minoxidil - All grew back then fell out again in 6 months?!?!


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mr_sparkle said:

sorry to do this but it's really confusing me. It's not like I've stopped using it, and a LOT has fallen out so I can't just see it being a shed and I've no idea what could be the cause.... How can it be SO successful after three to all fall out three months later?

It seems to me that the answer is already contained in the thread... the fact that you keep asking leads me to think you just don't like what you're hearing. However, that doesn't change anything - you slacked off and so did your progress. You're going to have to religiously use it again like you did when you first started if you want to, hopefully, see the same results.


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Trust me, if that's the case then it's music to my ears because all I need to do is use it religiously again and my hair will look great again! :)

It's just I didn't slack off that bad. The minoxidil 1x a day thread shows that it catches up - and my hair is a lot thinner than it was when minoxidil was working at its peak which was around July/August.

Maybe it's winter - hair does shed a little at winter (I'm from England). I'm getting it cut again as it's very long so maybe a cut and then continued application will thicken it right up. Here's hoping.


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...interesting. I'm hoping that could be it but it's been a pretty harsh shed!

Maybe I've been applying th minoxidil wrong. God knows - but I'll cut it short and start from scratch as it seemed to work well when I had shorter hair - maybe it's easier to get to the scalp or something...


would it be normal to have a seasonal shed in mid-december in north east united states?