that pattern, I've lost about 2/3 of my hair in about 10 months. I don't really think time is working out for me to well.


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I started @ 16 marksb, and I seemed to thin fairly dramatically over a 4-6 month period, but then it stabilized, so who knows, time could still be on your side. After 6 and a half months on finasteride, my shed's finally stabilizing, and I APPEAR to be regaining the density I seemed to have rapidly lost in the past. So keep your chin up and see where it takes you.


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Hairloss has turned us into a bunch of rambling crazies. :lol:

In any case, I sincerely doubt that Propecia could CAUSE you to lose your hair. If you learn a little bit about the chemistry of what Finasteride actually does in your body, it just doesn't make sense to me.

But, as always when it comes to hairloss-- who really knows?


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Dude I don't know why you have to call me a dickhead.

Sorry I wasn't gentle, kind and polite with you. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

There are a lot of questions like yours, many trying to rationalize why they are losing their hair. A lot of the reasons some guys come up with are outrageous, so I'm trying to diffuse any idiotic excuses that come up. I am by no means an expert, believe me, but I do know the basics and they aren't hard to grasp.

Propecia is there to re-grow or stop your hairloss. It doesn't CAUSE male pattern baldness.

It's kind of like a gas station is there to fill up your car with gas, not suck a full tank of gas OUT of your car.

If you're losing your hair, then you have male pattern baldness. It's this way in 99.99% of the cases.

At least with a solid understanding of what is happening, you can go forward with a plan to do your best to halt the process or reverse it.

If guys here convince themselves of rediculous reasons, like tap water, sleeping upside down, eating too much chocolate cake, etc., then they are wasting that precious time by not getting on proven and certified treatments.

In your case, if you believed that Propecia was causing your hairloss, you'd make the mistake of getting off the medication, therefore leaving yourself wide open for more balding.