Minoxidil (Rogaine / Regaine)


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Side effects of Rogaine

Hi everyone! I've been "lurking" on this board for about 2 weeks and your words and experiences have been very uplifting and informative.

I was just diagnosed with alopecia and am using 2% rogaine and clobetasol solution (steriod). I'm massaging my scalp twice daily and taking tons of vitamins. I've had the blood tests done and they all came back within normal range. The rogaine is giving me ugly headaches and making me dizzy. The Dr. only told me to discontinue rogaine and continue with the clobetasol. Is there anything else that I can use that will take the place of rogaine? THANKS for any assistance that you can provide.

Sally A

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Which Rogaine?

I have been using Rogaine for Women 2% for 4 months. My hair is 99% back now. It worked well. There usually are not too many side effects with that one. Maybe it is the steriod making you feel bad. I guess you can figure out which one is bothering you. Good luck.


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I think I figured this out! I was using the 2% Rogaine and 30 mins later applying the cortisone lotion and then immediately getting a massive headache. Last night, I only applied the Rogaine--NO HEADACHE! This am, I applied the cortisone--No HEADACHE! I guess I have to apply them hours apart. I go to see Dr. Lee on Sat (minoxidil.com) I am praying for a miracle! It's good to hear that you had positive results. I HAVE to believe somthing good will happen or else I would be both mindless AND hairless :lol:

THANKS for your reply and continued good luck!


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Is Rogaine dangerous while pregnant/what about breastfeeding

It says on the package to consult your doctor....
Does anyone know if:
1. Can Rogaine/minoxidil can harm a fetus
2. What would be the risks for using a small amount while breastfeeding.

See, I know as we all do that after labor hairloss will intensify for most women. Women like us don't need a large shed....I don't want something traumatic like that to induce me into a postpartum depression.

So, is it worth just bottle feeding over breast? Or does anyone know if a small amount of minoxidil on the scalp could harm a baby drinking breastmilk?

I appreciate your help,



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To Rogaine or not to Rogaine?

I say give it a shot.
This is one of the only products that have been proven by the FDA in scientific studies to show proven hairgrowth. Why waste your time on expensive snakeoil treatments that won't work. Just go for the thing that really does work. I know it's a risk, but it's a risk I'm willing to assume.


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first time Minoxidil user

Hi all! :)

I just started using Minoxidil tonight and I thought I'd look around for some tips. I'm 30 and have been experiencing hair loss for the last 3 years. In the last year it's gotten especially bad and of the 60% total I think I've lost overall, probably at least 35-40% has been in the last year. My sister, who is 3 yrs younger, has been experiencing the same thing in the same time frame. There is no baldness in any of the women in our family on either side.

I've seen 3 different dermatologists who have basically said the same thing-- "Your hormones levels are within normal range, try Rogaine." :roll: I had a scalp biopsy that came back normal.

I've been on Spironolactone for 5 months and have noticed no effect. I have continued to lose hair (but the shedding is not overly severe any more-- there's little left to go! :( ) and the few hairs that grow back are weak, thin, wispy and fall out. My sis tried Rogaine for about 2 months and had *severe* shedding and flaking. She quit out of frustration. I got scared just reading "may cause increased loss/may cause increased or thickened facial hair' -- GREAT! just what my flagging self-confidence needs! :cry:

I finally started Rogaine tonight b/c I figure my remaining options are limited. I can't afford replacement surgery (although at this point, I'm considering selling my car to get the money!). But I'm freaking out-- it's getting worse every day! More and more scalp showing-- if this were summer, my head would be burnt to a crisp! And I can't style my hair any more (I've never really done much to it at all-- not even blow drying --but now it won't even stay out of my face. There's so little hair at the hairline that strands from about 2 inches further back on my scalp fall in my face :paranoid: ).

ANYWAY, all that whining aside :) I do actually have a question: do any of you worry about the minoxidil running down your face if you sweat when you work out? My head/face tend to sweat a lot when I exercise. I'm just worried that it'll run down my face and make me grow a beard! :$ My sis didn't have this problem b/c her head never sweats-- EVER.

One other question: have any of you tried acupuncture? I know it sounds out there, but at this point, I'm desperate. :(

Thanks in advance for the advice! :) And I realize life could be a lot worse-- going bald is NOT good, but really in the grand scheme of things, not the end of the world. :)

Cheers! :hairy:


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Hi :) !

I am a 26 year old female of Pakistani descent who has been losing hair for the past 4 years. Now, I am starting to see more skin when I brush or look in the mirror, in the frontal area. I have been using Mane & Tail... I was using Nioxin but ran out recently... I have been debating about using Rogaine for Women because I have heard that you lose all the hair again once you stop using it... is this true? My daily regimen is not unique... I do use the M&T but mostly Pantene Full & Thick to give my hair a bit off bounce- that's it. Lately, I have started to lose alot more. Side Effects psychologically have been very staggering for me. I don't feel like going out anymore and I don't feel attractive. I have started to gain weight again. I am just not happy. What can I do to stop the hair loss and grow enough hair back to not see my scalp? Couple of years ago I had lost about 20lbs. and I believe the hair loss started about then. I have seen a doctor but she never gave me a blood test. She just prescribed a shampoo called Capex, some drops clobesterol (sp.?), and some vitamins. Never saw any results in the 6 months that I used those products. Please HELP! :cry:


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Re: Telogen Effluvium, BCP, rogaine

Hello. I'm new to the group. What does Androgenetic Alopecia mean?

Thank you.

mayalopecia said:
Hi Kerrydiane,

Unfortunately, you are in a difficult position. While it is possible that you may have Telogen Effluvium that will resolve itself, I am a little skeptical. I will tell you my story, and perhaps you can go from there. Here's my story:

In July of 2002, I began shedding significant amounts of hair everyday--200-300 a day. I went to the derm, who proclaimed it Telogen Effluvium and told me it would resolve itself and grow back in 6 months or so. Unsatisfied with this answer, I went to see my GP, who tested my thyroid--everything was fine.

Around September, the shedding stopped, returning to a "normal" 75-100 hairs/day. This was the level it stayed at for about 3 months. In December/January, I experienced another, shorter but equally intense shed.

The entire time I was shedding my hair away, I could see evidence of regrowth, so I figured my system was just readjusting for some reason.

By mid-February, I realized that my hair was not improving. Not only was I losing more hair again, but the texture of my existing hair was different--kinky and dry, or fine and wispy--to a much larger degree than ever before.

I called my doctor practically in hysterics. I had just gotten my hair cut, and the degree of my thinning had become even more apparent to me, since I have curly hair, and had it flat-ironed at the salon. She called an endo and ran all the appropriate tests. They came back demonstrating elevated androgens--testosterone and DHEA-(s) in particular. However, the endo seemed unconcerned, because it was all in the "range of normal". At this point I switched my birth control pill from Ortho tri-cyclen to Yasmin, because I'd heard it might help my hair.

I finally found a dermatologist knowledgeable in female hair loss in March. She looked at my scalp, took my history (lots of baldness in my family--both sides), and gave me the bad news: Androgenetic Alopecia. She prescribed spironolactone, florisene (for my low ferritin), minoxidil 5%, and omega-3 essential fatty acids.

For the most part, I've been faithful to this regimen for 9 months. I have half the hair I had when I began treatment. Overall, I'd say I've lost about 60% of my hair. I had a lot to begin with, but that's little consolation.

In retrospect, I wish I'd started the minoxidil in August, when the first derm I saw mentioned it off-handedly to me. Perhaps I would still be able to style my hair.

I truly hope that you do in fact have Telogen Effluvium and not Androgenetic Alopecia, but I think it might be better to take the approach of treating the hair loss with rogaine rather than waiting, in case things continue to worsen.

I hope this helps you make your decision.



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Rogaine resutls

Hi, I'm new to this forum and have never posted before. I read a lot about women start using Rogaine, but no one with any long term results. I wondered what ever happens to them.

Anyway, I want to share my story about using Rogaine. I'm 39 years old and have thin and still thinning hair. I started using Rogaine for women a couple years ago. The good news was I didn't not have the dredded shed and I did see results after a few weeks. My shed slowed noticeably and I saw new hair going. The bad news was the same time everthing was starting to look good my hands and feet started to swell, and my scalp was incredibly itchy. I had fits scratching my scalp and once I started was hard to stop. I know it sounds weird, but I read those were some of the side effect of using Rogaine. I had to stop using it after a couple of weeks the swelling and itching went away.

I'm now back to looking for another treatment.



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Weight loss and Hair loss

HI everyone, I am new to this site today,

I have just read the posting from Precious9491, and can report that I think my hair loss has worsened dramatically since losing 10 kg quite quickly 12 months ago, using a high protein, lower carb regime, to increas the metabolism. I believe this may have resulted in something called "metabolic shock". I also had used Rogaine for Women, but felt it was doing no good and stopped, now some eight months after stopping, I have greatly increased shedding over a much wider area. I have recently started using Nioxin, and do have some new growth. My doctor just advised me to investigate a wig! There is baldness in the family (my father) and the Dr says that it is genetic and that is that, my thyroid levels are normal. However I am not going to accept that without trying everything I can. I am 56 yo, post menopausal, am non insulin dependent diabetic, (diet controlled and well maintainted blood glucose levels) with hypertension and high cholestorel (taking medication for both). My weight is in normal range now, my general health is good, I do not know whether to start the Rogaine again, it is expensive here in Australia too, and the potential for side effects worries me, any advice would be greatly appreciated. It is so good to have found this site, I do not feel so alone!
Diane in South Australia


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Confused about what i should use - minoxdil for life is that a doctors prescription needed or shouldnt i see a consulatnat first? what about the trichologists with their herbal remedies like the hair or westminister practice are they any good should we not listen to them either? What are the benefits of minoxdil will my hair fall out more then slow down as i read on the male website that is what happened to them

All help really needed


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Success with minoxidil!

I'm happy to report that just within the last few days I've noticed my first new hairs since starting my regimine, and wanted to share what I've been doing in the hopes that it will encourage anyone else who shares this curse of Androgenetic Alopecia.

A quick background: I'm 28 years old and have had thin hair (on top) for as long as I can remember...........my grandmother is almost completely bald and my mother's hair continues to get thinner and thinner (she briefly tried Rogaine years ago, but gave up early and hasn't done anything since). For the last couple years it has seemed to get a bit thinner- basically the width of my part seemed to be increasing and eventually a couple people made comments, which made me realize I needed to start doing something before it gets out of hand.

So here's the formula that is starting to work for me: I started Rogaine 5% about 3 1/2 months ago (I started with twice a day, but recently went down to once a day because of the dandruff). Nizoral 1% shampoo twice a week. Supplements started 2 months ago (I don't know if these contributed, but it's possible!): a multi featuring lots of biotin, folic acid and calcium..........100 mg silica..... 25 mg iron.....2,000 mg MSM.

I never had any "shedding" or any other side effects from the Rogaine, other than some annoying dandruff. The regrowth is just starting, but I'm SO SO happy that this is working for me and I don't have to start saving up for a hair transplant! :D Hope this helps and encourages someone out there!


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Rogaine and other supplements

Hi Amos1

I am so glad you are having positive results from your regimen. I too have seen an improvement since using Rogaine (2%) twice a day, as well as using Nioxin cleanser, scalp therapy and follicle booster, as well as the Nioxin leave in treatment twice a week. I am also taking Silica in a liquid form and a B multivitam which also includs folic acid and biotin, I don't know what has done the trick, but something is working. My shedding has slowed down to normal, and there is definite new growth on top, where I was so thin my scalp was clearly visible. My doctor was no help at all, told me it was genetic and that I should investigate a wig. However I refused to give in and should also add that I have been seeing a psychologist to deal with my chronic stress issues and maybe my improved ability to relax has helped as well.

Good luck to you, especially at your young age, I hope things continue to improve.

Best regards
Diane56 :)


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Hi, I'm very new to this site and thought someone would know about a new treatment I've heard about. I just can't remember the name. the treatment is used once every 90 days. My hair is falling out by the handful. Perfectlly good looking undamaged hair. It started about 3 months ago after I increased my Rx for Metoprolol. I'm having surgery next month and my Dr. wanted me on it for 6 months. I also take another med for high b/p. ( my b/p is really low now). I guess I have 2 questions-- any info on this new drug. and when I stop the metoprolol will my hair stop falling out and grow back? When I told my Dr. my hair is falling out he too laughed ( my hair is to my waist ) He does'nt see
anything but length.


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Hi Kathilyn,

I don't know of the treatment you mention, but I would think your hair loss may be due to the prescription drugs, atenolol commonly used for treatment of High b/p is know to affect hair loss, as are drugs containing statins for reducing cholestorol. I was on an atenolol based b/p med for 20 + years, have now changed to a newer drug, but also now I am on a cholestorol lowering drug, so still have that problem.

Ask your Dr (or pharmacist) if the b/p med could be doing it, and looking positive, if your b/p is now on the low side, hopefully after your surgery you may be able to reduce or change the medication. I think my loss started slowly over the years, and has now sped up significantly due to post menopause hormonal changes, as well as chronic stress.

Rogaine appears to be helping me, but you may be better to wait and see if your situation changes after surgery before starting anything else, you probably don't need to be worrying about hair loss as well as that!

Good luck and stay positive! :)


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Re: Is Rogaine dangerous while pregnant/what about breastfee

Hi Sara,

Just curious if you ever got a response to your question below? I'm in the same boat.

I appreciate it!


sarahjwallace said:
It says on the package to consult your doctor....
Does anyone know if:
1. Can Rogaine/minoxidil can harm a fetus
2. What would be the risks for using a small amount while breastfeeding.

See, I know as we all do that after labor hairloss will intensify for most women. Women like us don't need a large shed....I don't want something traumatic like that to induce me into a postpartum depression.

So, is it worth just bottle feeding over breast? Or does anyone know if a small amount of minoxidil on the scalp could harm a baby drinking breastmilk?

I appreciate your help,



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Itchy Scalp!!! sa;lkfjasl;kfjl;skdf

Hello hello. I'm new to this forum, great thing though. I'm 18 years old and have been using Rogaine [5%] since I was 15. It was not great growing up as a girl with thin hair in high school, but I followed the doctor's orders and it seems Im doing just fine now. One littttllleee problem though. Itchy SCALP! Gah, it drives me insane. I never really had a problem with it before [only a few times and it lasted only about a day or two], but lately it's been a constant nuisance. I noticed that Rogaine gave me a considerable amount of dandruff at first, so I start using that Garnier Fructise shampoo esp. for dandruff [i used Head and Shoulders but it didn't really work, and this seems to be working like a freakin charm], but the itchiness is driving me insane. Anyone else have this problem? Id really like help with this :(, I'm leaving for college in a month and I'd like to have this gone by then... first impressions are important. Thank you and God bless.


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Rogaine and Pregnancy

I have been using Rogaine for quite a while and have experienced considerable success with it. I recently got married and we are considering having kids soon. My biggest concern is the hairloss that I will experience as a result of my break from Rogaine during pregnancy. Does anyone have any experience with this?


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Hello to all,
I have read a couple of posts on this topic and I don't think anyone asked this question yet? If so my apologizes but, I want to start using rogaine again. I have used it before when I was younger. The laser hair therapy I was using. You know the one that says you use no drugs and no chemicals just sit under this thing that looks like a beauty salon hairdryer for 30 minutes a day twice a week for a year. (yes! I bought it!) Well a 3000.00 dollar lesson well learned! (actually 1200.00 I got some of my money back) Anyways they put me on rogaine when it got close to the end of the year and there was still no results and they knew they would have to give me half my money back if nothing happened, they put me on rogaine 2% ...go figure. (using 2% I seen no results)

So to get to the point I went to buy rogaine and it has one for men and one for woman. I read some woman are using 5% I want to try this strength since I saw no results with 2%. But, why does it stress for men only? What could happen if I used the 5% (other than hair growth I hope) is there a good reason why they made two different prescriptions? How long before I would know if this is working and last but not least what would I do if my scalp would start to itch and flake like some people spoke on this site?

Thanks to all who respond. I really appreciate the fact that there are people out there willing to share their experiences so that they can help others along the way!