
Minoxidil (Rogaine / Regaine)


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Well, my alternative is to wait it out and see if my Estrogen levels rise back to normal now that I've stopped the pill. But, the risk is also that more hair will be lost over the next 3-6 months. If Rogaine works for me, then it would at least stop the hairloss from continuing and keep me in a holding pattern instead of going more bald.


So you know the ups and downs of NOT using minoxidil. What are the ups and downs of using minoxidil?


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Pro for using Rogaine: actual decrease in shedding and new hair growth, perhaps ending my Androgenetic Alopecia or Telogen Effluvium or whatever it is that I have. Cons for using Rogaine: accelerated hair loss without any chance for growth, and all the side-effects that I've seen people post (racing heart, headaches, etc.)

I guess I won't know if the cons apply to me until I actually try it, and if Rogaine offers me a potential opportunity, I should give it a shot. I'm just nervous about making a bad situation worse.

What's your story anyway BruceLee? Personal experience?


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That is the most unfortunate problem with hair-loss treatments. There is ABSOLUTELY no way to tell before hand if a product will work for you. 83% of males maintain or regrow hair on propecia, but you can't know for sure if you're not in that 17% who don't respond. It's one of those things that you just gotta try and see. Breaks my heart to hear about this happening to women. I'd gladly lose every hair on my head a thousand times in order to save one woman from losing her hair. It's just so much more difficult for you guys. If only people weren't so superficial, then it wouldn't be so much of a problem. Unfortunately, it only goes downhill from here. I wish you the best of luck if you choose to try Rogaine. Happy hunting.


totaldispHAIR said:
What's your story anyway BruceLee? Personal experience?

Minoxidil HAS worked for me and I have avoided the sheds. As I have indicated in other posts. I started on 2% and then moved to 5%. THis MAY have been the reason I did not shed but this is speculation.

I got much better results when I added propecia and nizoral but obviously the propecia is not relevent to your situation. Overall, my hair regrowth has been impressive.

Good luck.


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Thanks BruceLee and StingRay for your words of wisdom and support. It means more to me that you'll know.

Rozzy252, I'm sorry we went off the path a little from your original posting. Are you doing okay?


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okay, i just have a couple questions for those of you that might be a little more in the know than i am. hehe
first of all, i just started using rogaine 5% about a week ago. ive just made the decision to stop because ive been getting pretty bad chest pains and i think rogaine is probably the cause. :cry: my question is, if i switch down to the 2% will my chest pains maybe go away because it has so much less minoxidil? its kinda scary :freaked2: , i dont want to do any damage to my heart.

another question is, im only 21 and im worried about how this is going to effect me having children later in life. on the box it says dont use if you are pregnant or breast feeding, but will this affect my ability to have children at some point?

Rogaine is scary. :(


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Rapunzel said:
Rogaine is scary. :(

I once had I doctor that I trusted. He told me that aspirin would not be on the market if it had to get FDA approval today. :roll:

If you read the fine print, almost EVERY drug on the market will adversely affect someone. The drug companies have to cover their butts. Scary is relative. Back to the old pros/cons of a treatment or drug.

Have you given any thought to Revivogen, Tricomin , Folligen?


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Stingray said:
I'd gladly lose every hair on my head a thousand times in order to save one woman from losing her hair. It's just so much more difficult for you guys. If only people weren't so superficial, then it wouldn't be so much of a problem. Unfortunately, it only goes downhill from here.

Thanks for the thought, Stingray. :)


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Have you given any thought to Revivogen, Tricomin , Folligen?[/quote]

To be honest, i never even knew these were options until i found this site not too long ago. Up until now the 3 dermatologists ive seen have completely dismissed me and told me to go try rogaine 5% minoxidil. I know nothing about these 3 other things you mentioned, where can find out more about them? where can i get them? are they perscription?
Sometimes i just feel lost trying to figure out what to do all on my own.


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I didn't know about them, either, until I came to Hair Loss Talk. And this site is where I learned about them. goes out of its way to give good information you can trust. Go to: to start your research.
Some of the have their own sites to learn more, such as:

You can purchase these items at, or another source is

Don't forget to go the the Forums for others' experiences with these products: ... m.php?f=15

I hope you find a less-scary product. At the very least, you'll learn about more options. Of course, as many have said, whatever you do use, there is no guartantee how well it will regrow hair for you.
Good luck. :rockon:
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Hi all - I just wanted to find out if any woman trying the 2% minoxidil (Rogaine) experienced hair growth on their faces....this is one of my concerns with starting - I think everything else I can deal with but not that........please let me know about your results and how much regrowth did you it worth it? Or should I just try Foligen or Tricomin first?


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facial hair

Hi Too Young,
I've been using the Rogaine now for two months and at first I experienced an increased shed on my head. I have noticed a slight increase in my facial hair but just from the existing 10 hairs that I have under my jaw line from my polycystic ovaries. The biggest thing I have noticed is that my existing hair (under my jaw) and extremities have grown quite rapid. I have to shave my legs and armpits slightly more often than usual....Other than that , I can't say for sure if the Rogaine is helping my hairloss or not because I have been noticing that I'm starting to shed again. But it may be worth a try for you
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Lee said:
I have severe thinning at the crown, (as does my mother) and general thinning and severe shedding.

I went on Rogaine for Women as recommended by my dermatologist. It worked great! And in less than 2 months I actually had growth in the crown and virtually NO shedding. However, I had to stop because I started to experience severe chest pain (a side effect).

Now I'm stumped!!! I ordered the Revivogen Pak in hopes that will help.

Have any other women out there had a side effect from Rogaine and moved on to another product that has yielded results? If so, what is it???

Lee did you experience the chest pain right away or did it occur after you used it for a while??? Also - did you notice any other side effects - I just used 2% minoxidil today for the first time and it dripped down my forehead and didn't seem to absorb on my scalp - any pointers??? :roll:


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Minoxidil & unwanted body hair

Hi, all!

I'm a newbie to this site and forum and have a question about unwanted facial/body hair as side effects from using Minoxidil.

I'm 30, and first noticed my hair loss when I was 25. Back then, after consulting with my doctor (who was pretty dismissive), I tried Minoxidil 2% for Women. I had good results -- decreased shedding, hair regrowth! -- but also experienced some frustrating side effects: Lots of facial hair AND the hair on the rest of my body became darker and more coarse! :cry:

So, after Freaking Out and talking again with my doctor, I stopped taking the Minoxidil and gave into despair.

It's now five years later, and my hair has **REALLY** gotten thin. Not knowing what else to do, I reluctantly restarted the Minoxidil a few days ago, and also scheduled another appointment with my doctor, where I'm going to demand a referral for a dermatologist.

Has anyone else experienced these side effects? Do the other treatments also carry this risk? Until finding this site, I wasn't aware of any other products besides Minoxidil, so I'm wondering if I could try something else to avoid the facial/body hair problem.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated. I'm so depressed that I can't stand to look in a mirror. I feel so unattractive and unfeminine because of this, and getting facial/body hair when trying to fix things makes me feel even more unfeminine!


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Rogaine and shedding

OK, so this is what I want to know before deciding on Rogaine. First of all, if I haven't had the necessary tests yet, even though I have a FPB pattern, should I wait on the Rogaine until I have the tests in August? I have experienced dramatic thinning in the past 6 weeks. My hair was already compromised from abnormally heavy postpartum shedding anyways. My family can tell the difference and I have scalp showing now. I honestly can hardly pull myself through the day with this despair.

Also, I know that a side effect (even though 3 Drs. have told me it isn't so) is increased shedding. Will this happen even if I'm one of the 80% of women who DON'T see improvement with it? Because that's a big gamble. 100% chance of losing even more hair.... less than 20% chance of gaining any. Anyone else think these stats suck??
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Matrix 94: Just started the minoxidil a week ago and not sure if I'll experience the increased facial hair - I sure as hell hope not because I am European and spent the last three years removing all my body hair with lasers - I'll keep you posted.

Sad Mom: Can you please direct me to the place where you found those stats for the minoxidil treatment - if we're working with only 20% of woman having growth thats terrible!! I heard Tricomin is pretty good - but haven't tried it.....


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Rogaine stats

Sad Mom: Can you please direct me to the place where you found those stats for the minoxidil treatment - if we're working with only 20% of woman having growth thats terrible!! I heard Tricomin is pretty good - but haven't tried it.....

I got the stats on Rogaine right off the package. You can check the website too... I believe the package said that 19% saw some degree of growth, and out of those 7% saw moderate growth (which was the best category).

I would do anything to get my hair back.... but honestly I think of all the men and women who spend so much money on this product and have to do so for many months before deciding it doesn't work... when they tell you upfront that basically it doesn't work for most people!
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Re: Rogaine stats

SadMom said:
Sad Mom: Can you please direct me to the place where you found those stats for the minoxidil treatment - if we're working with only 20% of woman having growth thats terrible!! I heard Tricomin is pretty good - but haven't tried it.....

I would do anything to get my hair back.... but honestly I think of all the men and women who spend so much money on this product and have to do so for many months before deciding it doesn't work... when they tell you upfront that basically it doesn't work for most people!

Funny I read everything on the website and the package insert - but I guess chose not to register :lol: I guess I didn't want to beleive those stats so ignored them.....