Minimal Masturbation To Slow Hair Loss


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Don't forget to abstain from sex too. Unless this arbitrary science explains how your scalp can tell the difference between the two.
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Seeing as how abstaining from masturbation has been shown to cause a testosterone peak at 7 days, and IIRC also upregulate androgen receptor density, all I can say is GOOD LUCK with this stupid theory, hahaha...


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Seeing as how abstaining from masturbation has been shown to cause a testosterone peak at 7 days, and IIRC also upregulate androgen receptor density, all I can say is GOOD LUCK with this stupid theory, hahaha...

Reminds me of the old myth in boxing where trainers would tell their fighters to stop having sex leading up to fights.


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Kids everywhere are balding these days. I'm in high school and some people here genuinely have NW2.5 and up. One kid has no hair on his head anymore, NW3 probably, went to a doctor, got told it was natural, no alopecia, no disease, nothing. He had a full head of hair beginning of freshmen year and it went slowly.

It's either something in our diets, or masturbation.
It’s definitely all the sugar they consume combined with the high availability of p**rn and a masturbation addiction.


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Don't forget to abstain from sex too. Unless this arbitrary science explains how your scalp can tell the difference between the two.
A friend of mine has started seeing a new girl, he’s been single a long time. He told me how much sex he’s been having and I have definitely noticed his hair being so much thinner. I could def see through his scalp a lot more than in the past.


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Yeah I am sure that that has nothing to do with the fact that male pattern baldness is a progressive condition.


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Google Sugar, inflammation DHT hair loss.


If I google 'pirates', and 'hair loss' I get similar results.

Show me a peer reviewed study with a big enough sample size that concludes that sugar consumption and/or p**rn abuse leads to an increase of male pattern baldness.


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Alright, I’ll have one made by next week after this little experiment

So i guess you finally realized how pathetic your theory and delusionnal experiments are since you didn't post anything about it.
See ? I hope we enlighted you, it really annoys me to read bullshit like the ones you wrote here.
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Tolkein fan

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I gave up fapping almost 2 years ago - havn't fapped since. The benefits are numerous.

However, it hasn't affected my hair, but I have always had thick hair anyway. Great for energy levels/building muscle mass in the gym though.

Tolkein fan

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Kids everywhere are balding these days. I'm in high school and some people here genuinely have NW2.5 and up. One kid has no hair on his head anymore, NW3 probably, went to a doctor, got told it was natural, no alopecia, no disease, nothing. He had a full head of hair beginning of freshmen year and it went slowly.

It's either something in our diets, or masturbation. When I masturbate I notice increased hair shedding. I have naturally fine hair to begin with combined with naturally high DHT levels (My dad's welsh hair genes with my mom's italian testosterone genes, I'm guessing) So I am very suspectible to DHT. Obviously I am a unique case but if someone is masturbating 3 times a day (which I know many people that do) then it would definitely, DEFINITELY have an impact on your hair. And once the follicles are choked they don't grow back, which explains why many kids are prematurely balding.

My hair is significantly thicker when I get off of masturbating. I notice a slight improvement day 1 of no masturbation actually, then by day 5 it's about as thick as it gets. I have yet to achieve anything longer than 10 days.

Orgasm does give an influx of testosterone, nearly doubling it for a few hours after. Prolactin levels counteract this, so the testosterone can't be used. When your body can't use that testosterone you can bet your *** it gets converted to DHT.

Great post - enjoyed reading this.

Tolkein fan

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For comedy reasons?

Yes it was an entertaining read, but also just an interesting perspective. I don't think quitting masturbation necessarily helps hair growth generally, but at the end of the day - it dosn't do any harm either.

The thing about testosterone, as most know, is it dosn't link directly to hair loss, it is DHT that is linked to hair loss. Yes, testosterone is converted to DHT in the locality of the hair follicle, but this is an an enzymatic process and is more likely to be linked to gene expression than the amount of testosterone in the circulation (unless testosterone is very low - i.e. at levels seen in women). My thoughts anyway.


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Yes it was an entertaining read, but also just an interesting perspective. I don't think quitting masturbation necessarily helps hair growth generally, but at the end of the day - it dosn't do any harm either.

The thing about testosterone, as most know, is it dosn't link directly to hair loss, it is DHT that is linked to hair loss. Yes, testosterone is converted to DHT in the locality of the hair follicle, but this is an an enzymatic process and is more likely to be linked to gene expression than the amount of testosterone in the circulation (unless testosterone is very low - i.e. at levels seen in women). My thoughts anyway.

Testosterone is also bad for hair (directly). Just not as bad as DHT.


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If masturbating cause increase hairloss(i’m not sure but mabe it’s true), does sex cause increase hairloss too?
What is the difference?


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I guess someone should try to do no-fap cycling, 2-3 weeks of no fap, bust a nut, then back on no fap.

As far getting laid, the whole point of us trying to keep our hair is that, so get laid every chance you get lol , if you get laid so much that it messes up with your hair your life ain't too bad