might sound outrageous


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Let me remind you, I've been on Propecia for 8 months now. At this point, I have seen absolutely NO results. My hair loss has been more rapid consistantly since going on Propecia than it was prior to starting the medication.

Some people experience an adverse side effect to some drugs. The other day while I was getting my hair cut, I brought up hair loss with the hair stylsit. I told her I was on Propecia (she had never heard of it) but she presented the posibility of an adverse reaction. She was on medication for stomach pains, but instead of helping the stomach pains, the INTENSIFIED in her. So that's where I got my theory from.

99.9% of hair loss is NOT male pattern baldness. A large portion of it is androgenic aeorta (spelling), some is due to dermatitis, some is due to medications, the list goes on.

The mind is a very powerful tool. I used to be able to convince myself I was sick when I was younger and I would get sick. For example, back 10 years or so before going over to a friends house to sleep over, I would tell myself I felt nausious, and sure enough I would begin to feel sick and puke at his house. In reality, I was perfectly fine, I was just nervous about going. So, who's to say that I can't be inflicting the hair loss on myself unintentionally? Maybe the dermatitis is causing it also.


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Most hair loss in men is Androgenic Alopecia. And sadly, Androgenic Alopecia is male pattern baldness, or more accurately, Pattern Baldness. It overlaps into Female Pattern Baldness.

Anyway, if you feel Propecia is accelerating your loss, simply discontinue usage. There are other products that can be utilized.


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99% of hair loss cases is NOT male pattern baldness?

So, out of the one million balding men you have seen in your lifetime, 999,000 of them aren't suffering from male pattern baldness?

Are you sure that's what you meant?


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marksb11 said:
Let me remind you, I've been on Propecia for 8 months now. At this point, I have seen absolutely NO results.
It's still too early. You need to give it another 4 months minimum.

marksb11 said:
she presented the posibility of an adverse reaction.
As you stated, she'd never heard of it. You might as well have asked a 4 year old what he thought of Propecia. This is why there are studies. Years and years and literally thousands of people have been analyzed and billions of dollars spent and they did not determine that Propecia *causes* hair loss. Period.

marksb11 said:
99.9% of hair loss is NOT male pattern baldness. A large portion of it is androgenic aeorta
Androgeneic Alopecia is male pattern baldness. Same thing. Based on your posts I really would suggest taking some time to read the FAQ at the top of the list of forum topics here.



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I said androgenic areata. That is not the same thing as androgenic alopecia. That much i know.


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marksb11 said:
I said androgenic areata.
No, you said Androgenic Aeorta.

marksb11 said:
That is not the same thing as androgenic alopecia.
There is no such thing as Androgenic Aeorta, or Androgenic Areata. Its called Alopecia Areata. This is important stuff to know, Mark. Androgenetic means Andro (Hormones) Genetic (Genes). That's male pattern baldness. Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that shows up as patchy hair loss. Totally different than what you have.

You've got several of the basics totally confused right now, and that is going to affect how successful you are on your regimen.

marksb11 said:
That much i know.
Time to read the FAQ.


The Gardener

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marksb11 said:
99.9% of hair loss is NOT male pattern baldness. A large portion of it is androgenic aeorta (spelling)

No, I think you are referrring to Alopecia Areata, which is a very rare autoimmune condition. The only frequently heard enviromental causes of hairloss are very high levels of heavy metals in the blood, and very high concentrations of some specific vitamins, I believe vitamin D.

As for stress, there is a recent study I read saying that stress does indeed cause hairloss, but only as a byproduct of an acceleration of the ageing process which is also hormonally induced.

Periods of extreme stress, such as going through a very traumatic experience or extreme malnutrition can cause hairloss too.. but this is also a very rare occurrence. A week-long orgy of beer and pizza is not enough to make your hair fall out, I am talking starvation or being held captive in hostile conditions, that kind of stress.

Basically, the statistic you quoted is completely reversed. From research I have done, I would say that 99.9% of hairloss IS male pattern baldness related.


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If you stressed about your hair loss 24/7, could you technically accelerate the hair loss then? I constantly stress. I wake up stressing, go to classes stressing, do my work stressing, shower stressing, eat stressing, and go to sleep stressing.


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I pewrsonally believe that some people can have hormonal imbalnces caused by propecia because there just sentive to the hormonal change the drug causes..it also seems to happen in more often than not younger users guys under 25..let alone 18 which i believe you said u were.
Hair stylists dont know much about hairloss there not doctors or havent actually gone through the process of studying this in detail like most of us here have due to our cosemtic infliction..
I had a stylist tell me my wearing a hat is causing me loss..but thats not true even the program on hairloss on Dateline last week said this to be true about hats..
but regardles man..why not go and have a hormone test done your still young and insuranced id think so why not go and have your dht , test and estrogen levels checked out man..they could be elevated or lowered and that may be causing your shedding ..


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Jason....thanks, I'm glad there is someone out there who thinks my theory could be possible.

As for getting blood work, I had everything tested before going on propecia. Everything appeared to be fine. That was also 8 months ago though....a lot may have happened since.


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marksb11 said:
Jason....thanks, I'm glad there is someone out there who thinks my theory could be possible.
He wasn't agreeing with your theory. Your theory stated a hypersensitivity to Propecia that results in *HAIR LOSS*. He was only talking about side effects sensitivity caused by hormone changes. Very different. There is such a thing as hypersensitivity to Propecia and hormonal related side effects.

You losing your hair is not an adverse reaction to Propecia.



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Your loss

jimmystanley said:
anyone else think he is somehow linked to this product other than just for use???

Linked to Shampoo? Hahaha! I run an Internet Company and trade on the Forex, this forum is to help people and giving them all the info is help. Do you suspect all the people plugging all the typical crap of being associated with Pzizer etc? No. Anyways I could care less, and if you don't have sub derm, you probably dont either. And since it is $8 a bottle no one is getting rich of it. Anyways if you have subderm and you don't believe me, your punishment is losing hair and ezcema so I don't wish any more pain for you ;)

Good luck subderms!