collegechemistrystudent said:
More than double the dose, and less than 50% more growth.
Indeed. I took a lot of flack on alt.baldspot a few years ago when I would post that there's not THAT much difference between 2% and 5% Rogaine even when applied at the same dose, and that you could make up the difference anyway simply by using a larger dose of the 2% (that was before the studies had come that actually tested the two concentrations head-to-head). It's amazing to me how deeply mired most people are in the minoxidil "Numbers Game". I remember people saying things in the early days like "2% minoxidil is completely worthless. Use 5%, or don't use any minoxidil at all".
collegechemistrystudent said:
30% of 500 hairs is 150 hairs. Isn't that more than what propecia grows?
Hee-hee! Yes, in the early days I made a career out of pointing out that Rogaine studies generally report higher haircount numbers than Propecia and even dutasteride studies.
collegechemistrystudent said:
Bryan, you said that minoxidil is absorbed best with 90% alcohol. Does PPG count as alcohol in that regard?
I was referring to a pair of
in vitro studies a few years ago that tested the penetration of minoxidil into mouse skin from vehicles that used various combinations of ethanol and propylene glycol. The vehicle that worked the best was the one that used 90% ethanol and 10% PPG. However, I should emphasize a couple of important points here:
1) They didn't test a whole bunch of different combinations, I believe it was just maybe four or five. If you'd like, I can dig up that study again and see which ones they tested. I know one was 100% ethanol, another (the best one) was 90/10 ethanol/PPG, another was 50/50 (IIRC), and another one was an even smaller percentage of ethanol.
2) Even though the 90/10 ethanol/PPG vehicle was the best at driving minoxidil into mouse skin in that
in vitro experiment, I still don't
necessarily believe that implies that such a vehicle would also be the best at growing hair on human scalps. There are other variables at work here which rather complicate the issue, IMHO, like just how similar are mouse skin and human skin? Maybe even more significantly, just how important is it in the first place that minoxidil be driven into the
skin, as opposed to direct absorption into the
hair follicle?