I’ve had follicular pain as well and I’m a firm believer I have autoimmune hair loss. Funny enough the Clobetasol shampoo you’re on is actually one of the treatments for that type of alopecia. HOWEVER, I’ve read about tons of cases where topical treatments, especially Clobetasol has actually worsened their condition. If it truly was scarring alopecia, then bare in mind ppl get the most varied reactions from benefit to disaster when it comes to topical treatments. Maybe try a short break from that shampoo? Couldn’t hurt plus you might get some ease from the follicular pain for all we know.
There’s plenty of ways to go about a biopsy. Depends on the country really but the quickest (and priciest) will always be private clinics. Your advantage in confirming this potential condition would be access to a host of medication available to treat it, which are otherwise hard to get prescriptions for. All of this is assuming you even have autoimmune hair loss ofc. Still I’d check just for peace of mind.
Wasn’t aware ur so short into dutasteride tho.. I’ve heard of longer initial sheds from ppl on it but it’s rly hard to predict so I can’t tell u what to do there. On the other hand oralmin sheds are quite devastating at first so maybe that plays a role too. Again I can’t tell u what to do there cause I get how emotionally hard shedding is and I don’t want to worsen it for u via some lousy advice.